27th Congress,
3d Session.
Doc. No. 208.
Ho. of Reps.


from the

A report of the director, showing the operations of that institution for the year 1842.

March 3, 1843.

Read, and laid upon the table.

To the House of Representatives of the United States:

I transmit, herewith, to the House of Representatives, a report received from the director of the mint, showing the operations of that institution for the year 1842.


Washington, March 1, 1843.

Mint of the United States,
Philadelphia, January 19, 1843.

Sir: I have the honor to lay before you the following report of the operations of the mint and its branches during the past year.

The coinage at the principal mint in 1842 amounted to $2,426,351 40, comprising $960,017 50 in gold, $1,442,500 in silver, and $23,833 90 in copper coins, and composed of 7,483,180 pieces. — (Statement A.)

The deposites of gold within the year amounted to $977,911, and those of silver to $1,567,420. Of the gold, $273,587 was derived from the mines of the United States, and of the silver, $6,455. The principal supply of the silver was, as heretofore, in Mexican dollars; there was, however, a new source presented in the introduction, from Canada, of $208,826 worth of worn French crowns and half crowns, brought for recoinage. — (Statement B.)

At the New Orleans branch mint the coinage in 1842 amounted to $1,295,750, comprising $405,500 in gold and $890,250 in silver coins, and composed of 4,159,600 pieces. The deposites for coinage amounted to $588,274 in gold, and $932,665 in silver. — (Statements C and D.)

The branch mint at Charlotte received during the year deposites of gold to the value of $174,508, and its coinage amounted to $159,005, composed of 27,480 half eagles and 8,642 quarter eagles. — (Statements C and D.)

The branch mint at Dahlonega received deposites of gold to the value of $323,372, and its coinage amounted to $309,647 50, composed of 59,608 half eagles and 4,643 quarter eagles. — (Statements C and D.)

It will be observed that the operations of the last year greatly exceeded those of the year preceding it, not only at the principal mint, but at all the branches. The amount of deposites, at the whole mint establishment, in 1841, was $2,166,723, and that of coinage $2,240,321, while the amount of deposites in 1842 was $4,564,150 and that of coinage $4,190,754. — (Statements E and F.)

The operations at the Philadelphia and New Orleans mint were much increased towards the close of the year, in consequence of the course of trade leading to the introduction of specie from Europe.

The production of gold from the United States mines during the last year, as indicated by the deposites for coinage at the mints, has been very considerable, these deposites having amounted to $777,097. The increase is particularly remarkable in Georgia, which has furnished $473,648 of gold bullion to the mints at Philadelphia and Dahlonega. — (Statement G.)

I have the honor to be, sir, with great respect, your faithful servant,

Director of the Mint.

To the President of the United States.


Statement of the coinage at the Mint of the United States, Philadelphia, in the year 1842.

Denominations. Pieces. Whole number of pieces. Value. Whole value.

   Eagles 81,507 $815,070 00
Half eagles 27,578 137,890 00
Quarter eagles 2,823 7,057 50

$960,017 50
Dollars 184,618 184,618 00
Half dollars 2,012,764 1,006,382 00
Quarter dollars   88,000 22,000 00
Dimes 1,887,500 188,750 00
Half dimes 815,000 40,750 00

1,442,500 00
Cents 2,383,390 23,833 90

Total 7,483,180 2,426,351 40


Statement of the deposites for coinage at the mint of the United States, Philadelphia, in the year 1842.

Gold— Dollars. Dollars.
   From mines in the United States 273,587
Coins of the United States, (old standard) 27,124
Foreign coins 497,575
Foreign bullion 158,780
Jewelry 20,845
Coins of the United States, (old standard)  
   Bullion from North Carolina 6,455
Foreign bullion 153,527
Mexican dollars 1,085,374
Dollars of South America 26,372
European coins 272,282
Plate 23,410


Total 2,545,331


Statement of the coinage at the branch mints in the year 1842.

Mints. Gold. Silver. Total.
Eagles. Half eagles. Quarter eagles. Total of gold. Half dollars. Quarter dollars. Dimes. Half dimes. Total of silver. Whole coinage.
Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value.
Pieces. Dollars. Pieces. Dollars. Pieces. Dollars.
Charlotte, North Carolina 27,480 8,642 36,122 159,005 36,122 159,005
Dahlonega, Georgia 59,608 4,643 64,251 309,648 64,251 309,648
New Orleans, Louisiana 27,400 16,400 19,800 63,600 405,500 957,000 769,000 2,020,000 350,000 4,096,000 890,250 4,159,600 1,295,750
New Orleans, Louisiana  

27,400 103,488 33,085 163,973 874,153 957,000 769,000 2,020,000 350,000 4,096,000 890,250 4,259,973 1,764,403

Statement of the deposites for coinage at the branch mints in the year 1842.

Mints. Gold. Silver. Total gold and silver.
U.S. coins, old standard. U.S. bullion. Foreign coins. Foreign bullion. Total gold. U.S. bullion. Foreign bullion. Foreign coins. Total silver.
Charlotte, North Carolina $174,508 $174,508 $174,508
Dahlonega, Georgia 323,372 323,372 323,372
New Orleans, Louisiana $2,246 3,384 $572,811 $9,833 588,274 $30,350 $902,315 $932,665 1,520,939
New Orleans, Louisiana  

2,246 501,264 572,811 9,833 1,086,154 30,350 902,315 932,665 2,018,819


Statement of the annual amounts of deposites of gold, for coinage, at the mint of the United States and its branches, from mines in the United States.

Years. Deposited at the United States mint. Total at the U.S. mint. Deposited at the branch mints. Total at the Br. mint. Mint and branches.
Virginia. North
Georgia. Tennessee. Alabama. Various
Br. mint at Charlotte, N.C. Br. mint at Dahlonega, Geo. Br. mint at New Orleans. Total deposites of U.S. gold.
Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars.
1824 5,000 5,000 5,000
1825 17,000 17,000 17,000
1826 20,000 20,000 20,000
1827 21,000 21,000 21,000
1828 46,000 46,000 46,000
1829 2,500 134,000 3,500 140,000 140,000
1830 24,000 204,000 26,000 212,000 466,000 466,000
1831 26,000 294,000 22,000 176,000 1,000 1,000 520,000 520,000
1832 34,000 458,000 45,000 140,000 1,000 678,000 678,000
1833 104,000 475,000 66,000 216,000 7,000 868,000 868,000
1834 62,000 380,000 38,000 415,000 3,000 898,000 898,000
1835 60,400 263,500 42,400 319,900 100 12,200 698,500 698,500
1836 62,000 148,100 55,200 201,400 300 467,000 467,000
1837 52,100 116,900 29,400 83,600 282,000 282,000
1838 55,000 66,000 13,000 36,000 1,500 200 171,700 127,000 135,700 700 263,400 435,100
1839 57,600 53,500 6,300 20,300 300 500 138,500 126,836 113,035 6,869 246,740 385,240
1840 38,995 36,804 5,319 91,113 104 4,431 176,766 124,726 121,858 2,835 249,419 426,185
1841 25,736 76,431 3,440 139,796 1,212 1,863 248,478 129,847 161,974 1,818 293,639 542,117
1842 42,163 61,629 223 150,276 5,579 13,717 273,587 174,508 323,372 5,630 503,510 777,097

646,494 2,876,864 355,782 2,201,385 15,516 12,373 27,117 6,135,531 682,917 855,939 17,852 1,556,708 7,692,239


Recapitulation of deposites and coinage at the mint of the United States and its branches, in the year 1842.

Mints. Deposites.
Gold. Silver. Total.
United States gold. Foreign gold. Total of gold. United States silver. Foreign silver. Total of silver. Gold and silver.
Philadelphia $300,711 $677,200 $977,911 $6,455 $1,560,965 $1,567,420 $2,545,331
Charlotte, North Carolina 174,508 174,508 174,508
Dahlonega, Georgia 323,372 323,372 323,372
New Orleans, Louisiana 5,630 582,644 588,274 932,665 932,665 1,520,939
Charlotte, North Carolina  

804,221 1,259,844 2,064,065 6,455 2,493,630 2,500,085 4,564,939


Mints. Coinage.
Gold. Silver. Copper. Total.
No. of pieces. Value. Number of pieces. Value. Number of pieces. Value. Whole No. of pieces. Whole Value.
Philadelphia 111,908 $960,017 50 4,987,882 $1,442,500 2,383,390 $23,833 90 7,483,180 $2,426,351 40
Charlotte, North Carolina 36,122 159,005 00 36,122 159,005 00
Dahlonega, Georgia 64,251 309,648 00 64,251 309,648 00
New Orleans, Louisiana 63,600 405,500 00 4,096,000 890,250 4,159,600 1,295,750 00
Charlotte, North Carolina  

275,881 1,834,170 50 9,083,882 2,332,750 2,383,390 23,833 90 11,743,153 4,190,754 40


Statement of the amounts coined annually at the branch mints, from the commencement of operations until December 31, 1842.

Mints & periods. Gold. Silver. Total.
Eagles. Half eagles. Quarter eagles. Total of gold. Half dollars. Quarter dollars. Dimes. Half dimes. Total of silver. Whole coinage.
Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value.
Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Dollars. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Pieces. Dollars. Pieces. Dollars.
Charlotte, N.C.:
1838 12,886 7,894 20,780 84,165 20,780 84,165
1839 23,467 18,173 41,640 162,767 41,640 162,767
1840 18,994 12,834 31,828 127,055 31,828 127,055
1841 21,467 10,281 31,748 133,038 31,748 133,038
1842 27,480 8,642 36,122 159,005 36,122 159,005
Charlotte, N.C.:   

104,294 57,824 162,118 666,030 162,118 666,030

Dahlonega, Ga.:
1838 20,583 20,583 102,915 20,583 102,915
1839 18,939 13,674 32,613 128,880 32,613 128,880
1840 22,896 3,532 26,428 123,310 26,428 123,310
1841 30,495 4,164 34,659 162,885 34,659 162,885
1842 59,608 4,643 64,251 309,648 64,251 309,648

152,521 26,013 178,534 827,638 178,534 827,638

New Orleans:
1838 402,430 402,430 40,243 402,430 40,243
1839 9,396 9,396 23,490 116,000 1,291,600 1,060,000 2,467,600 240,160 2,476,996 263,650
1840 30,400 26,200 56,600 217,500 855,100 425,200 1,175,000 935,000 3,390,300 698,100 3,446,900 915,600
1841 2,500 8,350 7,380 18,230 85,200 401,000 452,000 2,007,500 815,000 3,675,500 555,000 3,693,730 640,200
1842 27,400 16,400 19,800 63,600 405,500 957,000 769,000 2,020,000 350,000 4,096,000 890,250 4,159,600 1,295,750

29,900 55,150 62,776 147,826 731,690 2,329,100 1,646,200 6,896,530 3,160,000 14,031,830 2,423,753 14,179,656 3,155,443

29,900 311,965 146,613 488,478 2,225,358 2,329,100 1,646,200 6,896,530 3,160,000 14,031,830 2,423,753 14,520,308 4,649,110