30th Congress,
2d Session.
[House of Representatives]
Ex. Doc.
No. 41.


from the

The annual report of the director of the mint at Philadelphia.

January 22, 1849.

Laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed.

To the House of Representatives of the United States:

I transmit herewith the annual report of the director of the mint at Philadelphia, showing the operation of the mint and branch mints for the year 1848.


Washington, January 22, 1849.

Mint of the United States,
Philadelphia, January 16, 1849.

Sir: I have the honor of presenting the following report of the operations of the mint and its branches, during the past year.

The coinage of the principal mint in 1848 amounted to $3,265,138, comprising $2,780,930 in gold, $420,050 in silver, and $64,158 in copper coins, and composed of 8,691,444 pieces. The deposites for coinage amounted to $2,584,460 in gold, and $466,732 in silver.

At the New Orleans branch mint, the coinage amounted to $1,978,500; comprising $358,500 in gold, and $1,620,000 in silver coins, and composed of 3,815,850 pieces. The deposites for coinage amounted to $183,360 in gold, and $1,659,774 in silver.

The branch mint at Charlotte received during the year deposites of gold to the value of $370,779, and its coinage amounted to $364,330, composed of 64,472 half eagles, and 16,788 quarter eagles.

The branch mint at Dahlonega received during the year deposites of gold to the value of $274,473, and its coinage amounted to $271,752½, composed of 47,465 half eagles, and 13,771 quarter eagles.

The deposites at the four mints during the year amounted in all to $5,539,598; of which $3,413,092 was in gold, and $2,126,506 in silver. The whole coinage amounted to $5,879,720½, composed of $3,775,512½ in gold, $2,040,050 in silver, and $64,158 in copper coins.

Other statements relative to the operations of the year, and former years, are presented in the subjoined tables. In that which gives the amounts of deposites of gold from mines in the United States, two new columns are opened, with deposites received from New Mexico and California, since their annexation. The deposites received are as yet small, but there is every reason to believe that the gold to be obtained from these sources will be of great amount.

I have the honor to be, with great respect, your faithful servant,

Director of U.S. Mint.

To the President of the United States.


Statement of deposites and coinage at the mint of the United States and branches in the year 1848.

U.S. coins, old standard. Foreign coins. United States bullion. Foreign bullion. Total. Foreign coins. Foreign bullion. U. States bullion. Total. Gold and silver.
Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars.
Charlotte, N.C. 370,799 370,799 370,799
Dahlonega, Geo. 274,473 274,473 274,473
New Orleans. 1,843 151,444 12,589 17,484 183,360 1,460,052 199,722 1,659,774 1,843,134
Philadelphia. 28,004 2,182,540 241,544 132,372 2,584,460 329,531 131,010 6,191 466,732 3,051,192
Dahlonega, Geo. 

29,847 2,333,984 899,405 149,856 3,413,092 1,789,583 330,732 6,191 2,126,506 5,539,598

Eagles. Half eagles. Quarter eagles. Value. Dollars. Half dollars. Quarter dollars. Dimes. Half dimes. Value. Cents. Value. Number. Value.
Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Dollars. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Dollars. Pieces. Dols. cts. Pieces. Dolls. cts.
Charlotte, N.C. 64,472 16,788 364,330 00 81,260 364,330 00
Dahlonega, Geo. 47,465 13,771 271,752 50 61,236 271,752 50
New Orleans. 35,850 358,500 00 3,180,000 600,000 1,620,000 3,815,850 1,978,500 00
Philadelphia. 145,484 260,775 8,886 2,780,930 00 15,000 580,000 146,000 451,500 668,000 420,050 6,415,799 64,157 99 8,691,444 3,265,137 99
Dahlonega, Geo. 

181,334  372,712  39,445  3,775,512 50  15,000  3,760,000  146,000  451,500  1,268,000  2,040,050  6,415,799  64,157 99  12,649,790  5,879,720 49


Statement of the annual amounts of deposites of gold for coinage at the mint of the United States and its branches from mines in the United States.

Periods. Deposited at the United States mint.
Virginia. North
Georgia. Tennessee. Alabama. New Mexico. California. Various
Total at the U. States mint.
1824 $5,000 $5,000
1825 17,000 17,000
1826 20,000 20,000
1827 21,000 21,000
1828 46,000 46,000
1829 $2,500 134,000 $3,500 140,000
1830 24,000 204,000 26,000 $212,000 466,000
1831 26,000 294,000 22,000 176,000 $1,000 $1,000 520,000
1832 34,000 458,000 45,000 140,000 1,000 678,000
1833 104,000 475,000 66,000 216,000 7,000 868,000
1834 62,000 380,000 38,000 415,000 3,000 898,000
1835 60,400 263,500 42,400 319,900 100 12,200 698,500
1836 62,000 148,100 55,200 201,400 300 467,000
1837 52,100 116,900 29,400 83,600 282,000
1838 55,000 66,000 13,000 36,000 1,500 200 171,700
1839 57,600 53,500 6,300 20,300 300 $500 138,500
1840 38,995 36,804 5,319 91,113 104 4,431 176,766
1841 25,736 76,431 3,440 139,796 1,212 1,863 248,478
1842 42,163 61,629 223 150,276 5,579 13,717 273,587
1843 48,148 62,873 5,099 56,619 2,788 4,786 415 180,728
1844 40,595 194,917 11,856 30,739 2,240 12,298 2,377 295,022
1845 86,783 365,886 5,386 17,325 3,202 6,472 4,328 489,382
1846 55,538 286,105 100,641 13,601 2,642 7,542 466,069
1847 67,736 99,491 1,102 10,547 2,511 2,022 183,409
1848 57,886 109,034 19,228 3,370 3,497 3,670 $682 $44,177 241,544

1,003,180 3,995,170 498,094 2,333,586 32,396 49,163 682 44,177 34,237 7,991,685

Periods. Deposited at the branch mints. Mint and branches.
Branch mint at Charlotte, N. Carolina. Branch mint at Dahlonega, Georgia. Branch mint at New Orleans. Total at the branch mints. Total deposites of U. States gold.
1824 $5,000
1825 17,000
1826 20,000
1827 21,000
1828 46,000
1829 140,000
1830 466,000
1831 520,000
1832 678,000
1833 868,000
1834 898,000
1835 698,500
1836 467,000
1837 282,000
1838 $127,000 $135,700 $700 $263,400 435,100
1839 126,836 113,035 6,869 246,740 385,240
1840 124,726 121,858 2,835 249,419 426,185
1841 129,847 161,974 1,818 293,639 542,117
1842 174,508 323,372 5,630 503,510 777,097
1843 272,064 570,080 22,573 864,717 1,045,445
1844 167,348 479,794 25,036 672,178 967,200
1845 498,632 20,313 518,945 1,008,327
1846 196,381 455,149 21,758 673,288 1,139,357
1847 344,054 352,366 9,256 705,676 889,085
1848 370,799 274,473 12,589 657,861 899,405

2,033,563 3,486,433 129,377 5,649,373 13,641,058


Coinage of the mint of the United States in the several years from its establishment, in 1792, and including the coinage of the branch mints from the commencement of their operations, in 1838.

Value. Value. Value. No. of pieces. Value.
$71,485 00 $370,683 80 $11,373 00 1,834,420 $453,541 80
1796 102,727 50 79,077 50 10,324 40 1,219,370 192,129 40
1797 103,422 50 12,591 45 9,510 34 1,095,165 125,524 29
1798 205,610 00 330,291 00 9,797 00 1,368,241 545,698 00
1799 213,285 00 423,515 00 9,106 68 1,365,681 645,906 68
1800 317,760 00 224,296 00 29,279 40 3,337,972 571,335 40
1801 422,570 00 74,758 00 13,628 37 1,571,390 510,956 37
1802 423,310 00 58,343 00 34,422 83 3,615,869 516,075 83
1803 258,377 50 87,118 00 25,203 03 2,780,830 370,698 53
1804 258,642 50 100,340 50 12,844 94 2,046,839 371,827 94
1805 170,367 50 149,388 50 13,483 48 2,260,361 333,239 48
1806 324,505 00 471,319 00 5,260 00 1,815,409 801,084 00
1807 437,495 00 597,448 75 9,652 21 2,731,345 1,044,595 96
1808 284,665 00 684,300 00 13,090 00 2,935,888 982,055 00
1809 169,375 00 707,376 00 8,001 53 2,861,834 884,752 53
1810 501,435 00 638,773 50 15,660 00 3,056,418 1,155,868 50
1811 497,905 00 608,340 00 2,495 95 1,649,570 1,108,740 95
1812 290,435 00 814,029 50 10,755 00 2,761,646 1,115,219 50
1813 477,140 00 620,951 50 4,180 00 1,755,331 1,102,271 50
1814 77,270 00 561,687 50 3,578 30 1,833,859 642,535 80
1815 3,175 00 17,308 00 69,867 20,483 00
1816 28,575 75 28,209 82 2,888,135 56,785 57
1817 607,783 50 39,484 00 5,163,967 647,267 50
1818 242,940 00 1,070,454 50 31,670 00 5,537,084 1,345,064 50
1819 258,615 00 1,140,000 00 26,710 00 5,074,723 1,425,325 00
1820 1,319,030 00 501,680 70 44,075 50 6,492,509 1,864,786 20
1821 189,325 00 825,762 45 3,890 00 3,139,249 1,018,977 45
1822 88,980 00 805,806 50 20,723 39 3,813,788 915,509 89
1823 72,425 00 895,550 00 2,166,485 967,975 00
1824 93,200 00 1,752,477 00 12,620 00 4,786,894 1,858,297 00
1825 156,385 00 1,564,583 00 14,926 00 5,178,760 1,735,894 00
1826 92,245 00 2,002,090 00 16,344 25 5,774,434 2,110,679 25
1827 131,565 00 2,869,200 00 23,577 32 9,097,845 3,024,342 32
1828 140,145 00 1,575,600 00 25,636 24 6,196,853 1,741,381 24
1829 295,717 50 1,994,578 00 16,580 00 7,674,501 2,306,875 50
1830 643,105 00 2,495,400 00 17,115 00 8,357,191 3,155,620 00
1831 714,270 00 3,175,600 00 33,603 60 11,792,284 3,923,473 60
1832 798,435 00 2,579,000 00 23,620 00 9,128,387 3,401,055 00
1833 978,550 00 2,759,000 00 28,160 00 10,307,790 3,765,710 00
1834 3,954,270 00 3,415,002 00 19,151 00 11,637,643 7,388,423 00
1835 2,186,175 00 3,443,003 00 39,489 00 15,996,342 5,668,667 00
1836 4,135,700 00 3,606,100 00 23,100 00 13,719,333 7,764,900 00
1837 1,148,305 00 2,096,010 00 55,583 00 13,010,721 3,299,898 00
1838 1,809,595 00 2,333,243 00 63,702 00 15,780,311 4,206,540 00
1839 1,355,885 00 2,189,296 00 31,286 61 11,811,594 3,576,467 61
1840 1,675,302 50 1,726,703 00 24,627 00 10,558,240 3,426,632 50
1841 1,091,597 50 1,132,750 00 15,973 67 8,811,968 2,240,321 17
1842 1,834,170 00 2,332,750 00 23,833 90 11,743,153 4,190,753 90
1843 8,108,797 50 3,834,750 00 24,283 20 14,640,582 11,967,830 70
1844 5,428,230 00 2,235,550 00 23,987 52 9,051,834 7,687,767 52
1845 3,756,447 50 1,873,200 00 38,948 04 11,806,196 5,668,595 54
1846 4,034,177 50 2,558,580 00 41,208 00 10,133,515 6,633,965 50
1847 20,221,385 00 2,374,450 00 61,836 69 15,392,344 22,657,671 69
1848 3,775,512 50 2,040,050 00 64,157 99 12,649,790 5,879,720 49

76,341,440 00 73,466,514 90 1,209,759 20 343,281,750 151,017,714 10