Volume 67 No. 4 | April 2021 |
We seem to be adjusting to our online meetings. We sometimes have audio problems, but they might be fixed if more members used a headphone set with an attached microphone; that would break feedback loops, cut down the background noise, and help prevent each speaker’s voice from dropping.
With the cancellations of all large in-person numismatic events through the Spring, the ANA’s August convention might be the grand numismatic re-opening. If not, I hope we will not have to wait until March of 2022 – for the ANA’s National Money Show in Colorado Springs – for our first large in-person gathering. And remember, the ANA is scheduled to be in Rosemont in August 2022.
See you somewhere in 2021!
Paul Hybert, editor
The 1226th meeting of the Chicago Coin Club was called to order by President Lyle Daly at 6:45 PM CST, Wednesday, March 10, 2021. Due to the pandemic shutdown, the meeting was online using Webex, with 27 members but rose to 36.
Club President Lyle Daly started the meeting asking for a motion to suspend the Order of Business giving the reason that our Order of Business, as outlined in the by-laws, was in conflict with current practice and it would be the intent to soon revise the club’s by-laws for this section. The motion was moved and passed.
Club Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report
The February 10, 2021 meeting minutes were approved with
this correction:
The sentence
Discussion of if Club should purchase additional stock of
the Medal of merit (M.o.M.) – Carl indicated they
are readily available at multiple mints, so there is no
risk of unavailability.
Carl to call for quotes and cost savings on 5-6 unengraved
Should read
Discussion whether the Club should purchase additional
stock of the Medal of Merit – Carl said that the die
was created 65+ years ago, and was used by many groups.
When the original mint closed in the 1990s, the die was
sold to another private mint.
Two years ago they closed down and the die was bought by
a third private mint.
Carl to call for quotes and cost savings on 5-6 unengraved
Club treasurer Elliott Krieter reported for the February 2021 period – revenue of $300 from paid dues and an ATM error credit, and expenses of $2,786.34 for Medals. A motion to accept the report was made, seconded, and passed.
Guests and New Members
A second reading was made for Martin (Marty) Longo’s club membership. The membership was accepted by the club.
Old Business
New Business
General Announcements
First V.P. John Riley introduced the Featured Speaker, Deven Kane, who spoke on Women Personified as the Nation or Liberty on Coins.
Following a question-and-answer period, John announced Deven would receive an ANA Educational Award and engraved Club medal.
Second V.P. Melissa Gumm announced there were 5 exhibitors for the evening. A total of 6 presentations were given, due to one additional exhibitor during the meeting.
The next meeting will be April 14, 2021.
Lyle Daly adjourned the meeting at 9:16pm CST.
Respectfully Submitted,
Scott A. McGowan,
by Deven Kane,
presented to our March 10, 2021 meeting.
The inspiration for the symbol of “Liberty” on coinage stems from the ancient Roman goddess of freedom, Libertas. CCC member Deven Kane will take us on a fascinating exploration of the concept and varied portrayal of Liberty on world coins, from antiquity to the modern age.
This presentation provided a broad survey, covering 2,500 years, of coinage on which a female was the personification of the issuing country or of an idea such as liberty. The first four hundred years were covered by three styles of the same coin, a silver tetradrachm of Athens now known to collectors today as The Owl of Athens. One side features a helmeted bust of Athena, the patron of Athens, while the other side features a standing owl. The earliest coin, the classic design circa 510-500/490 BC, is well designed for the period, but the motifs are stylized; the coin circa 454-404 BC is better executed but motifs are more stylized; while the coin struck in 131/0 BC is well executed and has a realistic helmeted bust of Athena.
The personification of Rome during the Republic was known as Roma. The shown denarius of the Rome mint, from 140 BC, features a helmeted head of Roma on one side while the other side features Victory, holding reins and whip, driving a biga with ROMA below. Another silver denarius – of the Marsic Confederation, from 90-88 BC, during the Social War against Rome by Italian tribes – features the laurel-wreathed head of Italia. Once the empire was established, the emperors preferred their images on the coins – the emperor personified the empire.
Hadrian was one of the few Roman emperors to travel the empire during times of peace. Deven showed us silver and gold coins, all struck under Hadrian and with a bust of Hadrian on one side; the other side has a legend giving the name of a province and a figure or scene representing that province. These pieces were struck at the Rome mint from 130 to 133. We saw legends mentioning Italia, Hispania, Germania, Brittania, Gallia (Gaul), Africa, Asia, and some others. The personifications were shown standing, seated, and kneeling, but the small size of a coin means the figures lack personally identifiable details and characteristics. The personification of Mauretania (modern Morocco) holds two javelins and stands in front of a prancing horse on a bronze sestertius, so this figure might be male. The province of Egypt was special, in that it was the emperor’s property and not a Senatorial province; we saw coins with personifications of Egypt, Alexandria, and the Nile River; the last figure was male, because Nilus was a male river god.
The last gasp of the city goddesses in the Roman world came when the Empire had become Christian. We saw a Roma coin with a she-wolf nursing twins from Rome, and coins from Constantinople under Constantine; one of them features Christian symbols of an angel and a Chi Rho. Changing the focus to Liberty, Deven showed what might be the oldest coin with a personification of Liberty.
A shown electrum stater from the city of Kyzikos in Mysia features a female seated upon a rock, upon which is an inscription in ancient Greek which transliterates to eleutheria. This is the only stater from Kyzikos to bear an inscription, meaning liberty, so the intent is clear – to celebrate a liberation. Its presence in a hoard from about 334 BC ties this to Alexander’s first defeat of the Persians at the river Granikos, located to the south and west of Kyzikos; this victory liberated Kyzikos from Persian control. This very rare stater is the first coin struck as a direct result of Alexander’s campaign to conquer the world, predating even Alexander’s own coinage.
Liberty had an intermittent run on Roman coins, starting during the Republic; the name Libertas usually appeared on these coins. The Liberatores were the assasinators of the Dictator, and their intent was to support the Republic; the Dictator had been loved by the public, which was not happy with the rich families killing their hero. The Dictator is known to us today as Julius Caesar, and we saw coins issued by Liberatores such as Brutus and Cassius which feature or invoke Libertas. Cassius was the last Roman ruler not to use his bust on his coinage.
Deven showed a bronze coin issued by Marc Antony and Octavian in Thessalonica, Macedonia, with a bust of Eleutheria on one side and a standing Nike (Victory) on the other side. This coin, from the Second Triumvirate circa 37 BC, is from the transition to Empire. The next Roman Libertas coins we saw came from 69, the year of the four Emperors. After coins featuring a bust of Libertas (one of which reused the “twin daggers flanking a pileus” motif from Brutus’ EID MAR coinage) we saw coins of emperors Galba, Vitellus, and Vespasian which have a similar reverse: a standing Libertas holding a staff in one hand and a pileus in the other. We even saw some Eleutheria coins of that year.
“Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, scorn all others” was the dying advice of Septimius Severus to his sons Caracalla and Geta. Caracalla had Geta murdered in their mother’s arms ten months later, so Deven called the appearance Libertas on Caracalla’s coins a farce. The last examples we saw of Libertas on Roman coins came in the 4th century, appearing on coins issued by short term emperors who were killed by their successors. As the empire became more Christian, the gods and goddesses, including Libertas, disappeared.
Deven skipped ahead to the late 1700s for his next coins – the first US coins which featured a bust of Liberty, and the shown ONE CENT coin even had a staff topped with a pileus on Liberty’s shoulder. The first slide had some US coin types into the 1800s, and his second slide carried on with types into the 20th century, ending with a Peace dollar. A separate slide, featuring the Saint-Gaudens $20 gold piece, also showed Hettie Anderson (one of Saint-Gaudens’ models), the Sherman monument (which has a similar striding Liberty figure), and related works of Saint-Gaudens.
Back in Europe, France experienced revolution in the late 1700s. Its coinage used a new year-numbering scheme and some denominations used a bust of Liberty, but here wearing a Phrygian cap (which is different than a pileus). Other denominations used a three-figure motif representing liberté, égalité, and fraternité. France saw a number of revolutions in the 1800s, some successful and some not. A famous painting of the 1830 revolution shows a woman holding the tricolor flag while leading armed men over the bodies of their fallen opponents – this is Marianne, liberty as the personification of France. Marianne has appeared on French coins in a range of styles over the years, even appearing on current Euro coins; one of the most famous styles is known as La Semeuse (the Sower).
The use of Liberty and related symbols was not limited to Revolutionary and then Napoleonic France. We saw slides of coins from a number of “sister” (although “puppet” might be more accurate) republics using a figure of Liberty, either alone or with another figure. These coins were from the Roman, Cisalpine, Venetian, Neapolitan and other republics sponsored by France. These examples of Liberty imposed by an external benefactor did not long survive. Deven concluded the French section of his presentation with a slide of Liberty on coins for the colony of French Indochina – although Deven saw irony here, the issuers of these coins were serious.
Slides of coins from South and Central America showed the use of Liberty starting at the end of Spanish colonies in the early 1800s. The latest coin was dated 1960. Although dies were made locally at the start, more French engravers were used as time went by, resulting in coins with a somewhat French style. The last replacement of a monarch with Liberty on coins was after the 1889 fall of the House of Braganza (Brazil and Portugal). Included on this slide was a 1912 Rupia of Goa (Portuguese colony in India) featuring a bust of Liberty wearing a Phrygian cap.
For the last group of slides, Deven returned to personifications of the issuing countries. First was Britain/UK, with coins featuring the figure of Britannia – the same name as used by the Romans, with the figure still holding a spear and with a shield nearby. The coins, dated from 1673 to 2001, used different styles of Britannia.
The 5 lats coin of Latvia, first issued in 1929, features the bust of a woman in local headgear. We saw a slide with a photograph of the original model (Zelma Brauere), artist drawings of her head in various positions, paper notes showing a complete figure in local garb and a more recent one using the bust as used on the 5 lats coin, and a 2014 2 Euro coin with a different rendering of the design. Definitely a well known motif in Latvia.
From Roman times, Hispania has been the personification of what now is Spain. We saw her in different styles on a number of denominations dated 1870, which mirrored the depictions of Hispania from the coinage of Hadrian, and then some denominations from the mid-1930s; one of these busts wears a Phrygian cap. Then we saw a 10 zloty coin of Poland with a bust maybe of Polonia, but others say it is of Queen Jadwiga even though she is not wearing a crown.
We saw a few 20th century Italian coins with different renderings of Italia, one of which is in the Italia Turrita style, named for the turreted crown she is wearing. From the late 18th century, coins of Switzerland have featured Helvetia, the personification of Switzerland, in different styles.
With St. Patrick’s day a week away, Deven concluded his presentation with Hibernia, the name used by the Romans although they never had invaded Ireland. A hammered coin featured a crowned harp, while copper 18th century coins featured the legend HIBERNIA and the figure of Hibernia next to a harp. Although the figure of Hibernia is not a popular icon now, the 2016 euro-denominated coins honoring the 1916 uprising feature the statue of Hibernia atop the Dublin Post Office.
CSNS Convention | Chicago Coin Company |
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. | Kedzie Koins Inc. |
by John Riley
The “Show and Tell” portion of Chicago Coin Club meetings has long been a monthly fixture of the organization and was formalized into a good-natured annual competition in 1968. Richard Cabeen, long-time club member and hobbies columnist for the Chicago Tribune, donated $5000 to the Club; this amount was made into an Annual Award for Excellence in Exhibiting named in his honor – the annual award is to specifically recognize the qualities of visual appeal and a succinct, well-executed explanation of the item(s) being shown. Incorpoated now as Club Policy, Awards for presenters are given at the December banquet/awards meeting.
Ballots are distributed to all attending members in good standing on the evening of the meeting by the Second VP; presenters are to be graded on a scale of 1-10; a “10” being the highest score possible for an exhibitor. All votes are tabulated by the Second VP afterwards and an overall average score is tabulated each month throughout the year. Traditionally, there are no exhibits at the November meeting (Club Auction) nor in December (Awards and/or Banquet). In an effort to encourage participation and a balanced range of presenters, scoring has been “weighted” in recent years: an extra percentage point is added to presenters who participate in at least five meetings during the calendar year. An additional point is added for the sixth month and so on.
First and Second Place medals are awarded at the December meeting and, based on a point range within 10 percentage points of first place, two or three Honorable Mentions are typically recognized.
Items shown at our March 10, 2021 meeting,
reported by Melissa Gumm.
March 18, 2021
Meeting called to order by Host Committee chairman Elliott Krieter at 7:04pm CDT. Attendees: Elliott Krieter, Scott McGowan, Carl Wolf, Dale Carlson, Mark Wieclaw, Lyle Daly, John Riley, Jack Smith, Bob Feiler, Paul Hybert, Steve Zitowsky, Marc Charles Ricard, and Mike Gasvoda.
Elliott announced that discussions with ANA indicated “the show will go on” unless the Illinois Governor issues pandemic related orders which severely limit a gathering’s size. A review of Committee Reports followed.
Volunteers/Ambassadors: Scott McGowan reported the volunteer form has been sent to club membership; seven completed forms have been received. Committee suggestion to send/take the form to other club meetings, such as Will County Coin Club, Elgin Coin Club, and others.
MoneyTalks: Mark Wieclaw reported no updates; awaiting further information from ANA’s Sam Gelberd.
Pages: John Riley reported waiting on the Page application form from ANA; it is not yet listed on the ANA website. Many pages tend to be children of dealers, and pages sign up closer to the show date. All Page applications go to ANA headquarters, not to CCC.
Exhibits: Marc Ricard reported that the typical information (Exhibit application forms, space allotted, and other details) is not yet on the ANA website.
Youth: Jim Ray not present. Scott McGowan, who co-chaired Youth/Scouts in 2019, indicated that this area has come under more ANA direct control. In the past, working with Gene Freeman, the host committee would contact the local scout council that covers Rosemont (Pathways to Adventure Council) to gain written approval by council for a scout related event. This is required if ANA plans to do the Merit Badge Clinic. After such approval, the event is placed on the council’s calendar, and communications are sent to all BSA and GSA councils and other child related organizations promoting the event and encouraging advance registration so ANA can prepare supplies. Scott to transfer details to Jim.
The committee will also need to review the SCOUTING AT THE ANA patch and year segments, which we believe we have for 2021.
Harlan Berk has agreed to sponsor the volunteer shirts.
Our committee’s budget for the 2021 show is larger than the 2019 budget.
Elliott to inquire if ANA will allow our committee members to utilize the ANA staff room rate for convention hotels. It was noted that official convention hotel information is on the ANA website.
Elliott to discuss parking passes for convention volunteers. In 2019, we secured 100 single-day and 25 weekly passes.
Scott McGowan reported attending the ANA Board Open Session, and provided details of the motion to explore alternative sites for ANA WFOM 2021 if Covid restrictions prevent the show in Rosemont, Illinois. Motion did not pass, and comments were clarified that while CCC would be saddened if the show moved, the club would understand the circumstances.
Dealer Tables this year would be around 300, versus the usual 450, due to spacing needs.
Next committee meeting will be May 20, 2021.
Meeting Adjourned as call maximum limit was reached at about 7:45pm.
Scott A. McGowan,
Chicago Coin Club
Date: | April 14, 2021 |
Time: | 6:45 PM CDT (UTC-05:00) |
Location: | Online Only!
Visit our Online Meeting webpage, at www.chicagocoinclub.org/meetings/online_meeting.html, for all the details on participating in an online club meeting. Participation in an online meeting requires some advance work by both our meeting coordinator and attendees, especially first-time participants. Please plan ahead; read the latest instructions on the day before the meeting! |
Featured Program: | Bob Van Ryzin —
The Chicago Coin Club’s Connection to the 1913 Liberty Nickel
Traditional numismatic lore places the timeline for “the great reveal” of the 1913 Liberty nickels at the 1920 ANA convention in Chicago. Member Robert R. Van Ryzin, however, will provide his fascinating background research that proves the coins were actually examined by our own organization – the Chicago Coin Club – one year prior, during our inaugural year, 1919. Bob is a past-editor of Coins magazine, Coin Prices, and The Banknote Reporter. |
Unless stated otherwise, our regular monthly CCC Meeting is online during the Covid-19 isolation era on the second Wednesday of the month; the starting time is 6:45PM CT.
April | 14 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Bob VanRyzen on The Chicago Coin Club’s Connection to the 1913 Liberty Nickel |
May | 12 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Madeline Rodriguez on Observations Around the Composition and Changes to the U.S. 10- and 25-cent Coins, 1793 to Present |
June | 9 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Winston Zack on Bad Metal |
July | 14 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Steve Zitkowsky on Coins of the DOA – German East Africa |
August | 11 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - to be announced |
August | 10-14 | ANA in Rosemont, at Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. Admission is free for ANA members — for details, see http://www.worldsfairofmoney.com. |
August | 14 | CCC Meeting - Noon at the ANA Convention,
which is held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 North River Road, Rosemont, IL.
No admission charge for our meeting.
Featured Speaker - to be announced |
September | 8 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - to be announced |
The print version of the Chatter is simply a printout of the Chatter webpage,
with a little cutting and pasting to fill out each print page.
The webpage is available before the Chatter is mailed.
If you would like to receive an email link to the latest issue instead of a mailed print copy,
send an email to chatter_editor@yahoo.com.
You can resume receiving a mailed print copy at any time, just by sending another email.
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All correspondence pertaining to Club matters
should be addressed to the Secretary and mailed to:
P.O. Box 2301
Payments to the Club, including membership dues,
can be addressed to the Treasurer and mailed to
the above address.
Renewing Members Annual dues are $20 a year ($10 for Junior, under 18). Annual Membership expires December 31 of the year through which paid. Cash, check, or money order are acceptable (USD only please). We do not accept PayPal. Email your questions to Treasurer.ChicagoCoinClub@GMail.com Members can pay the Club electronically with Zelle™ using their Android or Apple smart phone. JP Morgan Chase customers can send payments to the Club via Quick Pay. To see if your Bank or Credit Union is part of the Zelle™ Payments Network, go to https://www.zellepay.com Please read all rules and requirements carefully.
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