21st Congress,
2d Session.
[Doc. No. 46]
Ho. of Reps.


from the

Transmitting a report of the operations of the Mint of the United States during the year 1830.

January 13, 1831.

Read, and laid upon the table.

Washington, January 12, 1831.

To the House of Representatives:

I transmit to Congress a report from the Director of the Mint, exhibiting the operations of that institution during the year 1830.


Mint of the United States,
Philadelphia, 1st January, 1831.

Sir: I have the honor to submit a report on the general transactions of the mint within the last year.

The coinage effected within that period amounts to $3,155,620, comprising $643,105 in gold coins, $2,495,400 in silver, $17,115 in copper, and consisting of 8,357,191 pieces of coin, viz:

Half Eagles, 126,251 pieces, making $631,755
Quarter Eagles, 4,540 do. do. 11,350
Half Dollars, 4,764,800 do. do. 2,382,400
Dismes, 510,000 do. do. 51,000
Half Dismes, 1,240,000 do. do. 62,000
Cents, 1,711,500 do. do. 17,115

8,357,191 $3,155,620

Of the amount of gold coined within the last year, about $125,000 were received from Mexico, South America, and the West Indies; $19,000 from Africa, $466,000 from the gold region of the United States, and about $33,000 from sources not ascertained.

Of the gold of the United States above mentioned, $24,000 may be stated to have been received from Virginia, $204,000 from North Carolina, $26,000 from South Caroline, and $212,000 from Georgia.

In the last annual report, the progressive development of the gold region of the United States was illustrated by referring to the increase of the annual receipts from North Carolina, which, previously to 1824, had been inconsiderable, but, from that year to 1829, inclusive, had advanced from $5,000 to $128,000; and, also, to the then novel occurrence of gold having been received at the mint from Virginia nad South Carolina, about $2,500 having been received from the former, and $3,500 from the latter, The past year exhibits, in relation to those States, a conspicuous increase in the production of gold, and presents, also, the remarkable fact of $212,000 in gold received from Georgia, from which State no specimen thereof had been presented at the mint in any previous year.

The coinage above exhibited exceeds the amount of any former year. The demand remains, nevertheless, unabated; and the mass of bullion now in the vaults of the mint is large beyond any previous example.

These facts confirm the expediency of the provisions for extending the mint establishment, and indicate that the measure has not been premature. In relation to the structure erecting under those provisions, I have the satisfaction to state, taht, although its progress has been, during a part of the past season, unexpectedly impeded, the preparations making for a vigorous prosecution of the work at the earliest practicable moment authorize the hope that the commencement of the operations of coinage in the new edifice will be deferred but for a short period beyond the time contemplated when the foundation of the building was laid, namely the fourth of July of the present year. Nor is a less confident hope entertained that the character of the structure, as a public edifies, and its efficiency for the purposes of its destination, will be found to accord with the wishes of the Government, as indicated by the appropriations granted for the object.

I have the honor to be, With great respect, Your most obedient servant,


The President of the United States.