19th Congress.
No. 783
2d Session.


Communicated to the House of Representatives February 26, 1827.

Treasury Department, February 24, 1827.

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith three statements, marked A, B, C, which have been prepared by the Comptroller of the Treasury pursuant to the 7th section of the act of the 2d of April, 1792, entitled “An act establishing a Mint and regulating the coins of the United States.”

These statements contain all the information relative to the transactions of the Mint which the settlements made at the Treasury afford.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,


Hon. John W. Taylor, Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Statement exhibiting the balance of the gold and silver bullion remaining in the hands of the officers of the Mint on the 31st December, 1825; the amount deposited from January 1 to December 31, 1826; the different species of coins made and paid on account of deposits; allowances for wastage, and the balance remaining in the hands of the officers of the Mint on the 31st December, 1826, to be accounted for on a future settlement, viz:

GOLD. Oz. dwts.grs.
Balance of gold bullion remaining in the hands of the officers of the Mint on the 31st December, 1825 499  0  0 $8,865 12½
Gold bullion deposited from January 1 to December 31, 1826 4,745 6 21 84,361 44
Amount deposited in the Bank of the United States on the 31st  

Total 5,244 6 21 93,226 56½

Amount paid for deposits of gold from January 1 to December 31, 1826 81,930 78
Amount deposited in the Bank of the United States on the 31st December, 1826 458 98

92,389 76
Deduct as follows:
Amount deposited in the Bank of the United States on the December 31, 1825 144 76

92,245 00

Gold coins made at the Mint from January 1 to December 31, 1826 — 18,069 half and 760 quarter eagles 5,188 15 15 $92,245 00
Allowances to the melter and refiner and chief coiner for wastage for same period 15 4 5 270 40½
Gold bullion in the hands of the officers of the Mint on the 31st December, 1826 40 7 1 711 16

As above 5,244 6 21 93,226 56½

Balance of silver bullion remaining in the hands of the officers of the Mint on the 31st December, 1825 108,741 10 22 $125,472 19½
Silver bullion deposited from January 1 to December 31, 1826 2,160,241 16 0 2,492,586 15

Total 2,268,983 6 22 2,618,058 34½

Amount paid for deposits of silver from January 1 to December 31, 1826 $2,001,986 16½
Amount deposited in the Bank of the United States on the 31st December, 1826 200 85½
Amount remaining in the hands of the Treasurer of the Mint on the 31st December, 1826 3 00

2,002,190 02
Deduct as follows:
Amount in the Bank of the United States on the 31st of December, 1825 100 02

2,002,090 00

Silver coins made from January 1 to December 31, 1826 — 4,004,180 half dollars 1,735,144 13 8 $2,002,090 00
Allowances to melter and refiner and chief coiner for wastage for same period 4,786 10 19 5,522 92½
Silver bullion in the hands of the officers of the Mint December 31, 1826 529,052 2 19 610,445 42

As above 2,268,983 6 22    2,618,058 34½

Comptroller’s Office, February 22, 1827.


The Mint of the United States in account for copper purchased from the commencement of the institution to December 31, 1826.

Dr. Cr.

To amount of rough copper and copper

Troy weight. Cost of copper.
  lbs.  oz. dwt.
To amount of rough copper and copper planchets purchased from the commencement of the institution to December 31, 1825, per statement marked B, accompanying the Comptroller’s letter of February 3, 1826 1,621,536 7 7 $425,641 91
To cost of 194 casks of copper planchets purchased of William Harrold & Son and M. R. Bolton, and charged in the second and third quarters of 1826, received by the ships Minerva, Tuscarora, Algonquin, and Marmion, weighing 67,522 pounds avoirdupois 82,057 11 16 19,870 92
To loss in exchange on remittances to William Harrold & Son and Matthew R. Bolton, in payment for copper, as charged the second, third, and fourth quarters of 1826 2,166 30
To overplusage in the weight of copper delivered the chief coiner December 31, 1821, and September 30, 1825, as charged in the second quarter of 1826 885 2 10

Amount and cost of copper 1,704,479 9 13 447,679 13
To amount gained on coinage 132,195 54½
By amount of rough copper and copper Troy weight. Value of copper, at the rate of 7 dwts. to a cent.
lbs.  oz. dwt.
By amount of rough copper and copper planchets accounted for from the commencement of the institution to December 31, 1825, per statement marked B, accompanying the Comptroller’s letter of February 3, 1826 1,577,806 6 9 $528,295 92
By amount of cents deposited by the Treasurer of the Mint to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States in the year 1826 50,052 11 0 17,161 00
By amount of the par value of 82,057lbs. 11oz. 16dwt. of copper planchets, purchased and received in the second and third quarters of 1826, over the cost thereof 8,263 25½
By amount of spoiled and damaged planchets, returned by the chief coiner in the second and third quarters of 1826 254 2 12
By amount lost in the weight of copper delivered to the chief coiner in the second quarter of 1826 82 1 16

Amount accounted for 1,628,195 9 17 553,720 17½
Balance on hand December 31, 1826:
In hands of the Treasurer of the Mint, coined 12,486 8 19 4,281 17
In hands of the Treasurer of the Mint, uncoined 26,133 4 0 8,960 00
In hands of the chief coiner, uncoined 37,663 10 17 12,913 33

1,704,479 9 13 579,874 67½

To amount of rough copper, and copper Cost of copper.

1,704,479  9 13 579,874 67½

Comptroller’s Office, February 22, 1827.


Summary statement exhibiting the value of the coins made at the Mint; the amount of disbursements on account of the establishment; the amount allowed for wastage; the amount retained of deposits; and the amount gained on the coinage of copper, from the commencement of the institution to the 31st of December, 1826, viz:

Value of gold, silver, and copper coinage up to December 31, 1825 $25,390,966 96
Gold coins made from January 1 to December 31, 1826, per account A $92,245 00
Silver coins made from January 1 to December 31, 1826, per account A 2,002,090 00
Copper coins made from January 1 to December 31, 1826, per account B 17,161 00

2,111,496 00

Total value of gold, silver, and copper 27,502,462 96

Net charge on the coinage of gold, silver, and copper, to the 31st December, 1825 537,445 32½
Add amount gained on the coinage of copper to the same period 118,647 17

656,092 49½
From which deduct:
Amount wastage on gold and silver to 31st December, 1825 $86,986 08½
Also amount of wastage from January 1 to December 31, 1826 5,793 33

92,779 41½

563,313 08
Add amount disbursed on account of the establishment from January 1 to December 31, 1826 25,327 09
Add also the amount wastage on gold and silver to 31st December, 1826 92,779 41½
From the above deduct:
The amount retained from deposits to 31st December, 1825 15,382 87
Also this sum from January 1 to December 31, 1826 1,704 13

17,087 00

75,692 41½

664,332 58½
Amount gained on the coinage of copper from the commencement of the institution to the 31st December, 1826 132,195 54½

Net amount chargeable to the coinage of gold, silver, and copper from the commencement of the institution to the 31st December, 1826, including the costs of lots, buildings, and machinery 532,137 04

Comptroller’s Office, February 22, 1827.