25th Congress,
2d Session.
[Doc. No. 110]
Ho. of Reps.

Mint of the United States

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from the
President of the United States,

Transmitting a Report of the Director of the Mint, showing the Operations of that institution during the year 1837.

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January 17, 1838.

Read, and laid upon the table.

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To the House of Representatives:

I herewith transmit a report from the Director of the Mint, showing the operations of that institution during the year 1837; and also, the progress made towards the completion of the branch mints, in North Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana.


January 16, 1838.

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Mint of the United States,      
Philadelphia, January 13, 1838.

Sir: In compliance with the law which requires that, "in the month of January of every year, the Director shall make report to the President of the United States of the operations of the Mint and its branches for the year preceding," I have the honor to submit the following statement:

The coinage executed in 1837 has amounted to $3,299,898; comprising $1,148,305 in gold, $2,096,010 in silver, and $55,583 in copper and composed of 13,010,721 pieces of coin. (Statement A.)

The deposites of gold within the year amounted to $1,145,000; of which only $282,000 was derived from the mines of the United States. (Statements B and C.)

The necessities of the circulation having required a large amount of small coins, the proportion of such coins struck in 1837 greatly exceeds that of any former year; the number of pieces of less value than the half dollar being more than nine millions. (Tabular statement D.)

The laws authorizing deposites with the Mint of public funds, "for the purchase of bullion for coinage," and "for enabling the Mint to make the returns to depositors with as little delay as possibble," have proved of great benefit in our own operations, and, during the late derangements in the currency, of great importance to the public interests. At the close of the year there was within our vaults, on these accounts, the amount of $789,218 73 in gold and silver; and there had been withdrawn, on Treasury drafts, coins to the amount of $476,449 08.

The increased efficiency of the Mint, and the possession of the Government deposites, have enabled us, during the past year, for the first time, to avoid the delays to which we were formerly forced to subject depositors of bullion, and to make returns to them in coins as soon as the value of their deposites could be ascertained. I have, therefore, on this occasion, the satisfaction to report that not a single dollar of deposites made before the close of the year remains unpaid.

The machinery of the New Orleans branch mint was executed, and the steam-engine set in action, in May last; and there would have been no difficulty in putting the mint in full operation, but for the apprehensions from the climate. Two of the officers and all the workmen were from the Middle States, and unacclimated; and I was advised by the resident officers that they would incur great risk in going to New Orleans in the warm season. The ouccurrence of a fatal epidemic, soon after, proved that these apprehensions were too well founded; and the officers and men from this place were thereby prevented from reaching New Orleans before the beginning of December. They are now, however, all at their stations, and making every exertion to commence the operations of the mint at an early day.

The machinery for the branch mint at Charlotte, North Carolina, was shipped to Charleston in April; and, in the following month, competent workmen were sent forward to put it in operation. Great delay and difficulty occurred, however, in transporting the heavy machinery to Charlotte, so that the steam-engine was not set in action until the middle of August.

The machinery for the branch mint at Dahlonega, in Georgia, was sent to Savannah in May, and difficulty and delay also occurred in its transportation thence by land. After the workmen employed at Charlotte had finished their task, they proceeded to Dahlonega, to erect the machinery there; and they completed this work early in November.

To put up the furnaces and refineries of these mints, masons were sent from Philadelphia; and, in order that this important part of the work might be properly executed, as well as for the purpose of giving advice and aid in other essential points, one of the officers of this Mint was requested to go to Charlotte and Dahlonega; and I have reason to believe that his visit was of great importance.

The mint building at New Orleans is completed, so far as is necessary for the mint operations; only one of the wings, intended for the residence of the officers, being unfinished. The mint at Dahlonega is nearly completed, except as to the enclosure and out-buildings. The mint at Charlotte is entirely finished, and has commenced operations, so far as to be receiving deposites and assaying. The certificates of this branch are, for the present, paid here; so that it may, in this way, retain gold to furnish a fund, for the purpose of enabling it hereafter to make prompt payments on the spot, for the bullion that may be furnished for coinage.

In consequence of the location of the new mints in places where there are no manufactories and few mechanical resources, it has been necessary to send from here every article of machinery and apparatus, many even of the ordinary materials, and all the workmen required for erecting the machinery, furnaces, refineries, and other fixtures. If, therefore, there has been much delay in getting these mints in operation, it is but just to observe that the task presented peculiar difficulties. The delay, moreover, has been accompanied by one important advantage: since it has given full opportunity to the officers and the principal hands to perfect themselves in their respective departments, by actual practice in this Mint; so that, when they begin their operations at the branches, the public may have confidence in their ability to discharge them with skill and accuray.

I have the honor to be, sir, with great respect, your faithful servant,

Director of the Mint.

To the President of the United States.


Statement of the coinage at the Mint of the United States, Philadelphia, in the year 1837.

Denominations. Pieces. Pieces. Value. Value.
Half eagles 207,121 $1,035,605
Quarter eagles 45,080 112,700
252,201 $1,148,305
Half dollars 3,629,820 $1,814,910
Quarter dollars 252,400 63,100
Dimes 1,042,000 104,200
Half dimes 2,276,000 113,800
7,200,220 2,096,010
Cents 5,558,300 55,583
Whole number of pieces 13,010,721 Whole value 3,299,898


Statement of deposites of Gold for coinage at the Mint of the United States, Philadelphia, 1837.

The deposites of gold for coinage amount to $1,145,000
Of which was received from the United States, viz:
Virginia $52,100
North Carolina 116,900
South Carolina 29,400
Georgia 83,600
Coins of the United States of the old standard, $21,800
Coins and bullion from Europe, 633,500
Coins and bullion from Mexico and S.America, 174,400
Bullion from Africa, $22,100
Jewelry, $11,200


Statement of the annual amounts of deposites of Gold, for coinage, at the Mint of the United States, Philadelphia, from the mines of the United States.

Virginia. North
Georgia. Tennessee. Alabama. Not
1824 $  5,000 $  5,000
1825 17,000 17,000
1826 20,000 20,000
1827 21,000 21,000
1828 46,000 46,000
1829 $  2,500 134,000 $  3,500 140,000
1830 24,000 204,000 26,000 $ 212,000 466,000
1831 26,000 294,000 22,000 176,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 520,000
1832 34,000 458,000 45,000 140,000 1,000 678,000
1833 104,000 475,000 66,000 216,000 7,000 868,000
1834 62,000 380,000 38,000 415,000 3,000 898,000
1835 60,400 263,500 42,400 319,900 100 $12,200 698,500
1836 62,000 148,100 55,200 201,400 300 467,000
1837 52,100 116,900 29,400 83,600 282,000
  427,000   2,582,500   327,500   1,763,900   12,400   1,000   12,200   5,126,500


Tabular statement of the amount of coinage at the Mint of the United States, in the several denominations of coin, since the commencement of its operations until the 31st of December, 1837, inclusive.

Periods. Eagles. Half Eagles. Quarter Eagles. Dollars. Half Dollars. Quarter Dollars. Dimes. Half Dimes. Cents. Half Cents. Pieces of Gold. Value of Gold. Pieces of Silver. Value of Silver. Pieces of Copper. Value of Copper. Whole coinage in pieces. Whole coinage in value.
2,795 8,707 204,791 323,144 86,416 1,066,033 142,534 11,502 $71,485 00 614,351 $370,683 80 1,208,567 $11,373 00 1,834,420 $453,541 80
1796 6,934 6,196 963 72,920 3,918 5,894 22,135 10,230 974,700 115,480 14,093 102,727 50 115,097 79,077 50 1,090,180 10,324 40 1,219,370 192,129 40
1797 8,323 3,609 859 7,776 252 25,261 44,527 897,510 107,048 12,791 103,422 50 77,816 12,591 45 1,004,558 9,510 34 1,095,165 125,524 29
1798 7,974 24,867 614 327,536 27,550 979,700 33,455 205,610 00 355,086 330,291 00 979,700 9,797 00 1,368,241 545,698 00
1799 17,483 7,451 480 423,515 904,585 12,167 25,414 213 285 00 423,515 423,515 00 916,752 9,106 68 1,365,681 645,906 68
1800 25,965 11,622 220,920 21,760 24,000 2,822,175 211,530 37,587 317,760 00 266,680 224,296 00 3,033,705 29,279 40 3,337,972 571,335 40
1801 29,254 26,006 54,454 30,289 34,640 33,910 1,362,837 55,260 422,570 00 153,293 74,758 00 1,362,837 13,628 37 1,571,390 510,956 37
1802 15,090 53,176 2,612 41,650 29,890 10,975 13,010 3,435,100 14,366 70,878 423,310 00 95,525 58,343 00 3,449,466 34,422 83 3,615,869 516,075 83
1803 8,979 33,506 423 66,064 31,715 33,040 37,850 2,471,353 97,900 42,908 258,377 50 168,669 87,118 00 2,569,253 25,203 03 2,780,830 370,698 53
1804 9,795 30,475 3,327 19,570 156,519 6,738 8,265 756,838 1,055,312 43,597 258,642 50 191,092 100,340 50 1,812,150 12,844 94 2,046,839 371,827 94
1805 33,183 1,781 321 211,722 121,394 120,780 15,600 941,116 814,464 34,964 170,367 50 469,817 149,388 50 1,755,580 13,483 48 2,260,361 333,239 48
1806 64,093 1,616 839,576 206,124 348,000 356,000 65,709 324,505 1,045,700 471,319 00 704,000 5,260 00 1,815,409 801,084 00
1807 84,093 6,812 1,051,576 220,643 165,000 727,221 476,000 90,905 437,495 1,437,219 597,448 75 1,203,221 9,652 21 2,731,345 1,044,595 96
1808 55,578 2,710 1,368,600 1,109,000 400,000 58,288 284,665 00 1,368,600 684,300 00 1,509,000 13,090 00 2,935,888 982,055 00
1809 33,875 1,405,810 44,710 222,867 1,154,572 33,875 169,375 00 1,450,520 707,376 00 1,377,439 8,001 53 2,861,834 884,752 53
1810 100,287 1,276,276 6,355 2,458,500 215,000 100,287 501,435 00 1,282,631 638,773 50 1,673,500 15,660 00 3,056,418 1,155,868 50
1811 99,581 1,203,644 65,180 218,025 63,140 99,581 497,905 00 1,268,824 608,340 00 281,165 2,495 95 1,649,570 1,108,740 95
1812 58,087 1,628,059 1,075,500 58,087 290,435 00 1,628,059 814,029 50 1,075,500 10,755 00 2,761,646 1,115,219 50
1813 95,428 1,241,903 418,000 95,428 477,140 00 1,241,903 620,951 50 418,000 4,180 00 1,755,331 1,102,271 50
1814 15,454 1,039,075 421,500 357,830 15,454 77,270 00 1,460,575 561,687 50 357,830 3,578 30 1,833,859 642,535 80
1815 635 69,232 635 3,175 00 69,232 17,308 00 69,867 20,483 00
1816 47,150 20,003 2,820,982 67,153 28,575 75 2,820,982 28,209 82 2,888,135 56,785 57
1817 1,215,567 3,948,400 1,215,567 607,783 50 3,948,400 39,484 00 5,163,967 647,267 50
1818 48,588 1,960,822 361,174 3,167,000 48,588 242,940 00 2,321,496 1,070,454 50 3,167,000 31,670 00 5,537,084 1,345,064 50
1819 51,723 2,208,000 144,000 2,671,000 51,723 258,615 00 2,352,000 1,140,000 00 2,671,000 26,710 00 5,074,723 1,425,325 00
1820 263,806 751,122 127,444 942,587 4,407,550 263,806 1,319,030 00 1,821,153 501,680 70 4,407,550 44,075 50 6,492,509 1,864,786 20
1821 34,641 6,448 1,305,797 216,851 1,186,512 389,000 41,089 189,325 00 2,709,160 825,762 45 389,000 3,890 00 3,139,249 1,018,977 45
1822 17,796 1,559,573 64,080 100,000 2,072,339 17,796 88,980 00 1,723,653 805,806 50 2,072,339 20,723 39 3,813,788 915,509 89
1823 14,485 1,694,200 17,800 440,000 14,485 72,425 00 2,152,000 895,550 00 2,166,485 967,975 00
1824 17,340 2,600 3,504,954 1,262,000 19,940 93,200 00 3,504,954 1,752,477 00 1,262,000 12,620 00 4,786,894 1,858,297 00
1825 29,060 4,434 2,943,166 168,000 510,000 1,461,100 63,000 33,494 156,385 00 3,621,166 1,564,583 00 1,524,000 14,926 00 5,178,760 1,735,894 00
1826 18,069 760 4,004,180 1,517,425 234,000 18,829 92,245 00 4,004,180 2,002,090 00 1,751,425 16,344 25 5,774,434 2,110,679 25
1827 24,913 2,800 5,493,400 4,000 1,215,000 2,357,732 27,713 131,565 00 6,712,400 2,869,200 2,357,732 23,577 32 9,097,845 3,024,342 32
1828 28,029 3,075,200 102,000 125,000 2,260,624 606,000 28,029 140,145 00 3,302,200 1,575,600 00 2,866,624 25,636 24 6,196,853 1,741,381 24
1829 57,442 3,403 3,712,156 770,000 1,230,000 1,414,500 487,000 60,845 295,717 50 5,712,156 1,994,578 00 1,901,500 16,580 00 7,674,501 2,306,875 50
1830 126,351 4,540 4,764,800 510,000 1,240,000 1,711,500 130,891 643,105 00 6,514,800 2,495,400 00 1,711,500 17,115 00 8,357,191 3,155,620 00
1831 140,594 4,520 5,873,660 398,000 771,350 1,242,700 3,359,260 2,200 145,114 714,270 00 8,285,710 3,175,600 00 3,361,460 33,603 60 11,792,284 3,923,473 60
1832 157,487 4,400 4,797,000 320,000 522,500 965,000 2,362,000 161,887 798,435 00 6,604,500 2,579,000 00 2,362,000 23,620 00 9,128,387 3,401,055 00
1833 193,630 4,160 5,206,000 156,000 485,000 1,370,000 2,739,000 154,000 197,790 978,550 00 7,217,000 2,759,000 00 2,893,000 28,160 00 10,307,790 3,765,710 00
1834 732,169 117,370 6,412,004 286,000 635,000 1,480,000 1,855,100 120,000 849,539 3,954,270 00 8,813,004 3,415,002 00 1,975,100 19,151 00 11,637,643 7,388,423 00
1835 371,534 131,402 5,352,006 1,952,000 1,410,000 2,760,000 3,878,400 141,000 502,936 2,186,175 00 11,474,006 3,443,003 00 4,019,400 39,489 00 15,996,342 5,668,667 00
1836 553,147 547,986 1,000 6,546,200 472,000 1,190,000 1,900,000 2,111,000 398,000 1,101,133 4,135,700 00 10,109,200 3,606,100 00 2,509,000 23,100 00 13,719,333 7,764,900 00
1837 207,121 45,080 3,629,820 252,400 1,042,000 2,276,000 5,558,300 252,201 1,148,305 00 7,200,220 2,096,010 00 5,558,300 55,583 00 13,010,721 3,299,898 00
  132,592   3,933,834   902,100   1,440,517   87,897,993   5,692,029   12,862,100   14,729,243   75,871,102   7,440,713   4,968,526   $23,250,340 00   122,621,882   $48,835,192 90   83,311,815   $795,915 58   210,902,223   72,881,448 48