Volume 65 No. 9 | September 2019 |
Next month’s Chatter will have a call for consignments for the auction at our November meeting. Remember, club- and Chicago-related items usually attract interest.
Also next month, annual dues notices will be sent to members who have not paid their 2020 dues yet. Consider paying your dues at our club table at the ILNA show. You can also make reservations and pay for the December club banquet while at the ILNA show – some details are in the Important Dates section of this issue.
Session I of the 1207th meeting of the Chicago Coin Club was called to order by President Rich Lipman at 7PM, Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at Gibsons Steakhouse, 5464 N. River Road, Rosemont, IL. The evening honored the Club’s 100th year with a Banquet held in conjunction with the American Numismatic Association Convention. Over 130 members and guests were in attendance.
President Lipman delivered a welcome address, summarized the Chicago Coin Club’s 100th Anniversary activities, including the 1200th meeting celebration on January 9th and the creation of a Hall of Fame highlighting contributions made by members over the years. He also thanked members of the New York Numismatic Club who joined the celebration, and the ANA for bringing their 2019 convention to Chicago.
The following membership applications received first reading: Jim Paicz, Arthur Schattke, Roxana Uskali, Pierre Fricke, Mitch Ernst, Craig Eberhart, and Kathy Freeland.
Richard Hamilton delivered the invocation.
Master of Ceremonies Jeffrey Rosinia introduced visiting dignitaries:
Jeff spoke of the Club’s history of issuing numismatic material and encouraged everyone to visit the Collectors Exhibit section of the convention and view the ten-case non-competitive exhibit showing every issue. Kevin Foley, CSNS Convention General Chairman, presented a framed laudatory certificate “IN RECOGNITION OF OUTSTANDNG CONTRIBUTIONS AND LONGEVITY…” honoring the 100th anniversary.
Jeff announced every attendee would be given a “swag bag” filled with relevant numismatic material when they exit the banquet room. Scott McGowan announced the bag contains a unique web site and password to view and securely download the photographs taken during the evening.
Mark Wieclaw, Anniversary Committee Chairman, thanked the following people:
President Lipman presented the Club’s highest honor, the Medal of Merit, to:
Mark Wieclaw introduced the evening’s featured speaker, Clifford Mishler, who delivered a program titled Joining the Select Legacy Leadership Ranks of Enduring Numismatic Clubs. First VP Lyle Daly presented Cliff with an ANA Educational Certificate and a personally engraved Club speaker’s medal suspended on a neck ribbon.
The meeting was recessed at 8:50 PM, to reconvene at noon on Saturday, August 17, 2019, Room 44, Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 N. River Road, Rosemont, IL.
Session II of the 1207th meeting of the Chicago Coin Club was reconvened by President Rich Lipman at 12PM, Saturday, August 17, 2019 in Room 44, Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, 5555 N. River Road, Rosemont, IL held in conjunction with the American Numismatic Association Convention with 56 members and guests attending.
A motion was passed to adopt an abbreviated agenda.
The following membership applications received first reading: Michael T. Shutterly, James M. Uram, Madeline Rodriguez, Alan Flint, and Tyrone Galtney.
Lyle Daly introduced Tom Uram who delivered a program Insights and Innerworkings of the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee. Following a question and answer period, Lyle presented Tom with an ANA Educational Certificate and a personally engraved Club speaker’s medal suspended on a neck ribbon.
A raffle was held for three privately made medals sculpted by Don Everhart and donated by Tom Uram. The 2½ inch, bronze-finished medals honored the In God We Trust motto.
All attendees were given a Chicago Coin Club souvenir card, for A Century of Sharing Numismatic Knowledge. The pair of vertical 1207B markings refer to this meeting being the second session of the club’s 1,207th meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:56PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carl F. Wolf,
by Clifford Mishler,
presented to our August 13, 2019 meeting.
At 100 years, the Chicago Coin Club joins a select manifest of local North American coin clubs – perhaps no more than a dozen or score. In addition to the Antiquarian and Numismatic Society of Montreal (1862), it includes the likes of the Boston Numismatic Society, the New York Numismatic Club, the Rochester Numismatic Society, and the Pacific Coast Numismatic Society. These clubs represent the legacy leadership ranks of the hobby’s enduring numismatic clubs. Others in the wings, but few and far between, include the Madison Coin Club (1932) of Wisconsin, and the Milwaukee Numismatic Society (1934).
The year 2019 has been unusually busy and active for the club:
The CCC’s guiding light for the past century has been “We Learn by Teaching,” which is expressed in Latin on the club’s seal as docendo discimus. The three key components of the club’s success have been:
I recently saw a quote in The Economist newsletter: “Change is certain. Progress is not.” Or, to express the thought in my own words, “Change must be recognized, acknowledged, and accomodated.” A recent article in the E-Sylum, under the title “America: A Nation of Clubs,” summarized an article about American clubs showing where we come from and where we might be headed. The observations are relevant to coin clubs, many of which were founded in the 1950s and 1960s.
“Until recently, American social life has revolved around small groups brought together by similar social interests. The fees [if any] were modest and served primarily to support the operations.
“They were local, but they were also federated so they brought America together. They were gender and race [also nationality and age] segregated as a whole, but they went across class, creating cross-class solidarity.” [In Iola we had the Sons of Norway, while Milwaukee had Germanic Turner Clubs.]
“While clubs in the past (until the 1960s) brought together people of different socioeconomic backgrounds, they were exclusionary in many other ways.
“Over the last few decades, sociologists and political scientists have found that American clubs of all stripes – from youth service clubs to bowling leagues – have experienced steep declines in their memberships.
“Meanwhile, a new kind of club is rising up in major cities. These are stylishly designed, members-only (high-priced) spaces limiting membership to the wealthy and privileged.
“In other words, there are fewer clubs that bring together people of different socioeconomic backgrounds across the country and a growing number that are designed for a class of digitally native, urban professionals. All of this is changing the social landscape of the United States. Is there a way to bring back free, or inexpensive, clubs that will allow more Americans to participate in communities and engage civically?”
“While this new breed of social club is actively trying to be inclusive when it comes to race, gender, and sexual orientation, they are still segregating people by social class.”
What are the mileposts that have been achieved by the Chicago Coin Club and the other venerable clubs that have managed to achieve legacy leadership ranks in our hobby community? In my mind:
Presidents and treasurers and board members can come and go, and should almost go without long-term note, in my estimation, but the membership should openly acknowledge and recognize the secretaries and editors for their sterling contributions.
Is there, or isn’t there, a commonality where success is concerned?
Remember: “Change is certain. Progress is not.” Local clubs should revel in their traditions, but must encourage and accomodate change. Change brings progress – tradition does not.
The Chicago Coin Club, and the other clubs that have, and will achieve legacy leadership ranks in our hobby community, have held tight to their traditions while achieving progress through the evolution of change.
What are the prospects for the future? Are we perhaps at a crossroad where local coin club visibility is concerned? “When you reach a fork in the road, take it!” – Famous quote attributed to Yogi Berra. For our local club community, that fork may well be wrapped up in the socioeconomic challenge referenced previously.
Can we continue to be drawn together by similar social interests? Or, will clubs succumb to society’s march to specialization, motivated very seriously by the information age and capability of achieving satisfaction, including numismatic satisfaction, that has descended upon us? As Yogi implored, we are perhaps at that fork, and now will be forced to take it!
Can local clubs prevail by monitoring and developing through innovation? Or, are local clubs destined to succumb to the changed environments that ever increasing specialization will bring? I do not stand before you this evening, on this celebratorial occasion, professing to have the answer. The only thing I feel safe in professing is to offer my confidence that coin collecting will survive as an interest that will continue to be viably pursued. Here is wishing the Chicago Coin Club well as it embarks on its second century.
In closing:
For contributing to the achievement of this 100th anniversary milestone, enabling the Chicago Coin Club to join the legacy leadership ranks of our hobby community.
Congratulations Chicago Coin Club members, one and all, present and past, You’ve done a great job!
by club members
John Kent reported on the ANA:
A big thank you to all our Pages who volunteered at the 2019 ANA World’s Fair of Money! We had a total of 20 Pages volunteering for the 6 days, Monday through Saturday. Many of the pages helped out the entire day, starting at 8am and working until 6pm, which is a 10 hour day! Several pages volunteered for all 6 days, including our Chicago Coin Club YN Jack. Modern technology, via I-Phone app, suggested that Jayna K walked 9 miles on her Monday shift! Pages were asked to perform a variety of tasks, including: passing out flyers; going to Starbucks for coffee, sandwiches, or other fare; ordering food from Jimmy John’s, Gibsons, or other nearby restaurants; loading and unloading dealers inventory; cleaning the glass on dealer display cases; running errands for dealers; and watching dealer tables. Page volunteers came from around the country: California, New York, Florida, and there was even a Page volunteer from Germany!
In addition to the 20 pages at the show, Dale Carlson and I served as Page Chairs. We were both at the show every day, all day, and received numerous requests at the page table on our cell phones via text and messenger for assistance. Page Chairs were assisted by other Chicago Coin Club volunteers, ANA staff, and volunteers throughout the show, working together on several tasks.
Several of our pages reported large tips for helping dealers, but most of the tips were more modest: $1-$2 for going to Starbucks, or $5 to clean the glass of the dealer’s display cases. Most of the pages received $50-$100 per day in tips, but several made more on the busiest days.
Overall, the ANA show was a lot of fun for all the volunteers who participated, and we look forward to the ANA World’s Fair of Money returning to Chicago in 2021. Of course, we will again be signing up Page volunteers! If you know YNs who are members of ANA, and will we be ages 13-22, show them this article, and have them fill out the Page application!
Richard Lipman (Convention Host Chair) reported on the ANA:
What an experience! What an amazing week! As many of you know the banquet, a product of a lot of work, was a fantastic success. I’ve heard people comment that it was one of the best, if not the best, they had ever attended.
Our Saturday meeting had a very large turnout and we had a number of people apply for membership. During the week the club (and others) volunteered to make a very busy convention run smoothly, staffing everything from the front door to the kid’s section to the money talks to the exhibits to the page table and beyond.
I was able to attend a few lectures and the turnout at those seemed pretty big and very appreciative. The food in the convention center was still awful, but I guess you can’t have everything!
Club members should feel very proud of these accomplishments. The best part for me was being able to do it with you. I also had a chance to take some time to talk with a number of folks, including some I never get a chance to spend more than a few moments with. Hey, the coins are cool, the paper money is great, but the people are the real joy. Thank you for being you! See you soon.
CSNS Convention | Chicago Coin Company |
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. | Kedzie Koins Inc. |
July 30, 2019
The Tenth and final meeting of the 100th Anniversary Committee took place at Home Run Inn Pizza and was called to order by Chairperson Mark Wieclaw at 5:49pm.
In attendance: Bob Feiler, Dale Lukanich, Bill Burd, Sharon Blocker, Dale Carlson, Steve Zitowski, Jeff Rosinia, Melissa Gumm, Richard Hamilton, and Club President Rich Lipman.
Welcome – Thank you and appreciation for their attendance at the 10th and final 100th Anniversary dinner meeting. A toast to everyone’s hard work, good friends, and good times
Committee Reports:
Medals – All copper, highlighted, and silver medals have been received and delivered to Chicago Coin Company. The three (3) gold medals are being processed. We will be donating a copper medal to the ANA and ANS. The suggestion was made that a copper medal also be donated to the Art Institute of Chicago (AIC) and the Chicago History Museum (CHM). After a brief discussion, it was decided to hand deliver a copper medal to both the AIC and CHM.
Sponsorship – We want to encourage donations to the Century Club through the end of 2019; there are still 40+ pins available.
Booklet – It is at the Printer, and hope to have in hand by the end of the week. A Program for the evening’s events is being finalized, and will be placed at each table setting at the Banquet. The goodies for the Numismatic Treasure Bags (NTBs) have been received and are at Chicago Coin Co. for bag assembly, which will be at 1pm Wednesday, August 7th. Bob Feiler, Dale Carlson, Mark Wieclaw, and Richard Hamilton will work on this. Several of the extra bags have already been sold.
Promotion – Scott McGowan has a Press Release to go out Thursday, August 1st with the Proclamation by Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot stating Tuesday, August 13th as Chicago Coin Club Day. It will also include a Proclamation by an area Illinois State House Representative. Harlan J. Berk, LTD. has taken ten copper medals on consignment and has sold four to date. Mark Wieclaw took ten copper medals to sell and has sold six. It was encouraged that each Committee member take an active role in promoting the copper medals and perhaps each take five to sell.
Banquet – There will be a table at the entrance with envelopes containing name tags and other pertinent information for each attendee. Pub style tables will be used for the cocktail hour. A photo display will be on the back wall as guests enter, along with two easels for the two Proclamations. A CCC logo will be hung over the bar. Sharon secured a donation of toothpicks in a nice holder with the Gibsons name. It will be added to the NTBs on the 13th. A table will be reserved for all attendees who will have a speaking part at the banquet, with a Reserved sign. The NTB table will be in an alcove near the exit. When the evening’s program is nearing the end, the table will be brought out so that Dale Lukanich and Melissa can distribute the bags. There will not be a Pledge of Allegiance as discussed. Concern for enough room for a podium was discussed; looking into a table top style. Scott will make floral centerpieces for each table. An updated 1200th Meeting slide show will run on a loop on the video screens throughout the banquet room. We have requested white tablecloths and gold napkins for a small fee. A sign will be placed in the bar area stating that the appetizers are compliments of Heritage Auctions. The salad will be served as soon as the invocation is finished by Club member Richard Hamilton.
Waiting List – Thankfully there is none.
Future Celebrations – Saturday, August 17th Meeting will be at Noon with Thomas Uram as speaker. There will be a Souvenir Card given to the first 100 in attendance. The December Banquet will take place on Wednesday, December 11th at Tom’s Steakhouse in Melrose Park. Bob Feiler will order a beautiful celebratory cake for this, the final celebration of 2019 and the Club’s 100th Anniversary. We are looking into customized chocolates. Details will be coming shortly.
Open discussion – The committee is not disbanding as communication will continue until the end of 2019; however it is not expected that we will have additional meetings.
Adjourned – 7:04pm.
Submitted by Melissa Gumm, edited by Mark Wieclaw.
August 21, 2019
The Chicago Coin Club Board met August 21, 2019 at Connie’s Pizza, 2373 S. Archer Ave., Chicago. President Rich Lipman called the meeting to order at 6PM with the following members present: Deven Kane, Bill Burd, Paul Hybert, Mark Wieclaw, Steve Zitowsky, Melissa Gumm, Elliott Krieter, Carl Wolf, Dale Lukanich, and Lyle Daly. John Riley and Jeff Rosinia were unable to make it.
Old Business:
New Business:
The meeting was adjourned at 8:13PM with the next meeting scheduled to be held at 6 PM, Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at Connie’s Pizza, 2373 S. Archer Ave.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carl F. Wolf,
Date: | September 11, 2019 |
Time: | 6:45 PM |
Location: | Downtown Chicago
At the Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court, 3rd floor meeting room. Please remember the security measures at our meeting building: everyone must be prepared to show their photo-ID and register at the guard’s desk. |
Featured Program: | Deven Kane
— Journeys into Abstraction – The Evolution of Indo-Sassanian Coinage in Early Medieval India
From the 8th to the 11th centuries, well after the fall of the Sassanid Empire, coins inspired by Sassanid coins circulated in Western India. These Indo-Sassanid coins were degenerates of Sassanid drachms but acquired Indian characteristics in flan and type. Starting with the Kingdom of Gujarat, they circulated through the Kingdoms of Malwa and Rajasthan, and for centuries were one of the few drachm size silver coins circulating in India. |
Unless stated otherwise, our regular monthly CCC Meeting is in downtown Chicago on the second Wednesday of the month; the starting time is 6:45PM.
September | 11 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Deven Kane on Journeys into Abstraction – The Evolution of Indo-Sassanian Coinage in Early Medieval India |
September | 12-14 | ILNA 60th Annual Coin & Currency Show at The Mega Center Pheasant Run Resort, 4051 East Main Street, St. Charles, IL. Details, including hours and events, are available at http://www.ilnaclub.org |
October | 9 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - to be announced |
November | 13 | CCC Meeting - Club Auction - no featured speaker |
December | 11 | CCC Meeting - Annual Banquet - Featured Speaker - to be announced
At Tom’s Steakhouse, 1901 West North Ave, Melrose Park. Dinner Choices are: 12 Oz Top Sirloin Button Steak, Charcoal Broiled Chicken Breast. Center Cut Pork Chops with Applesauce, or Filet of Atlantic Salmon. Please let us know your entrée choice when you pay, $45 per person. Payment and reservations must be in by November 13th. |
The print version of the Chatter is simply a printout of the Chatter webpage,
with a little cutting and pasting to fill out each print page.
The webpage is available before the Chatter is mailed.
If you would like to receive an email link to the latest issue instead of a mailed print copy,
send an email to chatter_editor@yahoo.com.
You can resume receiving a mailed print copy at any time, just by sending another email.
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All correspondence pertaining to Club matters
should be addressed to the Secretary and mailed to:
P.O. Box 2301
Payments to the Club, including membership dues,
can be addressed to the Treasurer and mailed to
the above address.
Renewing Members Annual dues are $20 a year ($10 for Junior, under 18). Annual Membership expires December 31 of the year through which paid. Cash, check, or money order are acceptable (USD only please). We do not accept PayPal. Email your questions to Treasurer.ChicagoCoinClub@GMail.com Members can pay the Club electronically with Zelle™ using their Android or Apple smart phone. JP Morgan Chase customers can send payments to the Club via Quick Pay. To see if your Bank or Credit Union is part of the Zelle™ Payments Network, go to https://www.zellepay.com Please read all rules and requirements carefully.
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