8th Congress.
No. 219
1st Session.


Communicated to the House of Representatives, March 21, 1804.

Treasury Department, March 20, 1804.   


I have the honor to transmit, herewith, a letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, accompanied with sundry statements, which have been prepared in obedience to the act, entitled "An act establishing a mint, and regulating the coins of the United States," passed on the second of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant,


The Hon. the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

. . . . . . . .

Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, March 17th, 1804.   


The statements marked A, B, C, D and E, which are herewith laid before you, have been prepared pursuant to the seventh section of an act of Congress, of the 2d of April, 1792, entitled "An act establishing a mint, and regulating the coins of the United States." These statements contain all the information relative to the transactions of the mint, which the settlements made at the treasury enable me to give.

I have the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant,


The Honorable Albert Gallatin Secretary of the Treasury.


Statement of appropriations made by law for the Mint establishment, for the year 1803, with the amount of warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Treasury on said appropriations.

Amount of warrants drawn on the Treasurer in favor of the mint, for the services of the year 1803, $15,572  20
Balance unexpended on the 1st January, 1804, 65,713  15
$81,285  35
Balance of the several appropriations for the mint establishment, unexpended on the 1st January, 1803, per statement for the preceding year, $29,535  49
Appropriated by "acts respecting the mint," dated the 27th May, 1796, and 24th April, 1800, being the amount of cents and half cents paid into the treasury in 1803, 42,349  86
Appropriated by "act making appropriations for the support of Government for the year 1803," dated the 2d March, 1803, 9,400  00
$81,285  35


Statement of appropriations made by law for the payment of the salaries of the officers and clerks of the Mint, for the year 1803.

Amount of warrants drawn on the Treasurer of the United States, for the salaries of the officers and clerks of the mint in 1803, $10,600  00
Balance unexpended on the 31st December, 1803, which is to be carried to the surplus fund, 6  94
$10,606  94
Balance unexpended on the 1st January, 1803, $6  94
By the " act making appropriations for the support of Government for the year 1803," passed the 2d March, 1803, 10,600  00
$10,606  94


Statement of the application of moneys advanced from the Treasury of the United States, for the support of the Mint establishment, during the year, 1803.

The moneys paid by the treasurer of the mint, on warrants drawn by him on the Director, and admitted by the accounting officers of the treasury of the United States, on the adjustment of his accounts, were as follow:
Incidental and contingent expenses and repairs of the Mint.
For 7105 dollars 95 cents, being the amount expended for the requisite repairs, apparatus, machines, wages of workmen, and other expenses,
Paid in the 1st quarter, $1,805  74
Paid in the 2d quarter, 1,913  85
Paid in the 3d quarter, 1,750  24
Paid in the 4th quarter, 1,636  12
---------- $7,105  95
Copper purchased for coinage.
For 23,369 dollars 77 cents, being the amount of the cost and charges of copper purchased for coinage, viz: 67,470 pounds purchased from 1st October to 31st December, 1803, 23,369  77
Salaries of the officers and clerks of the Mint.
Paid in the 1st quarter, $2,650  00
Paid in the 2d quarter, 2,650  00
Paid in the 3d quarter, 2,650  00
Paid in the 4th quarter, 2,650  00
---------- 10,600  00
Wastage in the coinage of Gold and Silver.
Applied to make good deficiencies in wastage in the coinage of gold and silver, $10,085  17
$42,647  92
Balance to be accounted for by Benjamin Rush, treasurer of the mint, on the 1st January, 1803, 1,572  20
Advanced from the treasury for said establishment, viz:
For the salaries of the officers and clerks, 10,600  00
Advanced from the treasury for the Mint establishment, viz:
For the purchase of copper, and the incidental and contingent expenses, 15,572  20
Balance due to the treasurer of the mint, on the 31st December, 1803, per Auditor's report No. 15,150, 6,390  55
$42,647  92
Account of Cents and Half Cents paid into the Treasury of the United States, by the Treasurer of the Mint, in the year 1803.
Paid in the 1st quarter, $11,686  83
Paid in the 2d quarter, 21,395  00
Paid in the 3d quarter, 6,154  50
Paid in the 4th quarter, 3,113  53
$42,349  86

Treasury Department, Register's Office, March 3, 1804.



An Abstract Statement of the settlements at the Treasury, of the accounts of the Treasurer of the Mint, from January 1st, to December 31st, 1803, exhibiting the balance, in bullion, for which he remained accountable on the last settlement, and also the deposites of Bullion, value of Coins paid, allowance for wastage, and balance remaining in the hands of the Officers of the Mint, and in the Bank of the United States.

FROM TO Gold in the hands of the Officers of the Mint, and Commissioners of Inspection. Silver in the hands of the Officers of the Mint, and Commissioners of Inspection. Coins in the Bank of the United States. Total value of balance.
Weight. Value. Weight. Value. Of Gold. Of Silver.
oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts.
January 1, 1803, December 31, 1803. 37 2 5 659 26 377 7 15 435 18½ 367 38½ 1,324 57 2,786 57

B - Continued.

Total value of
Balance and
Gold. Silver.
Weight. Value. Weight. Value.
oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts.
14,691 04 10 261,177 13½ 85,481 14 0 98,632 65½ 359,809 79 362,596 19

B - Continued.

Gold. Silver.
Weight. Eagles. Half
Weight. Dollars. Half
Dimes. Half
oz. dwt. gr. No. No. No. oz. dwt. gr. No. No. No. No.
14,533 14 16 8,979 33,506 423 75,502 05 8 66,064 31,715 33,040 37,850

B - Continued.

Total value
Coins paid.
Gold. Silver.
Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts.
259,788 26½ 84,154 42½ 343,942 69

B - Continued.

Gold. Silver. Total Value
of allowance
for Wastage.
Weight. Value. Weight. Value.
oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts.
55 18 14 994 29 334 15 22 386 29½ 1,380 58½

B - Continued.

In the hands of the Chief Coiner.
Gold. Silver. Total Value.
Weight. Value. Weight. Value.
oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts.
79 6 3 1,410 34½ 9,688 5 23 11,178 53½ 12,588 88

B - Continued.

In the hands of the Melter and Refiner.
Gold. Silver. Total Value.
Weight. Value. Weight. Value.
oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts.
53 8 7 949 26 317 9 15 366 27½ 1,315 53½

B - Continued.

In the hands of the Commissioners of Inspection, and of the Treasurer, for Assay Pieces.
Gold. Silver. Total Value.
Weight. Value. Weight. Value.
oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts.
5 18 3 105 00 16 4 19 18 73½ 123 73½

B - Continued.

Coins in hands
of the Treasurer.
Coins in Bank of
the United States.
Gold. Silver.
Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts.
288 74½ 4,528 22 4,816 96½

B - Continued.

Total amount of balances to be accounted for.
Gold. Silver. Total
Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts.
2,753 35 16,091 76½ 18,845 11½

Treasury Department, Register's Office, March 8th, 1804.



Statement exhibiting the balance of Gold and Silver remaining in the hands of the officers of the Mint, on the 31st December, 1802; the amount of deposites from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803; the different species of coin made and paid on account of deposites; allowance for wastage; and the balance remaining in the hands of the officers, to be accounted for on a future settlement.

oz. dwt. gr. Dolls. Cts. M.
Gold remaining in the hands of the officers of the mint, on the 31st December, 1802, 37 2 5   =   659 26 0
Gold deposited from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, 14,691 4 10 = 261,177 13 5
---------------- ----------------
As above, 14,728 6 15 = 261,836 39 5
Amount paid on account of deposites from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, 259,788 26 5
Add balance of coins remaining in the hands of the Treasurer of the Mint, on the 31st December, 1803, 288 74 5
260,077 01 0
Deduct this sum, being so much paid out of the treasury of the United States, in order to cover the wastage on gold by the year ending 31st December, 1802, $1,332 12 5
Also, this sum, being the balance of gold coins remaining in the hands of the treasurer of the mint, on the 31st December, 1802, 367 38 5
---------------- 1,699 51 0
Coins made from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, Eagles 8,979, half Eagles 33,506, quarter Eagles 423, 14,533 14 16 = 258,377 50 0
Balance in the hands of the officers of the mint, on the 31st December, 1803, 138 13 9 = 2,464 60 5
Profit and loss, allowed for wastage, from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, 55 18 14 = 994 29 0
---------------- ----------------
As above, 14,728 6 15 = 261,836 39 5
Silver remaining in the hands of the officers of the mint, on the 31st December, 1802, 373 7 15 = 475 18 5
Silver deposited from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, 85,481 14 0 = 98,632 65 5
---------------- ----------------
85,859 1 15 = 99,067 84 0
Amount paid on account of deposites from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, 84,154 42 5
Add balance of coins remaining in the hands of the Treasurer of the Mint, on the 31st December, 1803, 4,528 22 0
88,682 64 5
Deduct this sum, being so much paid out of the treasury of the United States, in order to cover the wastage on silver by the year ending 31st December, 1802, $240 7 5
Also, this sum, being the balance of silver coins remaining in the hands of the treasurer of the mint, on the 31st December, 1802, 1,324 57 0
---------------- 1,564 64 5
Coins made from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, Dollars 66,064, half Dollars 31,715, Dimes 33,040, half Dimes 37,580, 75,502 5 8 = 87,118 00 0
Balance in the hands of the officers of the mint, on the 31st December, 1803, 10,022 0 9 = 11,563 54 5
Profit and loss, allowed for wastage, from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, 334 15 22 = 386 29 5
---------------- ----------------
As above, 85,859 1 15 = 99,067 84 0

Comptroller's Office, March 10th, 1804.


NOTE. - Treasury warrants are drawn in favor of the mint, in order to cover the difference between the amount allowed for wastage and the amount retained of deposites made below standard.  A. R.


Mint of the United States for copper coinage, shewing the amount purchased and coined, from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803; and the profit arising thereon, from the establishment thereof to the latter period.

Dr. Avoirdupois
Troy weight. Cost of copper.
lbs. oz. drms. lbs. oz. dwt. Dolls. Cts. M.
To amount of rough copper and planchettes purchased, from the commencement of the institution to the 31st December, 1802, per statement marked C, accompanying the Comptroller's letter of the 2d March, 1803, 577,298 2 9 158,053 17 0
To this sum charged for the purchase of planchettes in the quarter ending 31st December, 67,470 0 0 81,994 9 10 23,369 77 0
Balance - being the amount gained, 29,783 80 5
---------------- ----------------
659,292 11 19 211,206 74 5

Cr. Troy weight. Value.
lbs. oz. dwt. Dolls. Cts. M.
By amount of rough copper and planchettes accounted for, per statement marked C, accompanying the Comptroller's report of the 2d March, 1803, 510,387 2 11 160,991 22
    By amount of cents charged to the Treasurer of the United States, in the quarter ending 31st March, 8,740
    By amount of cents charged to the Treasurer of the United States, in the quarter ending 30th June, 10,520
    By amount of cents and half cents charged to the Treasurer of the United States, in the quarter ending 30th September, 2,843 3
    By amount of cents charged to the Treasurer of the United States, in the quarter ending 31st December, 3,100
---------------- 73,508 10 1
Balance of copper clippings and planchettes remaining, viz:
In the hands of the treasurer of the mint, 41,013 2 6 14,061 66 5
In the hands of the chief coiner, 31,939 11 3 10,950 83
Copper clippings carried to the debit of profit and loss account, 314 1 10
Allowance made to the chief coiner, also carried to the debit of profit and loss account, said to be on account of the cents weighing more than 7 dwt. 861 5 9
Copper for which no account is given, 1,218 2 19
---------------- ----------------
659,242 11 19 211,206 74 5

Comptroller's Office, March 7th, 1804.



Summary exhibiting the value of coins made at the Mint; the amount of disbursements on account of the establishment; the amount allowed for wastage; the amount retained of deposites; and the amount gained on the coinage of copper.

Value of gold, silver, and copper coins made at the mint, to the 31st December, 1802, per summary statement, marked A, accompanying the Comptroller's report of the 2d of March, 1803, $3,561,167 77
Value of gold coins made from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, per statement herewith, marked C, $258,377 50
Value of silver coins,     do.    do.    do. 87,118
Value of copper coins,     do.    do.    do. 25,203 3
---------------- 370,698 53
Total value of gold, silver, and copper coins, made to the 31st December, 1803, $3,931,866 30
Nett charge on the coinage of gold, silver, and copper, to the 31st December, 1802, per statement, accompanying the Comptroller's report of the 2d March, 1803, marked E, $210,641 65
Add amount gained on the coinage of copper, per statement accompanying the Comptroller's report of the 2d March, 1803, marked C, 25,369 30
$236,010 95
Deduct amount wastage, per the above statement transmitted, marked E, $14,340
Add amount retained of deposites, 2,335 30
---------------- 12,004 70
$224,006 25
Add amount disbursed on account of the establishment, from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, per statement herewith, marked A, 17,705 95
Add amount of wastage to the 31st December. 1802, per statement accompanying the Comptroller's report of the 2d March, 1803, marked D, $14,340
Add amount of wastage from 1st January to 31st December, 1803, per statement herewith, marked C, 1,380 58 5
Total amount wastage to the 31st December, 1803, $15,720 58 5
Deduct amount retained of deposites, per former statement transmitted, marked D, $2,335 30
Deduct ditto, from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1803, per statement herewith, marked C, 107  94  5
Total amount retained of deposites to the 31st December, 1803, 2,443  24  5
---------------- 13,277 34
Total amount of disbursements on account of the establishment, from the commencement of the institution to the 31st December, 1803, $254,989 54
From the above deduct the gain on copper coinage from the commencement of the institution to the 31st December, 1803, 29,783 80 5
Nett charge on the coinage of gold, silver, and copper, to the 31st December, 1803, including the cost of lots, buildings, machinery, &c. $225,205  73  5

Comptroller's Office, March 10th, 1804.