Volume 68 No. 3 | March, 2022 |
Our March meeting will be in downtown Chicago, with support for remote attendees. No telling what restrictions will be in place, so bring your mask! Club President Lyle Day has made a personal request that in-person attendees wear a mask.
Five members from the Chicago area will be in Colorado Springs for the ANA’s NMS – we will try to join the March meeting – when the meeting starts, dealer setup will be winding down but the Collector Exhibit Area will have at least another hour to go – I know of three other CCC members who will be in the Hall, but they might be too busy to join us – I hope I have enough Raspberry Dark Chocolate Frangos for everyone!
Paul Hybert, editor
The much-delayed (due to Covid-19) club auction is scheduled for 7PM, near the start of the regular April club meeting, on Wednesday, April 13, in downtown Chicago.
Although we have many consignments (originally made to the canceled 2020 ad 2021 auctions), we might accept a few more lots at the meeting, but only as club-benefit lots.
The auction will be called from our in-person meeting room, and all lots must be picked up when the auction ends – that is when all accounts must be settled, too. If you wish to bid but will not attend in person, please make arrangements with a fellow member: to bid for you, to pick up your won lots, and to pay for you. We do not know how well the remote-support capabilities of our meeting room will support remote bidders.
The April Chatter will contain a list of all auction lots – among the highlights are: a complete set of the Club’s Odd & Curious Souvenir Sheets (23 pieces); Chicago Numismatic Society medals, icluding a silver Nashville medal and a silver Progress in Aviation medal; and a 6-piece Process Set of the CCC 95th Anniversary Ferris Wheel medal.
The 1237th meeting of the Chicago Coin Club was called to order by President Lyle Daly at 6:45 PM CST, Wednesday February 9, 2022. This was an online meeting only due to the Covid Pandemic; it used WebEx, and was hosted by Deven Kane. Attendance at the meeting start was 26 members and rose to 44 members.
Club Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report
The January 2022 meeting minutes were approved as published in the Chatter, both in print and on the CCC website.
Treasurer Elliott Krieter presented the Treasurer’s report for the January period. January period Income of $1,164 (Dues, Gift and Banquet); Expenses of $287.17 (Engraving, Room Rental, Corp Filing, and Print and Postage); for a period Total of $876.83.
New Members and Correspondence
Secretary Scott McGowan reported there were no new member applications. Regarding club received emails, Scott indicated that the Club receives many emails from the Numismatic Crime Information Center about recent thefts. These in the past were forwarded to all club members, but with the increased number of notices the membership was asked if they wanted these all forwarded. Club discussion indicated that we would forward the NCIC subscription information to members for them to subscribe individually.
Old Business
New Business
An announcement that the Central States Numismatic Society 83rd annual convention is scheduled for April 26-30, 2022 in Schaumburg, Illinois. Current ad in the printed Chatter still shows the 2021 date, which we will get updated.
General Announcements
The ANA National Money Show will be March 10-12, 2022 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
First V.P. John Riley introduced the Featured Program, Rick Ewing on Engraving Errors on Small Size U.S. Currency. After the presentation, John announced that Rick would receive an ANA education certificate and CCC speaker’s medal.
Second V.P Melissa Gumm announced of evening’s four exhibitors.
The next meeting will be March 9, 2022. Lyle Daly adjourned the meeting at 8:11 PM CST.
Respectfully Submitted,
Scott A. McGowan,
a presentation by Rick Ewing,
to our February 9, 2022 meeting.
The program covered engraving errors found on US paper money, mostly from the past 50 years. The focus was on the engraved plate numbers, which can be in the wrong place, omitted, or of an incorrect size. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) uses face and back plate numbers during printing to track printed sheets and monitor the quality of the printing operations during production of paper money. Plate numbers typically are small in size and short in length. Printing plate life is carefully tracked to maintain the high standards of quality of United States Currency. Serial numbers are affixed to each note late and only in the last phase of production – each note of a series has a unique combination of two letters and a serial number, with each combination of the two letters known as a block. As an example, the LF Block refers to all notes with a serial number preceded by the letter L and followed by the letter F.
The first error Rick showed us was a $2 Legal Tender note of the 1928 Series, with a red seal on the face. There is no plate number on the back because the plate number for the back was omitted from that plate – find the 2 on the right side of the back, with TWO over it; the plate number should be to the left of it, just past the scroll work. It is estimated that there might be fewer than 100 specimens available, with the highest grading “64.” Rick next showed a list of the $1 note errors to be covered:
In Series 1974, back plate number 1905 was engraved without the “1” in the plate number. To see the back plate number: find the large central ONE on the back; look below and to the right of the E, near the scroll work. We saw the face of a note from the HA Block, with a face plate number of 232. This back error is observed on a total of 12 Blocks, two of which, the J* and L* Blocks, are of star (replacement) notes; there are nine observed face plates for this error.
No BEP records indicate the reasoning or an investigation into what was the cause of the error. A “possible,” but very improbable, explanation has an over looked pallet of sheets printed with back plate 905 being discovered and being used for Series 1974; but back plate number 905 had been used about ten years earlier, for Series 1963-A. At that time, the BEP still used the classic multi-stage printing process to print notes: the backs were printed first, then set aside for three days; the face plates were used during the second stage; and the seal and serial numbers were printed on the note face during the third stage. The classic printing errors were mostly due to human mistakes, such as feeding a sheet upside-down into a printing press. 1978 was the last year a BEP employee picked up a stack of paper and moved it. Each modern press is about 200 feet long – paper goes in one side, and bundles of money come out the other side – no hands are used in the process.
Back plate number 129 has the plate number engraved in the wrong place – instead of appearing as described earlier (below and to the right of the central ONE), plate number 129 was placed below and to the left of the central ONE. To make things more interesting, back plate 129 was used on notes of Series 1981-A as well as on notes of Series 1985. A mule is what collectors call a plate that is used on notes from two or more Series. Back plate 129 is known on notes from four blocks in Series 1981-A and from seven blocks in Series 1985. Rick showed us lists of the monthly production runs, by serial numbers, for June (Series 1981-A) and July and August (Series 1985); so far, back plate 129 has been reported on about half of the blocks produced during those three months.
On the face plate, the plate number is to the right of the ONE with the green Treasury Department seal over it; the bases of the ONE and plate number are approximately aligned. (There is a single upper-case letter to the left of the face plate number, but its use is not material to this discussion – we could spend a day covering the meaning of all of the markings over all of the denominations of Federal Reserve Notes.) Next up was an error from the first series produced at the new Fort Worth facility of the BEP. On the face plate, a note from the Fort Worth facility is identified by the letters FW located to the left of the single letter located to the left of the face plate number. The FW and the face plate number are of the same height – except when they are not! The plate number is slightly taller than the FW on some of the Series 1988-A notes; we saw the 106 taller than the FW when they surrounded the letter D, while we saw the FW and 106 the same height when they surrounded the letter G. (A printed sheet can contain 32 notes – this reporter believes the letter provides some positioning information, but missed any of Rick’s related comments.) We saw specimens of the tall number 106 from the L*, LE, and LF blocks, with the 106 to the right of letters D, A, and H, respectively; all from the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank.
Although the $1 back plate numbers should be located below and to the right of the central ONE, notes from each BEP facility have their own characteristic size and position which differ slightly from the size and position used by the other BEP facility – except when they do not. Back plate number 295 for Fort Worth was probably engraved by someone more familiar with the DC printing than the Fort Worth presses – the 295 is smaller than other back plate numbers for Fort Worth, and it appears to be in the Washington position. Since no one noticed the discrepancy, this accounts for over one million notes having the error. Rick showed four Series 1995 notes printed in Fort Worth for the San Francisco FRB with consecutive LW Block serial numbers (ending in 25 through 28); with face plate numbers of 382, 370, 381, and 487 respectively; and with back plate numbers of 300, 249, 295, and 275 respectively. Then he listed the eleven known Blocks as well as the known face plate numbers for each Block (which varied from 4 to 16 back plate numbers). For specialists, he showed three Blocks in which three of the four back plates (from a group of four consecutive Serial Numbers) are the same (back plate numbers 249, 261, and 295) but in different orders.
Tired of looking at $1 notes? Next was a Series 1999 $20 note with the District Designator about 0.5mm shorter than usual. On this type of notes, the Federal Reserve Bank District Designation appears near the top left of the face, just below the Serial Number. The designation of D4 indicates this is for the Cleveland FRB, and this is the only branch for notes with this error – it is estimated that less than 100 examples exist.
That was it for errors on regular issue notes. Rick’s last error was on a Series 1981 first uncut sheet (of four notes) offered for sale to collectors. The Serial Numbers on uncut sheets have a high number, starting with 999. First he showed a typical offering, with Serial Numbers of 99936610, 99944610, 99952610, and 99960610 on the face, and the same back plate number (of 478) for all four notes. Then he showed an error sheet with the top three notes having a back plate number of 3273 while the bottom note has a back plate number of 7273. The program ended with Rick answering our questions and covering some related topics. Because the BEP’s processes are so automated, the classic errors are no longer being produced at the BEP – beware of home-made errors such as miscuts and overprintings, but many of them involve notes from uncut sheets (look for notes with high serial numbers). Because of the high cost of replacing an individual spoiled note with a star note, now the entire group of 100 is pulled and replaced with a pack of 100 star notes. The inserted star notes no longer need to be for the same FRB as the notes being replaced. And with the smaller need for star notes, the day will come when star notes will no longer be produced.
With more than 185 different error notes, that is enough to keep any collector busy for at least a week. If you find this material interesting, Rick encourages you to look into the Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC) which promotes the study and appreciation of paper money and related financial history. Its website is https://www.spmc.org.
CSNS Convention | Chicago Coin Company |
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. | Kedzie Koins Inc. |
Items shown at our February 9, 2022 meeting,
reported by Melissa Gumm.
by Paul Hybert.
A good numismatic exhibit tells a story, using numismatic items to illustrate it. What stories can be told by the items in your collections? The application deadline for the Collector Area Exhibits at the 2022 World’s Fair of Money is June 15, so start thinking about your exhibits now! It takes time to create your first exhibit, but fellow CCC members can help.
An article in the February, 2022 Chatter announced a rough initial example webpage, but now we have a complete example. An example of my old three-case exhibit is available at http://www.chicagocoinclub.org/projects/digital_exhibits/experiment1/example1.html
That page shows what we will be able to generate from a group of submitted exhibit images, both full-case images and closeup images of individual items or text cards. At the bottom of that page is a link to the updated overview page for this project.
Please remember the intended audience is limited to the exhibitor and a few club members, with exhibiting experience, who volunteer to review a draft version of an exhibit and offer feedback to the exhibitor. The draft images are rough – good enough to read the text and see the general layout, but the image details (color, alignment, keystoning, and such) are imperfect. These webpages are used for quick feedback, not for permanent archiving.
To make the ongoing effort work, some volunteers will be needed to offer comments on the submitted draft exhibits. I hope that some experienced club-member exhibitors and judges will volunteer, as they did years ago when we ran a series of in-person clinics on building an exhibit. We plan to add an Exhibits channel in the club’s “Discord” discussion program, to allow for feedback by the volunteers. The policies for the Exhibits channel still need to be assigned, but exhibitors would not be able to leave comments or answers because they would loose their anonymity by doing so, and this project will try to maintain exhibitor anonymity.
If you are experienced in exhibiting and would like to review exhibits, or if you would like to use this online resource to help you develop your exhibit, please email me at my personal address or at chatter_editor@yahoo.com.
February 15, 2022
Attending: Steve Zitowsky (Chair), Dale Lukanich (Asst Chair), Greg Gajda, Marc Ricard, Carl Wolf, Dale Carlson, Deven Kane, Mark Wieclaw, John Riley, Bob Feiler, Paul Hybert, Jim Ray, Rich Lipman, Jeff Amelse, Dan Shemwell and Scott McGowan.
Committee Chair Steve Zitowsky called the meeting to order at 7:00PM, reporting that the ANA was focusing their efforts on the National Money Show (NMS) March 10-12, 2022, in Colorado Springs. Once that event is completed, the ANA will turn their attention to the WFoM.
Committee Reports:
Money Talks: Mark Wieclaw reported speaking with Sam Gelberd at the ANA, and there is no word yet on the application deadline.
Collector Exhibits: Paul Hybert reported on several options/layouts of an online numismatic exhibit to assist in exhibit promotion and engagement. A best layout option was discussed, with popup closeup images appearing next to a small full-case image. Paul indicated two members so far have offered to do reviewing. Marc Ricard indicated we will need to obscure the identity of the exhibitor because exhibits at an ANA convention are anonymous. We will try to use a Discord channel for judges’ comments; the Judges will not be anonymous but exhibitors will be. An article in the March Chatter will call for reviewers and exhibits from less-experienced exhibitors.
Ambassadors: Scott McGowan reported the Ambassador form for 2022 was mailed with the February printed Chatter; we have 14 completed forms so far.
Pages: John Riley reported meeting with John Kent, who has several additional participants. No information or sign-up form has yet been published.
YN/Scouts Workshop: Jim Ray plans to reach out to the list of Scout councils and youth organizations we contacted in 2019. Scott McGowan to supply Jim with the list and emails used in 2019.
Members-at-Large: Carl Wolf reported the creation of a promotional coaster based on Steve Zitowsky’s instructions. Coaster to have the Isabella Quarter design with CCC information on one side and an ANA WFoM design on the other. Goal is to have coasters ready for the National Money Show in Colorado in March.
Steve Zitowsky shared the updated list of items to help promote the August WFoM show which includes shopping information, Baseball games during the WFoM week (Sox vs. Astros 15-18; Cubs vs. Brewers 19-20), museum list, and other non-coin related activities in Chicago during the WFoM week. Goal is to finalize the list to use for the National Money Show (March) and Central States show (April). A supply of these will also be at the Ambassador table and Rosemont Convention center Concierge desk. Scott McGowan offered to help format the 2½ pages into 2 pages so we can make it a single sheet which is easier to handle.
The committee confirmed the initiative to visit area coin clubs to promote the WFoM after the weather warms up, and also promote exhibiting at the show. Committee to revisit this in March/April.
A joint club dinner with CCC and NYNC is yet to be planned.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:38PM.
Future Meetings:
March | 16, | Wednesday, | @7:00pm | CDT | Third | Wednesday |
April | 20, | Wednesday, | @7:00pm | CDT | Third | Wednesday |
May | 17, | Tuesday, | @7:00pm | CDT | Third | Tuesday |
June | 15, | Wednesday, | @7:00pm | CDT | Third | Wednesday |
July | 20, | Wednesday, | @7:00pm | CDT | Third | Wednesday |
WFoM Dates:
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, IL
August 15-20, 2022 (Monday-Saturday)
Note: Sunday, August 14 may be a workday for some!!
Respectfully Submitted,
Scott A. McGowan
Secretary, Chicago Coin Club
February 16, 2022
The Chicago Coin Club Board met February 16, 2022, via web hosted video conference. President Lyle Daly called the meeting to order at 7:05pm CST with the following Board members present: Lyle Daly, John Riley, Melissa Gumm, Paul Hybert, Rich Lipman, Scott McGowan, Carl Wolf, Bill Burd, Deven Kane, Mark Wieclaw, Elliott Krieter, Steve Zitowsky, and Jeff Rosinia.
Old Business
New Business
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58PM CST.
Respectfully Submitted,
Scott A. McGowan
Secretary, Chicago Coin Club
Date: | March 9, 2022 |
Time: | 6:45PM CST (UTC-06:00) |
Location: | Downtown Chicago
At the Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court, 3rd or 4th floor meeting room. Please remember the security measures at our meeting building: everyone must be prepared to show their photo-ID and register at the guard’s desk. Because things can change between when this is written and we meet, please bring your face covering to the meeting – all attendees must follow the city’s and building’s rules. This will be our second attempt at a regular in-person meeting in the Covid-19 era. We will try for a better experience than in November, but please be prepared for possible diifficulties. |
Online: | For all the details on participating online in one of our club meetings, visit our Online Meeting webpage at www.chicagocoinclub.org/meetings/online_meeting.html. Participation in an online meeting requires some advance work by both our meeting coordinator and attendees, especially first-time participants. Please plan ahead; read the latest instructions on the day before the meeting! |
Featured Program: | Deven Kane —
How Numismatics Helped Rediscover a Forgotten Empire
By the early 19th century, the British conquest of India was almost complete. As officials of the East India Company fanned out across India, they discovered mysterious inscriptions, carved on rocks and pillars all over India, that nobody could read. The code to crack this mystery came from coins once issued in the Northwestern parts of India and modern Afghanistan. The rediscovery of these scripts enabled scholars to identify the monarch who issued these edicts and rediscover a forgotten Empire. |
Unless stated otherwise, our regular monthly CCC Meeting is in downtown Chicago and also online on the second Wednesday of the month; the starting time is 6:45PM CT.
March | 9 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Deven Kane on How Numismatics Helped Rediscover a Forgotten Empire |
March | 10-12 | ANA’s National Money Show at the Broadmoor Resort, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Details at https://www.money.org/NationalMoneyShow |
April | 13 | CCC Meeting - Club Auction - no featured speaker |
April | 28-30 | 83rd Anniversary Convention of the Central States Numismatic Society at the Schaumburg Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center, 1551 North Thoreau Drive, Schaumburg, IL. There is a $5 per day admission charge, a 3-day pass for $10, and (maybe) free admission for CSNS Life Members. For details, refer to their website, https://www.centralstatesnumismaticsociety.org/ |
April | 30 | CCC Meeting - 1pm at the CSNS Convention,
which is held at the Schaumburg Convention Center.
No admission charge for our meeting.
Featured Speaker - Tom Uram on 2021-22 Morgan & Peace Dollar 100th Anniversary Project: an “After-Action” Report |
May | 11 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Dale Lukanich on Scrip Issued by Hiram Norton, a Self-Made Man |
June | 8 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - to be announced |
Unless stated otherwise, these meetings will be online only.
March | 16 | Wednesday | 7:00pm |
April | 20 | Wednesday | 7:00pm |
May | 17 | Tuesday | 7:00pm |
June | 15 | Wednesday | 7:00pm |
July | 20 | Wednesday | 7:00pm |
The print version of the Chatter is simply a printout of the Chatter webpage,
with a little cutting and pasting to fill out each print page.
The webpage is available before the Chatter is mailed.
If you would like to receive an email link to the latest issue instead of a mailed print copy,
send an email to chatter_editor@yahoo.com.
You can resume receiving a mailed print copy at any time, just by sending another email.
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All correspondence pertaining to Club matters
should be addressed to the Secretary and mailed to:
P.O. Box 2301
Or email the Secretary at
Payments to the Club, including membership dues,
can be addressed to the Treasurer at the above
street address.
Renewing Members Annual dues are $20 a year ($10 for Junior, under 18). Annual Membership expires December 31 of the year through which paid. Cash, check, or money order are acceptable (USD only please). We do not accept PayPal. Email your questions to Treasurer.ChicagoCoinClub@GMail.com Members can pay the Club electronically with Zelle™ using their Android or Apple smart phone. JP Morgan Chase customers can send payments to the Club via Quick Pay. To see if your Bank or Credit Union is part of the Zelle™ Payments Network, go to https://www.zellepay.com Please read all rules and requirements carefully.
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Sharing this complete Chatter issue with a friend is simple. Just let them scan this code into their smartphone! |