
Archive available at
Volume 58 No. 10 October 2012

Call for Club Auction Lots
November 14, 2012

The club auction is scheduled for 7PM, near the start of the regular November club meeting. In the past few years, club related material (and Chicago area numismatic items) have had the best results. Some printed material also has shown good results. Please consider using the club auction to dispose of the numismatic items you no longer need.

You can place a reserve on each lot, and there is no commission charged to either the buyer or seller. Auction lot viewing will be held before the meeting starts, and again briefly before the auction starts.

The November Chatter will contain a list of all auction lots that are known to us by Tuesday, October 30. You can either e-mail your list to Paul Hybert by Tuesday, October 30 if you plan to bring your lots with you to the November meeting; or you can ship your items to Bill Burd by Tuesday, October 30.

Bill Burd
CCC-A Dept.
Chicago Coin Company
6455 W. Archer Ave.
Chicago, IL 60638
Paul Hybert
312-791-9001, evenings

If you have questions, Bill can be reached at 773-586-7666.

Minutes of the 1125th Meeting

The 1125th meeting of the Chicago Coin Club was held September 12, 2012 in the Chicago Bar Association Building, 321 S. Plymouth Court, Downtown Chicago. First Vice President Elliott Krieter called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM with an attendance of 21 members and 1 guest, Darrell Luedtke. VP Krieter reported President Jeffrey Rosinia is recovering and hopes to attend a Board meeting September 26th and the October 10th regular meeting.

A motion was passed to accept the August Minutes as published in the Chatter. Treasurer Steve Zitowsky gave a detailed report showing August revenue of $183.78, expenses of $281.36 and total assets of $20,250.79 held in Life Membership $1,670.00 and member equity $18,580.79. A $25.00 expense for lost safe deposit key was highlighted. Steve reported the Club’s safe deposit box at the Chase Bank was closed and the material moved to a vault at Chicago Coin Company. A motion was passed to approve the report.

The membership application of Harold Eckardt received a second reading and a motion was passed to accept him into membership.

Reports from the recent ANA Philadelphia Convention included:

It was announced that the Club will sponsor 7 “ABCs of Collecting” talks for beginner collectors at the ILNA Show, September 13-15, 2012 in Tinley Park. Future programs were announced including Gerard Anasziewicz “Russian Wire Money,” Fred Holabird, Reno, NV “The Casa Grande Improvement Co. & the Arizona Land Fraud,” and Bob Wallace “A Coin-Collecting American Boy in Rome” at the December 12 Annual Banquet. Steve Zitowsky & Carl Wolf, Banquet Co-Chairs, reported the banquet cost remains at $45.00 per person with reservations required. Banquet location is Marcello’s Restaurant, 645 W. North Avenue. Cocktails & hors d’oeuvres begin at 6 pm, and dinner at 7 pm.

V.P. Krieter introduced featured speaker Darrell Luedtke who traveled from Milwaukee and spoke on Wonderful World of Wooden Money. Following a question and answer period, Elliott presented Darrell with an ANA Educational Certificate and an engraved Club medal.

Second V.P. Rich Lipman announced the evening’s ten exhibitors: PHIL CARRIGAN – an 1831 Cap Bust dime, Old Ironside’s plaque, and two books; EUGENE FREEMAN – Montreal Cheval bridge token, 1776 Hesse-Cassel thaler, and Lakota tribal 2-unit copper coin; RICHARD LIPMAN – Compound Interest Treasury Notes, National Gold Bank Note, and $1 note with a serial number of all sixes; DARREN HOOPER – copy of the lawsuit involving the ten 1933 Double Eagle Gold coins and 2 Eisenhower Dollars; DALE CARLSON – 2012 ANA Panda and the 7 coin 2012 Canadian specimen set; ROBERT FEILER – watch made from 1948 Mexican 5 peso; MARK WIECLAW – aluminum token issued by Kerry Wetterstrom, Chairman of the 2012 ANA Philadelphia Convention, two $5 gold Canadian coins, two ancient staters, and an ancient Roman lead seal; ROBERT LEONARD – an historical atlas and five numismatic books reflecting a recent trip; MARC STACKLER – 2 Mexican hacienda tokens of wood and cardboard; and STEVE AMBOS – Chinese tael boat sycee and Nurhachi cash coin from 1616-1626.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 PM with the next meeting scheduled at 6:45 PM, October 10, 2012 at the same location.

Respectfully Submitted,
Carl Wolf, Secretary

Speaker’s Wor[l]d
Wonderful World of Wooden Money

a presentation by Darrell Luedtke,
to our September 12, 2012 meeting

Drawing on a background good enough to be the President of the International Organization of Wooden Money Collectors, Darrell followed a brief history of wooden money with a wideranging, current overview of the field. He was upfront in explaining part of the attraction to collectors — most pieces are inexpensive. Another attraction is the many possible ways of collecting. The split tally sticks of medieval England was the program’s first example of wooden money.

A thin wooden stick was split lengthwise — not in a straight line, but with sawtooth notches of varying widths, so that one piece was a mirror image of the other. The translation from notches to values was quickly covered. As a record of a loan, the borrower and lender each received one side when the loan was made, and they were presented when the loan was paid. They also were used for payment of taxes. Tally sticks were used in England from 1100 to 1826. During an 1834 government effort at housekeeping, the old sticks were burned; the fire spread, and both houses of parliament were destroyed.

Chinese banks used wooden bank notes from 1736 to 1936. We some a few examples from his collection; thay have a hole at one end, and Chinese chracters on the shown side. Wooden Mexican hacienda tokens were issued from the mid-1880s to the 1930s; one side of the shown round pieces has a number — it is the number of sheep sheared. The first European city to issue official wooden money was the Austrian city of Hadersfeld. It issued five series on thin plywood in 1920, in denominations of 10, 20, and 50 heller; a quick view of all 15 pieces ended the background part of the presentation. On to the terminology!

In the United States, a piece of wooden money is known as a “wooden nickel” no matter what the denomination or the item it is good for. We were introduced to the four general classes — official, semi-official, common, and maverick — while being shown samples of each. “Offical” wooden money is used for an official function or event, and is issued by a state, county, or city; since a Chamber of Commerce would actually issue the piece, any piece produced by a Chamber of Commerce is considered official. Official pieces were issued in two shapes: rectangular (known as flat) pieces were, in general, issued before 1955, while round pieces have been produced since 1955 due to their lower cost of production. In the current market, examples of official flat wooden money are priced at $5 and up, but rarities can go for more than $1,000; examples of official round wooden money are generally priced by the issue year: $2 for newer than 1990, $3 if from the 1980s, $3.50 if from the 1970s, $4 if from the 1960s, and $5 if from the 1950s.

“Semi-official” issues are very similar to the official issues, differing in the issuer and quantity: they are issued by an individual, business, or organization instead of a Chamber of Commerce or special committee, and they could be issued in the thousands. The pricing of semi-official issues starts at $1. “Common” wooden money covers issues from businesses, groups, or individuals — in other words, anybody; they can mark any type of event, or just be promotional. The only requirement here is that the issuer of the piece be known. The prices for these pieces start at 25¢. “Maverick” wooden money includes anything that cannot be identified as to its origin — once the issuer has been identified, it moves to common. Some are of stock design, and prices start at 1¢.

Having completed the overview, it was time to look at a range of US wooden nickels! The first US wooden money was issued in Tenino, Washington after the Citizen’s Bank of Tenino (pronounced 10-9-oh) failed on December 5, 1931. Faced with a shortage of change in their isolated community, the Chamber of Commerce had the local newspaper print on rectangular pieces of thin wood, each good for 25¢. Of the forty pieces made, the fragile one gently passed around is one of only 17 known today. The first round wooden pieces were issued in 1933 in Blaine, Washington, when their bank failed. We saw a set of five denominations: 5¢, 10¢, 25¢, 50¢, and $1. Some other places soon issued their own pieces — some flat, some round. The 1933 Century of Progress expo in Chicago was the first place to use wooden money as souvenirs. The USS Constitution was visiting Washington ports in 1933, and the Chambers of Commerce in Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Brenerton, Olympia, and Longview issued souvenir pieces — the Olympia piece used oyster shell instead of wood.

The Fenton, Michigan Centennial Committee was the first to commemorate a centennial with wooden money, printing 2,500 pieces in each denomination: 1, 2, and 5 wooden nickels. The flat pieces show Col. Fenton, while the 20 special 1 wooden nickel pieces for the planning committee members show a Mr. Leroy, who had lost the naming rights to the new town in a hand of poker with Col. Fenton. To add some local flavor to the presentation, flats from the 1935 centennial celebrations for Elgin and Des Plaines, Illinois were shown. Flats from Amarillo, Texas celebrate the opening of the “Will Rogers Highway (National U.S. Highway 66)” on August 15-18, 1838.

A 1964 issue by The First National Bank of Monroe,Wisconsin led off a range of round nickels. With 20,000 printed they are not rare, but their storied history was guaranteed after the US government seized the last 450 from the bank — the bank had been promoting them, too hard for the government’s taste, in response to the shortage of silver coins. Many VFW and American Legion posts have issued wooden nickels either to advertise their posts or specials, and we saw just a small sampling of the many thousands out there. Among the restaurant chains whose issues we saw were Sambo’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Dairy Queen, and McDonald’s.

Darrell concluded the program with notes on current resources: the ninth edition of the Guide Book of Wooden Money, published in 2010, lists over 32,000 official and semi-official issues; and the IOWMC serves its many members with its monthly newsletter, Bunyan’s Chips.

Current Advertisers

CSNS Convention Chicago Coin Company
CPMX & CICF Harlan J. Berk, Ltd.

Show and Tell

Items shown at our September 12, 2012 meeting.

  1. Phil Carrigan showed recent acquisitions:
  2. Eugene Freeman showed a range of items tied to North America:
  3. Rich Lipman continued his theme of early US Federal paper money:
  4. Darren Hooper showed some recent acquisitions:
  5. Dale Carlson showed acquisitions from the ANA convention:
  6. At his recent retirement party, Bob Feiler was given a windup watch made out of a silver 1948 5 peso coin of Mexico. Stopping at a jewelry store on the way to our meeting, Bob was told the well-made piece was made in the Philippines, using a very good Russian movement that is no longer manufactured.
  7. Mark Wieclaw showed a wide range of items:
  8. A July cruise around the Black Sea led Robert Leonard to show one numismatic book for each of the five countries he visited (four of the books were acquired on the trip).
  9. Marc Stackler showed hacienda tokens from the Mexican Republic and Revolution eras:
  10. Steve Ambos showed some recently acquired Chinese items:

Minutes of the 2013 Chicago ANA Convention Committee

September 19, 2012

The third meeting of the 2013 Chicago ANA Convention Committee was called to order by Assistant Host Chairman Bill Burd on Wednesday September 19, 2012 at 6:15 PM in the offices of Harlan J. Berk, 77 W. Washington, Suite 1320, Downtown Chicago.

The following members were present: William Burd, Robert Feiler, Richard Lipman, Eugene Freeman, Harlan Berk, Sharon Blocker, Kevin Blocker, Marc Ricard, and Carl Wolf. Harlan Berk was given a warm round of applause for providing dinner from Reza’s Restaurant and parking vouchers for those parked in the Wabash-Randolph Self Parking Ramp at 20 East Randolph.

Committee Reports:

  1. Carl Wolf, Volunteer Committee Chairman
  2. Eugene Freeman, Scout Committee Chairman
  3. Richard Lipman, Page Chairman
  4. Dale Lukanich, Money Talks Chairman
  5. Marc Ricard, Exhibit Chairman
  6. “Money Talks” Speaker Medals
  7. Miscellaneous:

The Assistant Host Chairman asked for the next meeting on October 17th, at 6:00 PM in the offices of Harlan J. Berk, 77 W. Washington, Suite 1320, Downtown Chicago. A number of committee members could not make that date and requested October 24th. Host Chairman Mark Wieclaw will get back to the committee on this.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:18 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Carl Wolf, Secretary
Chicago Coin Club

Minutes of the Chicago Coin Club Board of Directors

September 25, 2012

The September 25, 2012 meeting of the Chicago Coin Club Board of Governors was held at Connie’s Pizza, 2372 S. Archer, Chicago, IL. President Jeffrey Rosinia called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM with the following in attendance: Mark Wieclaw, Steve Zitowsky, Eugene Freeman, Elliott Krieter, Marc Stackler, Robert Feiler, William Burd, and Carl Wolf.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:29 PM.

Carl F. Wolf, Secretary

Our 1126th Meeting

Date:October 10, 2012
Time:6:45 PM
Location:Downtown Chicago
At the Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court, 3rd floor meeting room. Please remember the security measures at our meeting building: everyone must show their photo-ID and register at the guard’s desk. Nearby parking: South Loop Self Park, 318 South Federal Street; that is two short blocks west of our meeting site. Note: Their typical rate of $29 is reduced to $6 if you eat at the Plymouth Restaurant, 327 S. Plymouth Court (next to our meeting site at the CBA), show them your parking ticket, and ask the restaurant for a parking voucher. The restaurant offers standard sandwiches, burgers, and salads for members who want to meet for dinner. Another before-meeting favorite of some members is the Ceres Restaurant, located inside the Board of Trade Building, at LaSalle and Jackson.
Featured speaker:Gerard Anaszewicz - Russian Wire Money, circ. 1380-1533 AD

Russia was slow to accommodate commerce with a common form of money. In the late 14th century, ruling princes in many cities began to issue a form of coinage we call “wire money.” These small crudely struck coins were Russia’s first widely accepted coinage. Gerry has collected and studied these coins for 40+ years. Be sure to attend and hear the story of how the coins started out as rolled copper and silver wire, then cut into sections, annealed, and finally struck into coinage. Irregular shapes are the rule in this coin series and the Cyrillic legends are rarely complete. These coins seldom appear at shows and everyone at the meeting can expect to see some of the finest examples of this coinage.

Important Dates

October 10 CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Gerard Anaszewicz on Russian Wire Money, circ. 1380-1533 AD
Nov 9-11 PCDA National Coin and Currency Convention at the Crown Plaza Chicago O’Hare, 5440 North River Road, Rosemont, IL. Admission is $5 for Friday through Sunday. Details at
Nov 10 CCC Meeting - 1pm at the PCDA National Coin and Currency Convention, which is held at the Crown Plaza Chicago O’Hare, 5440 North River Road, Rosemont, IL. No admission charge for our meeting.
Featured Speaker - Fred N. Holabird on The Casa Grande Improvement Co. and the Arizona Land Fraud
November 14 CCC Meeting - Club Auction - no featured speaker
December 12 CCC Meeting - Annual Banquet - Featured Speaker - Robert Wallace on A Coin-Collecting American Boy in Rome

Chatter Matter

All correspondence pertaining to Club matters should be addressed to the Secretary and mailed to:

P.O. Box 2301

Club Officers

Jeffrey Rosinia- President
Elliott Krieter- First Vice President
Richard Lipman- Second Vice President
William Burd- Archivist
Directors:Robert Feiler
Eugene Freeman
Marc Stackler
Carl Wolf
Other positions held are:
Carl Wolf- Secretary
Steve Zitowsky- Treasurer
Paul Hybert- Chatter Editor
Robert Feiler- ANA Club Representative

Contacting Your Editor / Chatter Delivery Option

The print version of the Chatter is simply a printout of the Chatter web page, with a little cutting and pasting to fill out each print page. The web page is available before the Chatter is mailed.
If you would like to receive an email link to the latest issue instead of a mailed print copy send an email to You can resume receiving a mailed print copy at any time, just by sending another email.