Volume 67 No. 6 | June, 2021 |
Covid-19 restrictions are easing. Conditions are improving, and it appears the August World’s Fair of Money® will be held in Rosemont. It will be different from in past years, but we will enjoy it. Watch the ANA website for updates, Covid-19 restrictions, events, and schedule. Reports from recent local shows are encouraging.
Paul Hybert, editor
The 1228th meeting of the Chicago Coin Club was called to order by President Lyle Daly at 6:45 PM CDT, Wednesday May 12, 2021. Due to the pandemic shutdown, the meeting was online using Webex with 29 members but rose to 33.
Club President Lyle Daly started the meeting asking for a motion to suspend the Order of Business, giving the reason that our Order of Business as outlined in the by-laws conflicted with current practice and it was the intent to revise the club by-laws for this section during a vote at this meeting. The motion was moved and passed.
Club Meeting Minutes
The April 14, 2021 meeting minutes were approved.
Guests and New Members
No new membership applications were received. No guests were present.
Treasurer’s Report
Club President Lyle Daly recommended that we move the treasurer’s report to the end of the meeting to accommodate the availability of the club treasurer.
Old Business
Bob Leonard recommended the club not adopt the change, citing that if the featured speaker is not a club member, they should not be compelled to wait through discussion of the business before they can begin their program, in case they have a long trip home after the meeting. The present by-laws, which apparently we have not been following for some time, were introduced by Saul Needleman to prevent speakers from encountering long discussions of business before they could get to their program. Bob personally ran into this issue when invited to speak at one of the clubs in the far south suburbs where he had to wait over an hour before he could begin the program, then had to drive well over an hour home. We increased the length of the meeting by starting at 6:45pm, but we have had very long discussions on medals, finishes on medals, and price of medals that would not be of interest to someone who was coming in to give a program and has to then catch a train. He recommended we not change this, leave it as is, and bring the speaker in after the initial reports, holding the business to later.
Carl Wolf agreed with Bob – it is not just the speaker, it is also people who come in from a great distance to attend the meeting and then have to leave when the speaker is at the end of the meeting in order to make a train, so they might miss part of the presentation. Carl remembers encouraging Saul to move the speaker to the beginning of the meeting because the speaker is why people really come. They are coming for the numismatic information, not for all the business discussion. It is the numismatics that is important.
Mark Wieclaw commented that most of the discussions on medals and such are very rare. If members are not interested in the way the business is run, they should not be a member. They should be participating in the whole meeting, whether or there is a train or not. Normally we have no problem with getting all the business conducted in a fast manner, so we should change the order.
Rich Lipman kind of agrees and disagrees with the above member comments. He favors having a hopefully truncated business meeting, and that requires a little bit of the whip from the president – cutting people off in a respectful way, but being mindful of everybody’s time is a worthwhile thing. We should all want to move the business along, instead of necessarily letting people just talk. This is a judgement thing, and Lyle is entirely capable of expediting the business section. Rich thinks a truncated and expedited business section is reasonable to have first, and then move on to the speaker after that. Rich also suggested that people could sign in at 7:00pm to avoid a 15-to-20-minute business portion. Rich favors a relatively short business meeting followed by the speaker.
Carl Wolf mentioned that about 10 years ago the club increased the size of the Board, and stressed to them the importance of quarterly meetings so that most of the business could be discussed, spelled out, and finished at the board meetings, so it would not have to be brought up at every regular meeting. Some decisions of the board would have to be brought up to the general membership, but not every decision; all actions would be reported; this would get business over sooner without glossing it over.
Deven Kane gets the issue with time and can also see a big problem when we have many people in Show and Tell. He does not think we spend that much time with business, typically, and it is important organizationally to have members engaged in what is going on. If the Board runs it all, the risk is it is just an inside club and no input from the members, which can be dangerous to the organization. If there is a speaker with a time constraint, we can always be flexible and let them go upfront – but it is important for the members to pay attention and be engaged with what is going on organizationally.
Kurt Hyde questioned why we have a very strict order in which the topics are to be brought up, and suggested that the people in charge have the flexibility to decide the basic order for each meeting based upon that meeting’s circumstances.
Lyle Daly was not sure we could answer Kurt’s question about changing the order of business anytime, but, as the president of the club, he would pledge to stay within the 15-minute window. If we have a speaker with a time constraint, we would certainly adjust the meeting – We would make a motion, as we have in the past, to suspend the normal order of business. Most of our work is taken care of during our committee meetings.
Lyle Daly called for a vote by a show of hands, counting 14 approvals and 4 opposed. The motion carried, so the Order of Business will be amended as written, along with the understanding that the president will keep business under 15 minutes and push items to committee.
New Business
General Announcements
There will be a Chicago Coin Club Board meeting on May 19, 2021.
First V.P. John Riley introduced the Featured Speaker, Madeline Rodriguez, on Observations Around the Composition and Changes to the U.S. 10- and 25-cent Coins, 1794 to Present. Following a question-and-answer period, John announced Maddie would receive an ANA Educational Award and engraved Club medal.
John also announced that Lyle Daly, Carl Wolf, Bill Burd, and Mark Wieclaw met to send out the medals and educational certificates for the 2020 and 2021 YTD presenters that were online due to the pandemic. Carl Wolf showed off Maddie’s medal for all to see.
Second V.P. Melissa Gumm announced there were 4 exhibitors for the evening.
Lyle Daly presented the Treasurer’s report submitted by Treasurer Elliott Krieter. The report for April 2021 showed $0 income with $53.00 expenses for Chatter expense, giving a net of -$53.00 for the period of April 2021. A motion to accept this report was made, seconded, and passed.
The next meeting will be June 9, 2021.
Lyle Daly adjourned the meeting at 8:17pm CDT.
Respectfully Submitted,
Scott A. McGowan,
by Madeline Rodriguez,
presented to our May 12, 2021 meeting.
This presentation was a continuation of Maddie’s September, 2020 overview of the US nickel and cent coins. The first slide, repeated from the prior presentation, had bar graphs showing the years in which the US Mint had issued the various denominations – now, the Ten Cent (Dime) and Twenty-Five Cent (Quarter) denominations were highlighted. The quarter series were covered first.
The obverses of the Draped Bust Quarters (1796, 1804-1807) have the same look, but there are many differences to be found on these products of hand-engraved dies. The position of the date varied, and the number of the stars flanking Liberty changed over time: 15 stars in 1796, one for each state; and 13 stars starting in 1804, for the original 13 colonies. On the reverse, the realistic but thin eagle of 1796 was replaced by a heraldic eagle, and the denomination was added in 1804 – the original idea was that the coins’ differing diameters would indicate different denominations, but an explicit statement of value was deemed necessary.
There were two major styles of Capped Bust Quarters (1815, 1818-1838) – although the weight remained the same, the coins of 1831-1838 have a smaller diameter and are thicker than the coins of 1815-1828. In addition to minor changes to the devices, the E Pluribus Unum legend was removed from above the eagle on the reverses of 1831-1838. The quarter denomination was not in high demand, hence the gaps in the years of mintage. Due to a lack of metal, the only silver denomination struck in 1815 was the quarter; the bank which had provided the bullion asked for that denomination. Member Bob Leonard identified the bank as the Planter’s Bank of New Orleans, and its bullion consisted of cut pieces of Spanish dollars.
The Seated Liberty Quarters (1838-1891) experienced many small changes in the years of its mintage. Weight reductions (to keep people from melting or exporting them for their silver value) were indicated by the addition of arrows by the date (and sometimes by rays on the reverse), and these were the first quarters to be nade at branch mints (as indicated by the Mint Marks: O for New Orleans, S for San Francisco, and CC for Carson City). On the reverse, the In God We Trust motto appeared over the eagle starting in the 1860s.
When it was decided to retire the Liberty Seated design, a competition was announced for a new design. Unfortunately, the submitted ideas and designs were not well received, resulting in the use of the design by the mint’s chief engraver, Charles Barber. The Barber Quarters (1892-1916) were issued for 25 years, and there is not much to be said about these plain coins that performed their duty in circulation. The Barber design was the last design to appear on all of the subsidiary silver denominations. It was noted that two series of quarters were struck in 1916.
The Standing Liberty Quarters (1916-1930) had a rough start due to issues with the design. The bare breasted figure of Liberty soon acquired a chain mail top (for modesty? or as a show of strength to the war in Europe?), and then the date was moved from a high spot so that it would not wear off so quickly. This popular and artistic design was issued for only 15 years, being replaced by an act of Congress.
The Washington Quarters (1932-2030, at least) was started to honor the 200th anniversary of George Washington. It was struck in .900 silver through the 1964 date, after which it was struck in copper nickel clad composition. Small changes were made to the obverse while the reverse saw major changes as the quarter became the canvas for many circulating commemorative coins:
Five commemorative reverse designs have been used each year so far, and it appears that pattern will continue. Did you know about these future plans? Maddie showed us the seven designs, under consideration by the CCAC and CFA, for Maya Angelou, the first coin in the Prominent American Women series. A Washington design will continue on the obverse, and we saw 11 designs under consideration. One motivation for the sports coins is the 2028 Olympics scheduled for Los Angeles.
Having covered the quarters, Maddie turned her attention to the dimes – a denomination which was spelled as disme in the Coinage Act of 1792. Although a few 1792 pattern dismes are known, Maddie showed images of the more common 1792 half disme (it says so on the reverse) which had a very limited mintage. But the mintage of dimes, in quantity and as part of a real coinage, had to wait until 1796.
The Draped Bust Dimes (1796-1807) used the same obverse and reverse styles as found on the contemporary quarters, but made smaller to fit onto the smaller planchet. There were 15 stars in 1796 (same as on the 1796 quarter), increasing to 16 stars in 1797 with an additional state in the Union, but then dropping to 13 stars, for the original 13 colonies, because the design was too crowded. There was no denomination on the reverse in 1796, same as on the 1796 quarter, but the denomination remained off of all Draped Bust Dimes through 1807.
There were two major styles of Capped Bust Dimes (1809-1837), just as with the contemporary quarters. Although the weight remained the same, the dimes of 1828-1837 have a smaller diameter and are thicker than the dimes of 1809-1828. The dimes of 1828-1837 are uniformly round due to the use of a “close” collar during striking, which limited the amount the planchet could spread out while being struck, and also placed the reeding onto the edge. There are 123 varieties of early dimes known, because each die was individually created by hand punches and engraving.
Although the Seated Liberty Dimes (1837-1891) share many characteristics with their contemporary quarters, the major difference is that the reverse does not have an eagle – the denomination is spelled out, as ONE DIME, within a wreath. The coins were struck in a number of branch mints, and many varieties are known. The Barber Dimes (1892-1916) used the same Liberty bust style as did the Barber Quarters, but the reverse spelled out the denomination as on the Seated Liberty Dimes. The most notable of these dimes was struck in 1894 in San Francisco in a very small quantity – this series is so boring that no one noticed that Maddie’s slide for it had been accidentally dropped.
The Winged Liberty Head Dime (1916-1945) is commonly, and mistakenly, called the Mercury Dime. But that is not the Roman Meesenger god on the obverse. Liberty wears a Phrygian cap (symbolizing freedom) to which a wing is affixed. This popular and artistic design is not tied to the design on the other contemporary silver denominations, making a break from mint practice since its beginning. Although this dime design lasted longer than the Standing Liberty Quarter design, both of these designs ended to honor a dead president.
The Roosevelt Dime (1946-) was first issued the year after Franklin Roosevelt died. This denomination was chosen because of Roosevelt’s help in founding the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, which we now know as the March of Dimes. It was released on what would have been his birthday, January 30 in 1946. One rumor had it that the JS initials of the chief engraver were the initials of Joseph Stalin. In addition to the major change in composition from 0.900 silver to a copper nickel composition, a few small changes have been made, such as the Mint Mark position.
CSNS Convention | Chicago Coin Company |
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. | Kedzie Koins Inc. |
Items shown at our May 12, 2021 meeting,
reported by Melissa Gumm.
May 19, 2021
The Chicago Coin Club Board met May 19, 2021 via web hosted video conference. First Vice President John Riley called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM on behalf of President Lyle Daly, with the following Board members present: John Riley, Melissa Gumm, Paul Hybert, Rich Lipman, Elliott Krieter, Scott McGowan, Bill Burd, Deven Kane, Mark Wieclaw, Steve Zitowsky, and Jeff Rosinia. Lyle Daly joined after a transportation delay. Not Present: Carl Wolf due to family emergency.
Old Business
Medal of Merit: Mark Wieclaw discussed the Medal of Merit purchase, stating if we purchase five, we will get one free based on a quantity price break. Recently, Medal of Merit has been an annual award but that is not mandatory – five medals would last about five years. Recommendation to table to August to include Carl Wolf in the discussion.
CCC Forum: Deven Kane reported on the Chicago Coin Club forum status, stating not much has been done and asked if this should be under the technology committee. Decided to have Deven set up the forum and get the Board registered to test before launching to the club membership. The forum would be for CCC members only, access must be approved, and it was recommended we have more than one moderator.
Google Phone: Scott McGowan reported that he has not yet set up the Google Phone number for the club, but would do so before the August Board meeting.
Returning to In-Person Meetings: Rich Lipman shared his ideas for in-person meetings. Discussion on whose responsibility it will be to manage guidelines, and following CDC or Chicago Bar Association (CBA) guidelines. Board will need information from CBA on timing and guidelines for reopening. Having the option of in-person and online meetings combined will let the membership decide how to attend. It would be the Board’s responsibility to decide on how to go back to in-person and hybrid in-person meetings.
2020 Audit: The final note is that the club’s accounting was checked, and all was found to be in order.
New Business
In-Person Meetings how-to: The board discussed continuing online meetings after returning to in-person meetings, and all agreed we should. Online will be good for long distance members and during times of bad weather. Jeff Rosinia suggested researching other clubs’ practice of hybrid in-person/online meetings. Decided to set up a committee for “Return to In-Person Events” which will include Carl Wolf, Deven Kane, Steve Zitowsky, and Rich Lipman; it will contact the CBA for information on what they will provide for meetings, such as sanitizers, wipes, room set up, etc. Don Kagin’s ANA-presidency campaign website mentions having the ANA foster a process for an in-person/virtual meeting model.
Membership Cards: Scott McGowan asked for clarification on membership cards: if we still create and distribute them. Past practice has been to print them at the beginning of the year and distribute at meetings. Because organizations go more digital, the motion was made to no longer send paper cards and only send digital cards. Paper cards would be available to members upon request. The motion passed. It is the responsibility of the treasurer to create and distribute membership cards.
Usage of Full Names in CCC Publications: The Board reviewed the usage of full names of club members in meeting minutes and publications. It was decided that a disclaimer would be stated at each meeting, that members not wishing their surname published in the minutes inform the club secretary. Members not wanting their surname published with the Show and Tell review should advise so with their submissions.
Show and Tell: Melissa Gumm indicated that recent Show and Tell presentations have become longer than the recommended 3-5 minutes; recent average times were 10 minutes. Lyle Daly indicated that this has been a continuous issue for years. Rich Lipman recommended encouraging a limit to the number of items for each presenter. Rich also asked why we feel we need to stick to five minutes – if the presentation is informative and we have few presenters, why not allow longer times? The board agreed we should suggest to presenters to limit their shown items to allow for a shorter show and tell, and to encourage more participants.
Scott McGowan suggested we do Show and Tell outreach to all club members to outline the process to participate and encourage more member participation. Scott agreed to work with Melissa on the program. Paul Hybert mentioned adding some information to the end of the Show and Tell section in the Chatter, to help encourage more participation.
November Club Auction: Melissa Gumm reported receiving club member inquiries if there will be an auction in November, and how we will do it. Bill Burd indicated that the club has sufficient materials (from the canceled 2020 auction) for an auction. Since we will have an in-person meeting and we do have material, we will have a club auction. We will be limiting the auction to about 50 lots to make it manageable, given the expected social distancing. August/September will be the cut off time for members requesting to add items to the Auction. Club members with items for the auction will be requested to limit their number of items and should contact Bill Burd. No walk-in Auction items will be allowed for members selling for themselves, but walk-in Auction items will be accepted if they are donations to the club.
Speakers Medals: Mark Wieclaw indicated we need to check with Carl Wolf to see if we have enough Speaker Medals for the ANA Money Talks.
Condensing of Meeting Minutes: Lyle Daly brought up discussions, started by email, about the condensing of meeting minutes. The consensus of the Board was that editorial leeway was okay if the spirit and intent were maintained.
Additional Announcements
Show information: The annual ILNA show will not be in Tinley Park; it will be at the Dupage County Fair Grounds, September 9-11, 2021.
Next Board Meeting will be on August 18, 2021.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Scott A. McGowan, Secretary
May 20, 2021
The fourth meeting of the 2021 ANA convention committee was held May 20, 2021, online. Host chairman Elliott Krieter called the meeting to order at 7:04pm with Steve Zitowsky, Mark Wieclaw, Paul Hybert, John Riley, John Kent, Marc Charles Ricard. Jack Smith, Carl Wolf, Mike Gasvoda, and Scott McGowan in attendance.
Elliott opened the meeting by reporting he had spoken with Jennifer Ackerman at the ANA on various topics, some of which have yet to be answered.
Parking passes for ambassadors and committee have yet to be determined. Elliott informed the ANA that this helps with the ambassador recruitment.
Elliott asked about the CCC stipend. but has not received a response. Elliott submitted the names of the committee chairs to the ANA. The ANA indicated there was no YN Workshop Chairperson on the list, which is the new name for the Youth/Scouts committee. Elliott to advise this chair is Jim Ray.
Elliott reported that many forms for the WFOM are now available on the ANA website. This includes Money Talks, Exhibitors, Pages, Dealer Bourse, and others.
Ambassador report by Scott McGowan
Money Talks report by Mark Wieclaw
Page Committee report by John Riley
Exhibit Committee report by Paul Hybert and Marc Ricard
YN Workshop Committee report by Jim Ray
Additional Committee discussions
Next Meeting is scheduled for July 15.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm CDT.
Respectfully Submitted,
Scott A. McGowan
Secretary, Chicago Coin Club
Date: | June 9, 2021 |
Time: | 6:45 PM CDT (UTC-05:00) |
Location: | Online Only!
Visit our Online Meeting webpage, at www.chicagocoinclub.org/meetings/online_meeting.html, for all the details on participating in an online club meeting. Participation in an online meeting requires some advance work by both our meeting coordinator and attendees, especially first-time participants. Please plan ahead; read the latest instructions on the day before the meeting! |
Featured Program: | Winston Zack —
Counterfeiting Fish Scales: Three-Cent Silver Counterfeiting from 1851 to 1862
Three cent silver coins are small, arguably artistically uninspiring coins which primarily circulated in the US from 1851 to 1862, and continued to be minted until 1873. As such, this odd-denomination, short-lived coin often gets overlooked within US numismatic research and collecting. However, this unsuspecting coin was one of the most counterfeited of all US coins in the 19th century. Join Winston to learn why such a small denomination coin was counterfeited. |
Unless stated otherwise, our regular monthly CCC Meeting is online during the Covid-19 isolation era on the second Wednesday of the month; the starting time is 6:45PM CT.
June | 9 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Winston Zack on Counterfeiting Fish Scales: Three-Cent Silver Counterfeiting from 1851 to 1862 |
July | 14 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Steve Zitkowsky on War, Romance, Numismatics – the Coins of the D.O.A., German East Africa |
August | 10-14 | ANA in Rosemont, at Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. Admission is free for ANA members — for details, see http://www.worldsfairofmoney.com. |
August | 14 | CCC Meeting - Noon at the ANA Convention,
which is held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 North River Road, Rosemont, IL.
No admission charge for our meeting.
Featured Speaker - to be announced |
September | 8 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Mark Wieclaw on Irish Gun Money |
October | 13 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - to be announced |
The print version of the Chatter is simply a printout of the Chatter webpage,
with a little cutting and pasting to fill out each print page.
The webpage is available before the Chatter is mailed.
If you would like to receive an email link to the latest issue instead of a mailed print copy,
send an email to chatter_editor@yahoo.com.
You can resume receiving a mailed print copy at any time, just by sending another email.
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All correspondence pertaining to Club matters
should be addressed to the Secretary and mailed to:
P.O. Box 2301
Payments to the Club, including membership dues,
can be addressed to the Treasurer and mailed to
the above address.
Renewing Members Annual dues are $20 a year ($10 for Junior, under 18). Annual Membership expires December 31 of the year through which paid. Cash, check, or money order are acceptable (USD only please). We do not accept PayPal. Email your questions to Treasurer.ChicagoCoinClub@GMail.com Members can pay the Club electronically with Zelle™ using their Android or Apple smart phone. JP Morgan Chase customers can send payments to the Club via Quick Pay. To see if your Bank or Credit Union is part of the Zelle™ Payments Network, go to https://www.zellepay.com Please read all rules and requirements carefully.
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