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Chicago Coin Club
Volume 49 No. 1 January 2003

A Club E-mail List

It has been about one year since the club's automated and unmoderated email list was discontinued. Recently, Carl Wolf took it upon himself to reactivate the list as a manually operated list. Using feedback from list users and advice from Bill Burd and Paul Hybert, the club's list is back in a new form.

Our members have a variety of Ethernet and email capabilities, so we will offer three email list options. Review the following group descriptions, decide which group is right for you, and then email your preferred group to Carl. (The groups are distinguished by amount of traffic.) Of course you will be able to change or drop this at any time, simply by emailing Carl again.

Important club notices that cannot wait until the next Chatter issue. These will not contain pictures or large items; this is perfect for receiving email at work, or if you have a slow dial-up connection.

All group-1 emails, plus the requests for assistance we receive. Examples are: "How can I get more information on ..." and "What do I have and what is it worth?" These can very likely contain images and be quite large.

Group-3 All group-2 emails, plus everything else we receive, if it is related to numismatics. This can include: ANA & ANS press releases; list of items for sale; promotion of numismatic web sites; and more things from people we never heard of. Selecting this group could send many large emails your way, and much could be duplicates if you already check web sites, read newsgoups, and are on email lists.

If you have an announcement for the club's members, email it to Carl and he will send it to the appropriate groups. Carl's email address is

Remarks on Cabeen Award & Exhibit Winners

The exhibiting of numismatic materials is an important component of the Chicago Coin Club monthly meetings. Exhibits are evaluated on a peer basis. The member score sheet for each exhibitor is accumulated over a year and each exhibitor's point total reconciled. The person receiving the most points is the recipient of the coveted Cabeen Award.

The following are brief descriptions of the persons recognized this evening as top CCC exhibitors. My descriptions are something of a snapshot view with a touch of humor.

Honorable Mention:

Award Winners:

Mark Wieclaw - nearly always exhibits ancients (possibly his true numismatic affection) along with a category called "guess what came over the counter" at the coin store or a similar contemporary theme. Both the ancient and other categories of his exhibits are solidly presented with neat information.

Bob Weinstein - the exhibitor of coins from the middle of time. (By middle I mean, post ancient and pre the rest of time!) This is the equivalent of saying Bob's coins are after the year 400 and before 1400. They originate from countries which alway raise the question in my mind: "Why don't I remember ever hearing of that nation/place in school!?"

Phil Carrigan

Our 1009th Meeting

Date:January 8, 2003
Time:7:00 PM
Location:Downtown Chicago
Please remember the security measures at our meeting building: give a club officer the names of all your guests prior to the meeting day; and everyone must show their photo-ID at the security desk.
Featured speaker:Kevin Dailey - French 20 Francs, the First Euros

After reviewing the various French rulers that appear on the coins, Kevin will examine the similar-sized gold coins that it spawned in other countries, including the United States.

Important Dates

January 8 CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - Kevin Dailey on French 20 Francs, the First Euros
February 12 CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - to be announced
February 21-23 9th Annual Chicago Paper Money Expo (CPMX) at the Holiday Inn O'Hare, 5440 North River Road, Rosemont. Admission is $5.
February 22 CCC Meeting - 1pm at the Chicago Paper Money Exposition, which is held at the Holiday Inn O'Hare, 5440 N. River Road, Rosemont, IL. No admission charge for our meeting.
Featured Speaker - to be announced.
March 12 CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - to be announced
April 9 CCC Meeting - Featured Speaker - John Wright on to be announced
April 25-27 28th Annual Chicago International Coin Fair (CICF) at the Holiday Inn O'Hare, 5440 North River Road, Rosemont. Admission is $5.
April 26 CCC Meeting - 1pm at the Chicago International Coin Fair (CICF), which is held at the Holiday Inn O'Hare, 5440 North River Road, Rosemont, IL. No admission charge for our meeting.
Featured Speaker - to be announced

Birthday and Year Joined

February 1 Damon Todd Skinner 1999
February 2 Tillie Boosel
February 9 Steven G. Zitowsky 1991
February 16 Donald H. Dool 1998
February 25 Walter Pershke 1968
February 27 Ronald Martino 1991

Chatter Matter

All correspondence pertaining to Club matters should be addressed to the Secretary and mailed to:

P.O. Box 2301

Visit Our Web Site

Contacting Your Editor

Paul R. Hybert

Club Officers

Mark Wieclaw- President
Robert Feiler- First Vice President
Jeff Rosinia- Second Vice President
Directors:Lyle Daly
Mike Metras
Steve Zitowsky
Carl Wolf
Other positions held are:
Lyle Daly- Secretary Treasurer
Paul Hybert- Chatter Editor
Phil Carrigan- Archivist