13th Congress.
No. 402
2d Session.


Communicated to the Senate, January 7, 1814.

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States:

I communicate, for the information of Congress, the report of the Director of the Mint, of the operation of that establishment during the last year.


January 6th, 1814.

. . . . . . . .

Mint of the United States, January 1, 1813.   


I have now the honor of laying before you a report of the operations of the mint, for the last twelve months.

From the treasurer’s statement of the coinage, herewith transmitted, it will appear that, during that period, there have been struck and issued-

In gold coins, 95,428 pieces, amounting to   $477,140  00
In silver coins, 1,241,903 pieces, amounting to 620,951  50
In copper coins, 418,000 pieces, amounting to 4,180  00

Making, in the whole, one million seven hundred and fifty-five thousand three hundred and thirty-one pieces of coin, amounting to one million one hundred and two thousand two hundred and seventy-one dollars and fifty cents.

I have the honor to be, sir, with sentiments of the most perfect respect and esteem,

Your obedient, faithful servant,


James Madison, President of the United States.

A Statement of the Coins struck at the Mint of the United States, from the 1st of January to the 31st December, 1813, inclusive, viz:

GOLD COINS. Amount in dolls.
and cents.
Half Eagles.
Quarter ending 30th June, 28,398 141,990      
30th September, 23,030 115,150      
31st December, 44,000 220,000      
95,428 pieces of gold coins, 95,428
Total amount of gold coins, ---------   477,140  00
Half Dollars.
Quarter ending 31st March, 338,656   169,328  00
30th June, 337,965 168,982  50
30th September, 124,510 62,255  00
31st December, 440,772 220,386  00
1,241,903 pieces of silver coins, 1,241,903
Total amount of silver coins, ---------   620,951  50
Quarter ending 30th June, 196,000 1,960      
31st December, 222,000 2,220      
418,000 pieces of copper coins, 418,000
Total amount of copper coins, ---------   4,180  00
1,755,331 pieces of all the coins.   Amount of all the coins in 1813, $1,102,271  50

Mint of the United States, Treasurer’s Office, Philadelphia, 31st December, 1813.


An Abstract of the ordinary expenses of the Mint of the United States, from the 1st January to the 31st of December, 1813, inclusive, viz:

Salaries. Wages. Incidental. Totals.
Quarter ending 31st March, 2,525  00 1,908  41 372  95 4,806  36
30th June, 2,487  47 1,916  00 820  10 5,223  57
30th September, 2,525  00 1,966  23 1,325  39 5,816  62
31st December, 2,525  00 1,871  38 1,082  46 5,478  84
---------   ---------   ---------  
  10,062  47   7,662  02   3,600  90 ---------  
Amount,   $21,325  39

Mint of the United States, Treasurer’s Office, Philadelphia, 31st December, 1813.