21st Congress,
1st Session.
[Doc. No. 112.]
Ho. of Reps.
Treas. Dep.



Transmitting statements showing


During the Year 1829.

May 26, 1830.
Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.

Treasury Department, 26th, May 1830.

Sir: I have the honor to transmit three statements, marked A, B, C, which have been prepared by the Comptroller, pursuant to the 7th section of an act of Congress, passed on the 2d of April, 1792, entitled “An act establishing a Mint and regulating the coins of the United States.” These statements contain all the information relative to the transactions of the Mint, that the settlements made at the Treasury afford.

I have the honor to be, with high respect, your obedient servant,


The Hon. the Speaker,
of the House of Reps of the U. States.


Statement exhibiting the Balance of the Gold and Silver Bullion remaining in the hands of the Officers of the Mint on the 31st December, 1828; the amount deposited from 1st January to 31st December, 1829; the different species of Coins made and paid on account of Deposites, allowances for Wastage, and the balance remaining in the hands of the Officers of the Mint on the 31st December, 1829, to be accounted for on a future settlement, viz:

GOLD. Oz. Dwts.Grs. Dolls. Cts. Ms.
Balance of gold bullion remaining in the hands of the officers of the Mint on the 31st December, 1828 132 8 21 2,348 00 5
Gold bullion deposited from 1st Jan. to 31st Dec. 1829 17,409 8 21 309,500 22 5
Amount paid for deposites of gold from 1st January to 31st December, 1829     

Total, 17,541 17 14 311,848 23 0

Amount paid for deposites of gold from 1st January to 31st December, 1829 309,465 90 5
Deduct as follows:
Gold coins in the Bank of the United States, and in the hands of the Treasurer of the Mint, on the 31st December, 1828 6,538 26 0
Also, a balance due to the Bank of the United States, on account of payments for deposites in the year 1829 7,172 64 5

13,710 90 5

295,755 00 0

Gold coins made at the Mint from 1st January to 31st December, 1829, 3,400 quarter and 57,451 half eagles 16,636 4 9 295,755 00 0
Allowances to the melter and refiner and chief coiner, for wastage, for same period 31 14 12 564 00 0
Gold bullion in the hands of the officers of the Mint, on the 31st December, 1829 873 18 21 15,529 23 5

As above, 17,541 17 14 311,848 23 0

Balance of silver bullion remaining in the hands of the officers of the Mint, on the 31st December, 1828 165,597 6 4 191,073 47 0
Silver bullion deposited from 1st January to 31st December, 1829 1,924,886 4 0 2,221,021 82 5

Total 2,090,483 10 4 2,412,095 29 5

Amount paid for deposites of silver from 1st January to 31st December, 1829 1,989,887 79 5
Amount deposited in the Bank of the United States, on the 31st December, 1829 65,688 00 5

2,055,575 80 0
Deduct as follows:
Amount deposited in the Bank of the United States, on the 31st December, 1828 61,075 80 0

1,994,500 00 0

Silver coins made at the Mint from 1st January to 31st Dec. 1829, 1,230,000 half dimes, 770,000 dimes, and 3,712,000 half dollars 1,728,566 13 8 1,994,500 00 0
Allowances made to melter and refiner and chief coiner, for wastage, for same period 4,855 2 2 8,608 50 0
Silver bullion in the hands of the officers of the Mint, on the 31st December, 1829 357,058 14 18 411,989 79 5

2,090,483 10 4 2,412,095 29 5

Comptroller’s Office, 24th May, 1830.


The Mint of the United States, in account Copper purchased, from the commencement of the institution to 31st December, 1829.

Dr. Cr.

To amount of rough copper and copper

Troy Weight. Cost of Copper.
  lbs.  oz. dwt. Dolls.  cts.
To amount of rough copper and copper planchets purchased, from the commencement of the Institution to the 31st December, 1828, per statement marked B, accompanying the Comptroller’s letter of 28th February, 1829,  1,815,291 11 14 474,972 13
To cost of 91 casks of copper planchets, purchased from W. Harold & Son, and M. R. Boulton, received per the ships Arab and Algonquin, and charged in the second quarter of 1829, weighing 34,254¾ lbs. avoirdupois, 41,629 00 8 9,486 78
To overplussage in the weight of copper delivered to the Chf. Coiner, and charged to him in first and fourth quarters of 1829, 375 6 12
To amount paid M. R. Boulton, for interest due to him, on the 25th Dec. 1828, on account of copper purchased, charged the second quarter of 1829, 193 22
To loss in exchange on three bills amounting to £1,887 16s. 5½d. sterling, remitted to W. Harold & Son, and M. R. Boulton, in payment for copper purchased, charged in the first and second quarters of 1829, which cost over the par value thereof, 1,198 74

Amount and cost of copper, 1,857,296 6 14 485,850 87
Amount gained on coinage, to 31st December, 1829, 162,611 49

1,857,296 6 14 648,462 36

By amount of rough copper and copper  Troy Weight. Value of copper, at the rate of 7 dwts. to a cent.
lbs.  oz. dwt. Dolls.  cts.
By amount of rough copper and copper planchets accounted for, from the commencement of the Institution to the 31st December 1828, per statement marked B, accompanying the Comptroller’s letter of 26th February, 1829, 1,774,266 6 4 616,537 11
By amount of cents deposited by the Treasurer of the Mint, to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States, in the year 1829, 33,687 6 0 11,550 00
By amount of the par value of 91 casks copper planchets, received in the second quarter of 1829, over the cost thereof, 4,786 03
By amount of spoiled and damaged planchets, received from the Chief Coiner, in the first and fourth quarters of 1829, 3,636 3 6
By amount allowed the Chief Coiner for loss in the weight of copper, in consequence of planchets being too heavy, in the fourth quarter of 1829, 237   8 10
By amount of rough copper, and copper Value of copper,

Amount accounted for 1,811,828 0 0 632,873 14
Balances on the 31st December, 1829, in hands of the Treasurer of the Mint, coined, 26,581 11 7 9,113 81
Balances on the 31st December, 1829, in hands of Chief Coiner, uncoined, 18,886 7 7 6,475 41

1,857,296 6 14 648,462 36

Comptroller’s Office, 24th May, 1830.


Summary statement exhibiting the value of the Coins made at the Mint; the amount of disbursements on account of the Establishment; the amount allowed for wastage; the amount retained of deposites, and the amount gained on the coinage of copper, from the commencement of the Institution to the 31st December 1829, viz.

Dolls. Cts. Mls. Dolls. Cts. Mls.
Value of gold, silver, and copper coinage, up to 31st December, 1828 32,268,449 52 0
Gold coins made from 1st January to 31st December, 1829, per account A 295,755 00 0
Silver coins made from 1st January to 31st December, 1829, per account A 1,994,500 00 0
Copper coins made from 1st January to 31st December, 1829, per account B 11,550 00 0

2,301,805 00 0

Total value of gold, silver, and copper 34,570,254 52 0

Nett charge on the coinage of gold, silver, and copper, to the 31st December, 1828 522,845 43 5
Add amount gained on the coinage of copper to the same period 155,630 84 0

678,476 27 5
       From which deduct—
Amount wastage on gold and silver, to 31st December 1828 103,782 18
Also, amount wastage from 1st January to 31st December, 1829 6,169 50
Also, amount wastage from 1st January to 31st December, 1829    
109,951 68 0

568,524 59 5
Add amount disbursed on account of the Establishment, from 1st January to 31st December, 1829 30,363 98 0
Add, also, the amount wastage on gold and silver, to 31st December, 1829 109,951 68 0
       From the above, deduct—
The amount retained from deposites to 31st December, 1828 22,751 43
Also, this sum from 1st January to 31st December, 1829 6,721 65

29,473 08 0

80,478 60 0

679,367 17 5
Deduct amount gained on the coinage of copper, from the commencement of the Institution to 31st December, 1829 162,611 49 0

Nett amount chargeable to the coinage of gold, silver, and copper, from the commencement of the Institution, to 31st December, 1829, including the costs of lots, buildings, and machinery 516,755 68 5

Comptroller’s Office, 24th May, 1820.

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