
Volume 70 No. 7 July, 2024

Editor’s Notes

I hope to mail the August Chatter issue on July 31 or August 1. This means you might not see it before you leave for the ANA’s WFoM in Rosemont this August. Remember, some early-bird volunteers start working on Thursday, August 1!

I hope your plans for attending the show are coming along nicely.

Paul Hybert, editor

Minutes of the 1265th Meeting

The 1265th meeting of the Chicago Coin Club was called to order by President John Riley at 6:45PM CDT on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. This was an in-person and online meeting held at the Chicago Bar Association. Attendance at the meeting was 17, including one guest, in person and 18 online for a total of 35.

Club Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report

The May session I and II 2024 meeting minutes were approved as published in the Chatter, both in print and on the CCC website. Treasurer Elliott Krieter presented the May period treasurer’s report detailing revenue of $8,245.00 (Dues, CSNS sales, ANA Stipend) and expenses of $435.00 (Chatter Expense, CBA room rent, Speaker stipend) for a period total of $7,810.00. The report was approved by the membership.

New Members and Correspondence

Secretary Scott McGowan did the second reading of Dennis Tucker’s membership application, followed by club membership approval. Scott then did the first reading of the membership application for Ken Gotsch of Highland Park, Illinois who is in Numismatic consignments and is a member of the ANA.

Old Business

  1. Dale Lukanich, Host Club Chair for the 2024 ANA World’s Fair of Money, gave an update explaining that the convention “activities at a glance” and MoneyTalks speakers are on the ANA website. We have 48 ambassadors registered. The CCC NYNC joint dinner is August 8, 2024; see separate article in this Chatter for details.
  2. Committee Reports:
    1. Hall of Fame - Deven Kane reported the committee is still open to recommendations and is looking at the list of current members to see how they fit the criteria.
    2. Legacy Project - Dale Lukanich reported that the James McMenamin and Cliff Mishler interviews are complete and the Carl Wolf interview is scheduled. Dale also said an interview with Bob Leonard and Carl Wolf on the History of the CCC will be videoed at the ANA convention club booth.
    3. Auction Committee - The club is accepting donations of CCC items for the November auction.
    4. Banquet Committee - Since no committee had yet been formed to explore locations and costs for the December banquet, club president John Riley said we should return to Capri Ristorante Italiano in Palos Heights, Illinois. No vote was taken at this time.

New Business

  1. Club Member Noah Graf spoke to the club about the Chicago Book and Paper Fair on June 15, 2024, at 10:00am-5:00pm. It is a great venue for very old (think 1500s and 1600s) books, first edition books, and many other book and paper items.
  2. John Riley informed the club about the Metal Detecting group that visited the CCC table at the Central States show. The group hosts metal detecting events where members go to specific areas to search. The group offered for the CCC to come to an event, set up a table, and promote the club since many of their members find coins. Their September event, Chicago Dig Fest 2024, will be held on September 13-15, 2024 at Camp Oakarro, 40635 Mill Creek Road, Wadsworth, IL 60083. Open to 130 people. There are fees to attend based on camping spaces. See for more details.

Featured Program

Mark Wieclaw on An Overview of Ancient Mint Error Coins. Following the program, First VP Melissa Gumm announced that Mark would receive a CCC speaker’s medal and ANA educational certificate.

Show and Tell

Deven Kane announced the evening’s seven Show & Tell exhibitors.

President John Riley adjourned the meeting at 8:43pm CDT.

Respectfully Submitted,
Scott A. McGowan, Secretary

Speaker’s Wor[l]d
An Overview of Ancient Mint Error Coins

a presentation by Mark Wieclaw,
to our June 12, 2024 meeting

Why collect error coins? That was at the top of Mark’s first slide, followed by four points. We can learn from other’s mistakes – they can give clues into the procedures of the mints. They can be a challenge to figure out – some collectors do like their challenges. They are rare – the joy of pursuing a rarity is exceeded only by the satisfaction of owning a rarity. Are they really errors? This last point was the question raised by an exhibit judge at the January FUN show, who believes that all ancient coins are errors – because the equipment and procedures were so crude and lax, no two coins can be the same, so all are errors!

The wide possible differences between the coins struck from the same die pair, by the same crew, in a short period of time, means that minor differences are expected and the major differences will get our attention. This program covered brockages, multiple strikes, off-center strikes, flip-over double strikes, blank reverses, and mules. Legend blunders and intentionally overstruck coins were not covered.

To better understand how a specific error coin could have been made, it helps to know how coins were made. Sometimes, we flip that approach to: considering how an error coin could have been made helps us deduce the coining procedures. Keep those two approaches in mind as various error coins are described. For instance: a planchet could be heated before striking, to lessen the chance of a crack in the coin. Consider the number of workers in a minting team: one, two, or more, and what would be the division of labor? And consider the number of dies in operation at the same time – an anvil die (usually an obverse die) was good for about 15,000 coins, while a hammer die (usually a reverse die) was good for about 7,500 coins – Colin Kraay, after a career of studying coins and dies, determined that multiple reverse dies sometimes were used at the same time – from that, a corresponding minting process can be developed.

The inspiration for Mark’s presentation was one coin of two denominations, of two emperors who ruled more than 140 years apart. This oddball piece features the conjoined busts of two emperors on one side. First, a denarius of Caracalla, circa 207-209AD, had been struck with the bust shifted a little to the right; then that piece was used as a planchet to strike a siliqua of Constantius II, circa 351-355AD. On the reverse, the reverse of the siliqua (four lines of text surrounded by a wreath predominates, with some letters of the denarius showing through and past the wreath; a careful in-hand examination might find a few scattered remnants of the original standing central figure. Although it was not uncommon to overstrike a coin from the previous emperor, there can be many fascinating conjectures about what happened here. The mentioned dates were determined from the years when the involved dies were used to produce coins.

If you watched many of Mark’s Show & Tell presentations, it was no surprise when he started on brockages. A brockage is a coin resulting from a multi-step sequence, with the particular steps determining the type of produced brockage: either obverse or reverse brockage. Consider how an obverse brockage is produced: after a coin is struck, it sticks to the reverse (hammer) die; the next planchet is placed on the obverse (anvil) die, and is impressed by the obverse die from the bottom and the obverse side of the coin stuck to the reverse die from the top; the resulting coin has a normal obverse on one side and an incused and reversed obverse image on the other side. If the original coin remains stuck to the hammer die, its exposed obverse side loses details with each following strike of another obverse brockage. For a reverse brockage, the struck coin stuck to the obverse (anvil) die. Reverse brockages are much rarer than obverse brockages, likely because a coin stuck to the anvil die is more noticeable than a coin struck to the hammer die.

Although Greek brockages are very rare, brockages appeared somewhat regularly during the Roman Republic and the Empire. Mark showed a number of Roman brockages, starting with a silver coin of moneyer L. Cornelius Scipio from 106BC. The clean obverse of a bust of Jupiter appears impressive, and Mark pointed out its (typical) serated edge. The next two obverse brockages were from more famous names: a Julius Caesar “Dictator for Life” denarius from mid to late February of 44BC, making this a lifetime issue; and a well-worn Marc Antony “Legionary” denarius circa 32-31BC, but we do not know from which of the 23 Legions this was struck because the Legion number is part of the reverse design.

More Roman brockages followed, including an antoninianus reverse brockage of Gallienus which can be attributed to him by the reverse showing trophies and bound captives. A reverse brockage featuring a standing Jupiter motif was struck between 308-324AD under three different emperors, but without the obverse we do not know which emperor. A bronze obverse brockage of Maximinus I, 235-238AD, from the town of Philadelphia in the eastern province of Cilicia was shown because of its large size – it weighs 17.96 grams and is 33 millimeters wide. A gold solidus obverse brockage of Maurice Tiberius, 582-602AD, from the Constantinople mint concluded the examples of regular brockages. Sometimes they tried to fix a brockage, as shown by some restruck brockages. A denarius of Roman Republic moneyer Q. Titius from 90BC has Pegasus struck over an obverse brockage, while a Gordian III & Tranquillina (238-244AD) provincial coin from Thrace has two facing busts struck over an inverted Tyche of a reverse brockage.

Double struck coins come in many styles, including: shifted, rotated, flipped-over, and even from multiple dies. There was a fantastic shifted double strike on a “New Style” coin of Athens circa 89-88BC, and one of Roman Republic moneyer M. Cordius Rufus from 46BC with Venus on one side and Cupid riding a dolphin on the other side. A coin of Augustus, 27BC-14AD, has the second strike rotated by 180°. A double struck argenteus of Constantius I, 305-306AD, is from the Tetrarchy of Diocletian, Maximianus, Constantius, and Galerius – only a small portion of the second strike appears on the planchet. Another coin showing only a small part of the second strike was a follis of Constantine I (The Great), 306-337AD – here, the second strike broke off part of the coin.

Mark then showed examples of second strikes over brockages: a flipover double strike of Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270AD, and an off center double strike of Constantius II, 337-361AD. Another gold solidus of Maurice Tiberius, 582-602AD, was shown, but this one has a dramatic second strike. Next was the type of the Colin Kraay discovery coin struck by two very different reverse dies, featuring Serapis and Roma. Mark showed us images of the normal coin types using these reverses – on the double struck coin: a coin with the Roma reverse was struck first, the coin was shifted slightly atop the obverse (anvil) die, and then the hammer die for the Serapis reverse struck the coin. The second strike is off center on both sides, allowing for easier identification of the reverses and making conjoined busts of Antoninus Pius on the obverse of this product of the mint in Alexandria.

A flipover double strike usually appeared on small coins, so Mark showed us a double struck quinarius of Octavian and Marc Antony, 39BC. One side features a bust of Concordia, while the other side features clasped hands – history would be more more peaceful if the rulers practiced what they placed on their coins. Even Biblical coins were subjected to errors, as shown by a flipover double struck “Widow’s Mite” that shows the anchor for one side and the star for the other side. That was followed by a flipover double strike on a brockage of a bronze lepton or prutah of Alexander Jannaeus, 103-76BC.

A “Mule” is a coin produced from two dies that were not intended to be used together. Mark showed a coin of Otacilia Severa from 248AD with a reverse featuring a goat or deer (with horns) – but that is not the usual animal known on the reverse of her coins. That reverse is one of the known animal reverses for her son, Phillip II, but his coins were struck in a facility separate from that which struck his mother’s coins. Mark then showed images of the typical coins for mother and son – the animal reverse for her coinage is a hippopotamus. Someone must have moved a die from one facility to the other.

If the hammer die is the reverse die, how can a coin with a blank reverse be explained? After showing a coin of Volusian, 251-253AD, with a blank reverse, Mark suggested that this coin had been a brockage maker (stuck to the anvil/obverse die), now smashed down; or maybe this is an obverse brockage, struck by a now-worn brockage maker (stuck to the hammer/reverse die).

A series of slides traced the appearances of a coin of Arcadius, 383-408AD, starting with the R. RATTO sale of 1930, through Goodacre’s article in The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society in 1945 which noted the corrupted reverse legend, through a bulk lot (yet still described individually) in the April 22, 1986 Christies Auction where the error was somewhat identified, to the Downie-Lepczyk Auction of Sepember 17-18, 1986 where it sold as an individual lot once more. Instead of the usual GLORIA ROMANORVM reverse legend, this coin has ROMANORVM ROMANORVM as the reverse legend; this results from the reverse being struck a second time with a different reverse die (of the same design type) but rotated 180°. The nature of the error went recognized for a long time because the two used reverse dies had small differences. Sometimes, a coin needs a bit of studying before it tells its full story. This program ended with a third gold error solidus of Maurice Tiberius, 582-602AD, this one a reverse brockage with more: first a usual coin was struck, and then an already-struck coin of Maurice Tiberius (instead of a blank) was placed atop the usual coin before being struck again.

Roman Coins and Their Values, David Sear, Seaby, London 1988.
Greek Imperial Coins and Their Values, David Sear, Seaby, London 1982.
Byzantine Coins and Their Values, David Sear, Seaby, London 1987.
Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, Volume Two, Part One, Philip Grierson, Washington D.C. 1968.
Curtis Clay, “Colin Kraay’s Explanation of Overstruck Reverses on Roman Imperial and Provincial Coins” in the Journal of Ancient Numismatics, Vol. 1, Issue 2, June/July 2008.

Current Advertisers

Chicago Coin Company
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd.
Kedzie Koins Inc.
Classical Numismatic Group

Show and Tell

Items shown at our June 12, 2024 meeting,
reported by Deven Kane.

  1. Bob Leonard showed two copper coins with “golden” insets, issued in different continents over 1,000 years apart.
    1. From Axum under King Wazena, circa 540-550, a 17mm bronze coin with a small gold circle inlaid in center of reverse, ex B.A. Seaby, ex Anzani Collection. Many copper and even silver Axumite coins have gold inlays.
    2. From Ireland/Dublin, 1642(?)-1673(?), a copper “halfpenny” with a brass plug or splash highlighting the English crown in the coin’s design. The date of issue of this small size St. Patrick’s coin is uncertain; Breen’s Encyclopedia and Bowers’ book on Colonial coins date it to the 1640s, while the current Red Book opts for the 1660s. There is a huge literature, including two books, on the St. Patrick’s coins, which circulated in New Jersey in the 1680s. Bob has long been interested in this series, and plans to research it further in the Dublin City Archives and National Library of Ireland when he is in Dublin, in September, after a tour.
    3. The first edition of Curious Currency, showing what the Axumite coin would have looked like if Bob had cleaned his coin successfully.
  2. Noah Graf showed an Italian coin purchased at the 2024 Central States Numismatic Society convention. This 500 Lira coin, dated 1982, ommemorates the Centenary of the Death of Giuseppe Garibaldi. The obverse features the bust of Garibaldi, while the reverse depicts the island of Caprera, which lies off the coast of northern Sardinia and was Garibaldi’s home from 1854 until his death in 1882. Giuseppe Garibaldi was the hero of the Italian unification movement. Struck in .835 fine silver, the metallic standard of the old Kingdom of Italy, this coin is still in its original mint-issued case, which folds into a convenient display stand, and comes with the original “liner notes” describing the coin’s details. Noah purchased this for not much more than its melt value, and while it is not his area of focus, he was sold on it by the dealer’s assertion that if nobody bought it, he was going to remove it from the mint-issued case, which seemed like it would be a real shame, since the case is also a nifty display stand. Garibaldi was a committed pan-Italian patriot, probably most famous for his almost theatrically dramatic conquest and liberation of Sicily and southern Italy with an army initially numbering only 1,000 men. In his lifetime, he was greatly respected in the United States; President Lincoln even offered him command of the Union Army during the Civil War, which Garibaldi declined only because Lincoln could not yet commit the war effort politically to the total abolition of slavery. When Lincoln finally issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, Garibaldi wrote to him, “Posterity will call you the Great Emancipator, a more enviable title than any crown could be.” There is a bronze statue of Garibaldi in Chicago, originally erected in Lincoln Park in 1901, and then moved in 1982 (also at the centenary of Garibaldi’s death) to the Little Italy neighborhood where it stands today atop a new base. Its original base was left in Lincoln Park, and Noah remembers, as a child, being confused by the large rock inscribed with GARIBALDI.
  3. Based upon his 22 years on eBay, John Riley noted that the increasing number of watchers makes bargains harder to find – but they are out there, as he showed a Post Exchange token from Camp Gregg, bearing a 5 as the denomination. He believes this recently identified U.S. Philippines token to be a unique item from the early 1900s, following the Spanish American War. Late Officer John C. Gregg was briefly honored by the U.S. Army, circa 1906, with a memorial Camp in the Philippine’s northern Luzon area. This is the only time that a specific military location token from Luzon has been noted for collectors. John has long specialized in collecting coins, tokens, and paper money of the Philippines era from the Spanish American War through World War II. While similar pieces are known from about 25 other locations, all locations were thought to have been identified in numerous references from Gilbert Perez in the 1950s through Paul Cunningham’s thorough published collector’s summary of the 1990s.
  4. Deven Kane showed four acquisitions and a temporary visitor.
    1. A very fine small Lydian provincial bronze coin from the town of Saitta, circa 178-182AD. One side features a bust of Crispina without an ostrich neck (frankly hard to distinguish the provincial portraits for Faustina Jr, Lucilla, and Crispina on these), and the other side features a standing Apollo with crossed legs, leaning on a column while holding a laurel branch. It is 18mm in diameter and weighs 2.82 grams. Crispina was the wife of Emperor Commodus.
    2. A silvered bronze Antoninianus from Antioch, of Aurelian who ruled 270-275AD. It is 23mm in diameter and weighs 4.00 grams. One side features a radiate and cuirassed bust of Aurelian, while the other side features a female figure presenting a wreath to the emperor, all surrounded by the legend RESTITVT ORBIS which translates to World Restorer.
    3. Another silvered World Restorer silvered bronze Antoninianus from Antioch, but this of Probus who ruled 276-282AD. It is 21mm in diameter and weighs 3.41 grams. One side features a radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Probus, while the other side is the same type as used above by Aurelian.
    4. From an uncertain mint in Cilicia, circa 400-300 BC, a very fine small silver obol only 10mm in diameter and weighing 0.75 grams. A helmeted head of Athena is on one side while a diademed female head is on the other side.
    5. A coin recieved by mistake, instead of the above obol. A silver stater, 22mm in diameter and weighing 10.52 grams, from the city of Tarsos in Cilicia. This coin was issued by Datames, the satrap of Cilicia and Cappadocia during 384-360BC. Datames is best known for his military campaigns and his efforts to assert his autonomy from the Persian central authority. Despite being a loyal servant of the Achaemenid kings, he eventually fell out of favor with the Persian king Artaxerxes II due to his aspirations for greater autonomy. Artaxerxes ordered his assassination, and Datames was betrayed and killed by one of his own officers. Datames’ story is significant because it reflects the complex political landscape of the Achaemenid Empire and the challenges faced by regional satraps in balancing loyalty to the central authority with their own ambitions for power and autonomy. Sadly, this coin has been returned to the dealer in Germany.
  5. Melissa Gumm showed souvenirs acquired on recent trips with her sister and nephews.
    1. Melissa does not know what sparked her interest and need to visit Cumberland Island National Seashore. Was it the National Parks quarter of 2018? She does not know, but she is glad she made it there and shared the experience with family. As they were checking out the bookstore/gift shop, she found this Cumberland Island quarter magnet – her first thought was what does 2018 have to do with the island, and then she remembered the National Park quarters. She also found this token featuring the Marshlands on one side and the ruins of Dungeness on the other – this was to be the winter home of Thomas Carnegie and his wife Lucy. Thomas and his brother Andrew founded Carnegie Brothers and Company, an iron and steel conglomerate in Pittsburgh. Lucy and Thomas were taken by the island and over five years purchased most of the island. Thomas unfortunately died when Lucy was just 40 leaving her with 9 children. She saw to the completion of Dungeness as well as several revisions which are the ruins we see now.
    2. When walking into the Museum of Aviation at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia she and her sister were met with a chorus of “do you have $0.51 so we can make smashed pennies?” Of course they found enough change to make one of each of the four designs: an F15, B1B Bomber, P40, and SR 71; everyone got a souvenir. Melissa did not coin nerd very well, or she would have had some older Lincoln cents, that would have made better elongated coins; the used copper plated zinc cents have many fine lines of the zinc shining though the now-cracked copper plating.
  6. Tyler Rossi showed a 50 Dinara banknote from Bosnia & Herzegovina, printed by De La Rue in London. This type is unissued and never circulated because all had been ordered by an overenthusiastic bank official without proper authorization; it does not appear that Bosnia ever paid the printer. This denomination is available in the market, while the other denominations are very rare.
  7. Mark Wieclaw showed a tetradrachm, from Alexandria, of Caracalla who was emperor 198-217AD. This is only the second example he has seen in 43 years. The reverse of this coin, from the sixth year of his reign, features Victory driving a quadriga. The other example that Mark has seen, also from the Dattari Collection, is from the ninth year of his reign and features two standing figures clasping hands.


Chicago Coin Club and New York Numismatic Club Joint Dinner at the 2024 ANA World’s Fair of Money

by Scott A. McGowan

The traditional joint dinner will be on Thursday August 8, 2024, at Gibsons Bar and Steakhouse (5464 N River Rd, Rosemont, IL 60018) which is across the street from the convention center. The price is $75.00 per person. This event is distinct from the CCC meeting to be held on Saturday at the ANA World’s Fair of Money.

There will be a cash bar, with cocktails starting at 6:30pm and dinner starting at 7:30pm. There is a choice between three entrees: 7oz. Filet, Salmon, and Chicken; served with potato and asparagus, and followed by desert. [This paragraph is not in the printed Chatter. - Editor]

Reservations are limited to the first 90 club members, with 45 tickets allocated to each club until July 1, 2024. After July 1, 2024, ticket sales will be available to spouses and partners of club members and, on a first come first serve basis, to anyone from either club and other numismatic friends.

To reserve your spot, send payment to the Chicago Coin Club using the following options…

  1. Pay with funds transfer using ZELLE banking transfer by sending payment to You MUST include your full name on the transfer, and indicate “Joint Dinner.”
  2. Send Check, payable to Chicago Coin Club, to PO Box 2301, Chicago, IL 60690. Indicate “Joint Dinner” on the check’s memo line.

Reserve early as this will be a sellout, as with each past year’s joint dinner.

Minutes of the 2024 WFoM Host Club Committee Meeting

June 5, 2024 – 7:04pm CDT.

Attending: Dale Lukanich (Chair), Bob Feiler (Assistant Chair), Dale Carlson, Scott McGowan, Greg Gajda, Rich Lipman, Mark Wieclaw, Steve Zitowsky, Carl Wolf, Jim Ray, Ray Dagenais, John Riley, John Kent, and Deven Kane.

Dale Lukanich called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.

Dale informed the committee that the 2024 World’s Fair of Money® “schedule at a glance” details are on the ANA website at: The schedule lists all Money Talks presentations; Carl Wolf will create medals for those speakers from a list to be supplied by Dale Lukanich.

Subcommittee Reports

Exhibits: Deadline for exhibiting applications is Friday, June 14, 2024.

Pages: John Kent indicated pages can register on the ANA website; the deadline is July 22, 2024. Pages age limit is 22 years of age. Dale Carlson mentioned a few youths he knows are interested.

Young Numismatists: Jim Ray reported the YN area at the convention is now called “Ernie’s Treehouse.” Volunteers will be needed for this area. Jim has a new YN flyer to supply to anyone to promote the Saturday Morning event to youth and scouts. The flyer has information for youth to RSVP to attend the Saturday event. Dale has received the “Scouting” badges for “Chicago 2024” from Gene Freeman.

Ambassadors: Scott McGowan reported 29 ambassadors have signed up to date; at the 2022 convention, we had 46. He plans a final push in order to get shirt sizes to submit to ANA by June 7, 2024.

Money Talks: Medals need to be engraved, list to be supplied to Carl by Dale Lukanich. Mark Wieclaw and Rich Lipman will make a list of CCC individuals to introduce each Money Talks speaker.

The form to pre-register for the convention, the ANA’s Friday night banquet, and other events for the committee members has been sent to committee members. Contact Dale Lukanich if you did not receive it.

Based on the floorplan, it looks like the World Mints Promenade will be back this year. Based on the return of the world mints, Scott asked Dale to check with the ANA about a “processional” of flags, and if a color guard will be needed, so we can have time to arrange it.

Joint CCC-NYNC dinner on August 8, 2024: $75 per person with a limit of 90. A pamphlet will be made for the dinner with a short history of each club. There are sponsors of the banquet that will help defray the banquet cost; these will be listed in the pamphlet. A rep from each club will be asked to speak briefly at the dinner.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:43pm.

The next (and last) committee meeting will be on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 7:00pm CDT; watch for the invite email from the CCC Secretary.

Respectfully Submitted,
Scott A. McGowan, Secretary, Chicago Coin Club

Our 1266th Meeting

Date: July 10, 2024 (in-person and online)
Time: 6:45PM CDT (UTC-05:00)
Location: Downtown Chicago
At the Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court, 3rd or 4th floor meeting room. Please remember the security measures at our meeting building: everyone must be prepared to show their photo-ID and register at the guard’s desk.
Online: For all the details on participating online in one of our club meetings, visit our Online Meeting webpage at Participation in an online meeting requires some advance work by both our meeting coordinator and attendees, especially first-time participants. Please plan ahead; read the latest instructions on the day before the meeting! Although we try to offer a better experience, please be prepared for possible diifficulties.
Featured Program: Tyler RossiThe Medal as a Political Vehicle
This talk will cover the political satire of Bernd Göbel’s art and medals. A well-known sculptor, Göbel was born in the central German city of Halle (Salle) in 1942 during WW2. Particularly well known in Germany, he also has an international reputation. In fact, in 2000 Bernd Göbel became an honorary member of the ANS as well as being the first German national to receive the ANS’s Sandford-Saltus Prize. After a lifetime of producing various statues, public monuments, block prints, and medals Göbel is still known for his biting social commentary.

Important Dates

Unless stated otherwise, our regular monthly CCC Meeting is in downtown Chicago, and also online, on the second Wednesday of the month; the starting time is 6:45PM CT.

July 3 Meeting of the 2024 WFoM Local Host Committee – 7pm CDT start – online only. Email Host Chair Dale Lukanich at for details on joining this committee or meeting.
July 10 CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Tyler Rossi on The Medal as a Political Vehicle
August 6-10 ANA in Rosemont, at Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. Admission is free for ANA members — for details, see
August 8 Joint Dinner - Chicago Coin Club and New York Numismatic Club at Gibsons, Rosemont, IL.
August 10 CCC Meeting - Noon at the ANA Convention, which is held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 North River Road, Rosemont, IL. No admission charge for the convention on Saturday.
Featured Speaker - Nathan Elkins on Coins and the Colosseum: How Coinage Illuminates the Greatest Amphitheater
August 14 CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Melissa Gumm on A Brief History of Commemorative Coins
September 5-7 ILNA 2023 Annual Coin & Currency Show at the Tinley Park Convention Center, 18451 Convention Center Drive, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477. Details, including hours and events, are available at
September 11 CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Len Augsburger on to be determined
October 9 CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - James McMenamin on The Ubiquitous “H”

Chatter Matter

Contacting Your Editor / Chatter Delivery Option

The print version of the Chatter is simply a printout of the Chatter webpage, with a little cutting and pasting to fill out each print page. The webpage is available before the Chatter is mailed.
If you would like to receive an email link to the latest issue instead of a mailed print copy, send an email to You can resume receiving a mailed print copy at any time, just by sending another email.

Club Officers

Elected positions:
John Riley- President
Melissa Gumm- First V.P.
Deven Kane- Second V.P.
William Burd- Archivist
Directors:Ray Dagenais
Mark Wieclaw
Carl Wolf
Steve Zitowsky
Appointed positions:
Richard Lipman- Immediate Past President
Scott McGowan- Secretary
Elliott Krieter- Treasurer
Paul Hybert- Chatter Editor, webmaster
Jeffrey Rosinia- ANA Club Representative


All correspondence pertaining to Club matters should be addressed to the Secretary and mailed to:
P.O. Box 2301

Or email the Secretary at
Payments to the Club, including membership dues, can be addressed to the Treasurer at the above street address.


Renewing Members Annual dues are $20 a year ($10 for Junior, under 18). Annual Membership expires December 31 of the year through which paid. Cash, check, or money order are acceptable (USD only please). We do not accept PayPal. Email your questions to Members can pay the Club electronically with Zelle™ using their Android or Apple smart phone. JP Morgan Chase customers can send payments to the Club via Quick Pay. To see if your Bank or Credit Union is part of the Zelle™ Payments Network, go to Please read all rules and requirements carefully.

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