Volume 63 No. 6 | June 2017 |
Our April issue had a report on the presentation, by Dennis Lutz, to our March meeting at the PCDA convention about the World Bank Note of the Year competition. As part of the program, we had the opportunity to view the 2016 candidate notes in the polling then underway.
The winning note for 2016 was recently announced — it is the Swiss 50 Franc polymer note. Close behind was the Maldive ISlands 1000 Rufiyaa note with tortoise and whale shark, followed by the Argentina 500 peso jaguar note, and the Royal Bank of Scotland’s £5 first polymer note. The official results to the straw poll at our March meeting, where the Swiss note came in first, the Maldive Islands note came in second. and the Argentina note came in third.
Paul Hybert, editor
The 1181st meeting of the Chicago Coin Club was held Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at the Chicago Bar Association Building, 321 S. Plymouth Court, Downtown Chicago. President Richard Lipman called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM with attendance of 22 members and 1 guest, Fran Amelse.
The Minutes of the April 12 and April 29 meetings as published in the Chatter were approved. The Treasurer reported April revenue of $550.00, expenses $280.46, and total assets $26,875.25. A motion was passed approving the report.
Secretary’s Report and Announcements:
Old Business:
New Business:
The featured speaker for the evening was Jeffrey Amelse, with a presentation Numismatic Portraits of Marianne, Patroness of France. Following questions and answers, Jeff was presented with an ANA Educational Certificate and an engraved Club medal suspended on a neck ribbon.
Second V.P. John Riley announced the evening’s nine exhibitors. MARK WIECLAW - two U.S. bills with unique serial numbers, and a trias and a hemilitron from Sicily 425-406 BC. ROBERT LEONARD – medal commemorating Eric P. Newman’s 105th birthday, and a silver denarius of Marcus Aurelius along with imitations of it. DEVEN KANE – three drachms of Indo-Greek king Menander I Soter, and a drachm from each of three later Indo-Greek kings. RICH LIPMAN – brief financial history of US to 1900, Pennsylvania Colonial Currency of 1764, 1884-O silver dollar, a $50 Treasury note from 1880s, and a $20 silver certificate from 1890s. DAVID GUMM – medal commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Early American Coppers club, and an Australian 2017 $1 silver 1-ounce Kookaburra bullion coin in proof. DALE LUKANICH – Malta 1, 5, and 10-lira banknotes, and 2017 Swiss 50-franc banknote voted best 2016 design by the International Bank Note Society. LYLE DALY – three coins of River God Strymon, three coins with Apollo obverse and boy on a horse reverse, a Marianne medal, and 1939 centennial medal of Marine National Bank of Milwaukee. ROBERT FEILER – Peace dollar cut-out, $1 and $5 obsolete currency from Bank of Whitfield, Georgia, and an 1861 $5 scrip note from S.W. & W.A. Torrey Store, New Jersey. KURT HYDE – a 1963 Canadian Silver Dollar “lucky pocket piece.”
The meeting was adjourned at 8:53 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carl F. Wolf,
by Carl F. Wolf, Secretary
Our fellow club members who received exhibit awards at the recent CSNS Convention are:
a discussion by Mark Borckardt and Steven Bieda,
to our April 29, 2017 meeting during the CSNS convention.
As we entered the meeting room, we each receieved a copy of the 9th edition of The Collector’s Handbook by Halperin, Rohan, and Prendergast – courtesy of Heritage Auctions. The speakers were Mark Borckardt, of Heritage Auctions, and Steven Bieda, legal counsel for the Central States Numismatic Society.
[Writing this article is not easy. I have only the above paragraph to show after more than two weeks of effort. The topic is important, as shown by the good turnout; and the presentation was engaging, as shown by our going over our scheduled time slot. The problem is with the covered material. Instead of the usual presentation with a few story arcs that could be covered in an article, this presentation covered a wide range of topics, starting from how and why we collect, and ending with what happens to a collection! So many possibilities at each step! Writing on the meaning of life would be simpler. Sigh.]
The main theme of the presentation was the disposition of a collection. If you lose interest a collection, do you sell it or do you store it? Storage is the simplest solution, since the collection is in storage when you are not working on it. The motivation for selling a collection can come from a need – the needs for space and dollars are two common needs. Realize that a collection will be disposed of eventually – either by you or by your heirs. Remember that information is needed to make an informed decision.
In reviewing my notes, the one recurring implied message was keep documentation. The buying price is needed for taxes and insurance, and knowing the seller can be useful when it is time to sell. A detailed inventory of your collection might also contains such extra information as the condition, provenance, and maybe even the current value. (Be realistic – think what you can sell for now, not what it would cost to buy now.) If you use an online inventory program, keep a printed copy somewhere handy, just in case. An overview of your collections can also be useful – writing it will help you focus on why collecting is enjoyable, and it can help manage the expectations of your heirs and estate executor.
Which collections are for pure fun, where the cost of supplies might exceed the cost of the items? Elongated coins from vacations and events? Foreign coins acquired during travel and found in change? In other words, the fun stuff that gave you some quiet hours, away from the kids and extended family. Which coins are worth more than face value based upon the current prices of their metals? Which pulls from circulation can be put back into circulation, or maybe given to the kids who are interested in collecting? Which general collections can be sold to a local coin dealer or collector?
On which collections did you spend much money? (Unfortunately, spending a lot for something does not make it an investment.) For specialized material, it is always a good idea to sell to a dealer in that specialty. Even if you have not bought pieces in many years, keep track of the current dealers in your specialties. Maybe your specialty collection was formed by cherry picking from general dealers, garage sales, and other sources. Unless you give some guidance, your collection could well be cherry picked again from a local dealer or a garage sale. Of course markets can run hot and cold, and specialties can fall in and out of favor. Please leave some information unless, as Mark jokingly suggested, you do not like your heirs.
How does your family view your collecting? Is it just your eccentricity that keeps you out of their hair? Are you building a family fortune that will solve all of their problems? Are there unrealistic expectations? How do you know, if the topic is never discussed?
Steve mentioned the wonder coins in your collection – as in, “I wonder if this will ever be worth what I paid for it.” The bags of 1950-D nickels are still below peak. Are you honest about the polished, whizzed, and other bad choices that somehow entered your collection?
Without some guidance, the heirs might split a collection according to their own perception of equitable. One might sell at a pawn shop (yes, that got some laughs from our audience, so we know they are not a first choice), and one might sell to an honest specialized dealer (is there any other kind?) – all is well until they compare prices – if the amounts are vastly different, maybe they will never speak again. There are real horror stories out there – although communication might not solve all future problems, it can make them smaller.
The discussion touched on other ways of disposing of a collection, including eBay, to a local collector or dealer, at a coin show, and even the difference between a will in probate and a living trust (in the public record, versus probate; no estate fees, but fees to start). If your local government sees you running a business, expect to see forms and fees. You should have attended our meeting, but all is not lost if you did not – the latest edition of The Collector’s Handbook is available for free download as a PDF file from Heritage at https://www.ha.com/c/ref/handbook.zx
a presentation by Jeffrey Amelse,
to our May 10, 2017 meeting,
Marianne is a national symbol of the French Republic, an allegory of liberty and reason, and a portrayal of the Goddess of Liberty. In many renderings, she wears the Phrygian cap, emblematic of liberty and freedom from bondage, which dates back to several peoples of Eastern Europe in antiquity. The Phrygian cap is often confused with the pileus, the cap given to emancipated slaves in ancient Rome – the pileus does not have the front foldover.
Jeff’s interest in these medals grew from his interest in Art Deco Medals, and during the presentation he showed us medals from different design eras, both before and after Art-Deco. Marianne made her first appearance in France on a medal in July, 1789 celebrating the storming of the Bastille. Jeff showed us a medal from the 1879 centennial anniversary of the revolution.
The medals from the late 1800s through the early 1900s generally followed the Art Neuveau style, a softer style. An unawarded 1893 gymnastics medal by Émile Fernand-Dubois showed Marianne wearing a crested helmet with swirling plates, and with a laurel wreath around the helmet – the spiked webbing on the helmet looks reptilian. In front of her throat is the head of a small rooster, which is another symbol of France. What we call France, the ancient Romans called Gaul, based on native language roots – the similar sounding gallus is Latin for rooster. The reverse of this medal from the Ministry of War showed men om various pieces of equipment: parallel bars, rings, and a ladder.
A turn-of-the-century medal by the famous medallist Louis Alexandre Bottée used the head, neck, and wings of a rooster as the crest of Marianne’s helmet on a prize medal awarded to a Mme. R. Henriquet. An unawarded medal by A. Bertrand used more of a smaller rooster at the front of a helmet’s crest, with the body and tail extending back along the top and back of the helmet. The obverse legend is PATRIE, while the reverse has a wreath, formed from an oak and laurel branches, surrounding an empty central area available for suitable engraving.
Next was an unawarded prize medal by Oscar Roty to be awarded by the Interior Ministry, with another artistic helmet embellished with a wing above the ear flap, a set of breaking waves along the crest, laurel branches around the helmet, and a visor reminiscent of a bird’s upper beak. So far, we had seen only medals showing the bust of Marianne in profile, but the next shown medal, by Poncet, dated 1890, and for an architects’ association, had a facing bust of Marianne wearing a head band and a Medusa-inspired necklace. The compass and triangle in the obverse field provided a tie in with architecture, while the reverse of this unawarded medal has only a curving laurel branch on the left side. A simple functional helmet appeared on an unawarded plaque medal by Charles Pillet, where Marianne appeared as Queen of Gaul, even with braided hair.
There was no sudden break between the Art Neuveau and Art Deco eras; some Art Deco designs appeared before 1915, while the latest shown medal in the Art Neuveau style was from 1927, for a Paris Exposition. The artistic helmet has a laurel wreath around it and a small lion at the top front. A lion? That is not a symbol of France!
Jeff next showed us some pieces grouped not by style but by purpose – World War I. A round medal, with a suspension bar atop, showed Marianne as Joan of Arc, holding a sword and wearing a WW I helmet; centered on the reverse, GRANDE GUERRE 1914-1918 is incuse. A cardboard pin showed Marianne as the Protector of War Orphans; and that was followed by range of WW I patriotic pins in cardboard. The brass medal concluding this group showed Marianne with helmet flanked by GLORIA and VICTRIX on one side, with laurel sprigs surrounding a central square in which C.S.F 12 JUN 1921 is incuse.
Leading off the Art Deco medals was one by Pierre-Alexandre Morlon; Marianne wears a Phrygian cap, with oak and laurel branches, on an uninscribed physical education medal which have a wreath from an oak and laurel branch on the reverse. The Art Deco style usually uses a hard, mechanical, and streamlined design. A medal by Édouard Fraisse shows this, especially in the mechanical treatment of a classic winged helmet; the reverse features a few Gibbs branded health and beauty products above the dates 1933-1934.
Two medals by Josette Coeffin-Hébert showed Marianne wearing headgear inspired by a Prygian cap – the foldover is present at the front top – but the overall appearance is of a soft 1920s avaitor’s helmet where the chin strap was replaced by a thin flap of material on each side. This general cap design also appered on a 1962 medal for transatlantic ocean service between Le Havre and New York on the ship France of the French Line. A fitting end to the Art Deco section of Jeff’s medals.
The next group of medals showed Marianne as historic allegoral figures. Marianne appeared as Athena on a simple and clean medal by Henri Dubois, wearing an Athenian helmet, appropriately; the central field of the reverse, bearing only a small inscribed W.A., is surrounded by a wreath of an oak branch and a laurel branch. A medal by Georges Contaux, modern yet with Art Deco aspects, also showed Marianne wearing an Athenian helmet; the reverse bears the inscription A.P.H.S. 28.9.70. Maranne appeared as Queen of Gaul, hair in braids, wearing a crown with large wings, and holding a sword, on a medal with most details softly rendered – the only legend, GALLIA, is faint on the obverse, while there is no inscription in the tablet and ribbons on the reverse.
Jeff showed a few recent French coins and stamps which show Marianne, and then concluded the presentation by showing the incluence on coins of other countries, including the US. The last of these coins was the 1905 French Indo-China large silver pistre imitating the 1848 Great Seal of France – this was followed by a recent Chinese imitation of the coin where the seated figure on the obverse is rendered in a mirror image. Jeff had three of these imitations with him, and he gave them as door prizes, based upon randomly selected line numbers in our sign-in book.
by Mark Wieclaw,
Please make plans to be a part of this historic event. We are looking to fill positions on the following committees: Banquet, Book(let), Medal(s), Program, Promotions/advertising, and Sponsorships.
If you have any interest in being a part of the celebration, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Bill Burd, or Dale Lukanich. Although the first meeting isn’t until September, it is time to come forward now with any ideas that you may have.
The location of the September committee meeting is to be determined. See me at club meetings, or email me in care of the Chatter editor.
CSNS Convention | Chicago Coin Company |
PCDA Convention | Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. |
Items shown at our May 10, 2017 meeting,
May 17, 2017
The Chicago Coin Club Board met May 17, 2017 at Connie’s Pizza, 2373 S. Archer Ave., Chicago. President Richard Lipman called the meeting to order at 6 PM with the following members present: Paul Hybert, Marc Stackler, Mark Wieclaw, Steve Zitowsky, Elliott Krieter, Melissa Gumm, Dale Lukanich, and Carl Wolf.
Mark Wieclaw reported on the progress of the 100th Anniversary Committee including a proposal to mark the centennial year by creating a Hall of Fame. A detailed handout was provided. After much discussion with many different opinions, the subject was tabled. The committee will hold an open meeting September 20, 2017 (the third Wednesday) and invites members to attend and share ideas.
Elliott Krieter was unanimously appointed as the Assistant Host Chair of the 2019 ANA Chicago Convention. Cross training committee and assistant chairs was discussed. Finding someone new to chair the Scout Merit Badge Committee was also discussed.
Several new locations were discussed for the Annual Banquet, Wednesday, December 13, 2017.
A discussion was held regarding the acceptance of Life Member applicants. Currently all Life Members are polled, which proves cumbersome. A unanimous decision was made to change acceptance to rest with The Board. Following this, the Life Membership application of William L. Riles was read and approved.
Other topics discussed included:
The next Board meeting will be held August 16, 2017 at Connie’s Pizza.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carl F. Wolf,
Date: | June 14, 2017, |
Time: | 6:45 PM |
Location: | Downtown Chicago
At the Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court, 3rd floor meeting room. Please remember the security measures at our meeting building: everyone must show their photo-ID and register at the guard’s desk. Nearby parking: South Loop Self Park, 318 South Federal Street; that is two short blocks west of our meeting site. Note: Their typical rate of $33 is reduced to $9 if you eat at the Plymouth Restaurant, 327 S. Plymouth Court (next to our meeting site at the CBA) — show the restaurant your parking ticket, and ask for a parking voucher. The restaurant offers standard sandwiches, burgers, and salads for members who want to meet for dinner. Members start arriving at 5pm. |
Featured Program: | Shanna Schmidt
— Coinage of Syracuse, 5th - 3rd Century B.C.
Syracuse was one of the most powerful ancient Greek city-states in the Mediterranean. It was rich in commerce, culture, amphitheaters, and architecture. Some ancient historians called it the most beautiful of Greek cities. During this period the artistry of their die engravers was at an all time high and they issued some of the most beautiful coins ever struck, even by the standards of today. Be sure to attend this meeting and hear the story of how the coins of Syracuse evolved into a pieces of art and not just a means of commerce. Shanna Schmidt’s love of ancient Greek coins came at a very young age. She grew up in a house where ancient coinage was an everyday topic. |
Unless stated otherwise, our regular monthly CCC Meeting is in downtown Chicago on the second Wednesday of the month; the starting time is 6:45PM.
June | 14 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Shanna Schmidt on Coinage of Syracuse, 5th - 3rd Century B.C. |
July | 12 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Dale Lukanich on Counterfeit British Bank Notes Produced in a German Concentration Camp |
August | 1-5 | ANA in Denver, Colorado this year, so we can relax and play tourist — for details, see http://www.worldsfairofmoney.com. |
August | 9 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - to be announced |
September | 13 | CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - to be announced |
September | 21-23 | ILNA 58th Annual Coin & Currency Show at the Pheasant Run Resort, 4051 East Main Street, St. Charles, IL. Details, including hours and events, is available at http://www.ilnaclub.org |
All correspondence pertaining to Club matters
should be addressed to the Secretary and mailed to:
P.O. Box 2301
Elected positions (two-year terms): | |
Richard Lipman | - President |
Marc Stackler | - First Vice President |
John Riley | - Second Vice President |
William Burd | - Archivist |
Directors: | Steve Ambos
Melissa Gumm Dale Lukanich Mark Wieclaw |
Appointed positions: | |
Elliott Krieter | - Immediate Past President |
Carl Wolf | - Secretary |
Steve Zitowsky | - Treasurer |
Paul Hybert | - Chatter Editor, webmaster |
Jeffrey Rosinia | - ANA Club Representative |
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with a little cutting and pasting to fill out each print page.
The webpage is available before the Chatter is mailed.
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send an email to chatter_editor@yahoo.com.
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